Thursday, September 05, 2019

Today's Blind Items - The Boyfriends

If you have been a long time reader of the site, then you have seen me write about my history with this A list mostly movie actress. Even though she doesn't act as much any longer, I think it is fair to still call her A list. We have always had an odd relationship from that first time we met which was documented in this space. I don't remember if I assigned her initials. No matter. Over the years, she would go through long long stretches where, in order to protect her career, she would distance herself. Totally understandable. As the years have gone on though, she doesn't seem to care any longer and the stretches are pretty much non-existent. Not that long ago we had a chance to talk about some of her exes. One in particular makes me laugh thinking about it. She says that when she would have sex with this at the time A+ lister, he would talk to himself the entire time and it almost was as if he was acting as a broadcaster. Things like, "That has to feel good for her." "He looks to be enjoying it too." "This is a position I haven't seen in a long time." There were dozens just like this. Sometimes he would be in character, especially when they first started dating and she thought that would fade once the movie wrapped, but it would come out from time to time. She said each day was more bizarre than the previous and wondered if he would have kept things like that or worse, the longer they went out.


Tricia13 said...
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Tricia13 said...
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MDAnderson said...

Sandra Bullock?

Rosie riveter said...

I'll take Things That Only Men Do for 200 Alex

MDAnderson said...

Matt M for the guy??

Sus said...

Renée Zellweger and Jim Carrey?

sandybrook said...

Renee Zeilweger and Clooney?

sandybrook said...

Or since it doesnt say actor maybe her and Jack White?

Guesser said...

This sounds like Renee, would someone link to the blind about when they met?

Thia said...

haha Can you even imagine? I don't think I could keep from laughing if some guy was doing that. Hysterical. Can't wait for a reveal on this one.

Tricia13 said...

Who was the one in the blind about the cell phone and the nude pix.She wound up crashing at Entys? The Bf kept calling I incessantly?

Guesser said...

@sandybrook,It doesn't say actor but it mentioned a film wrapping up,in hopes he only kept in character for that.

Anonymous said...

Liv Tyler?

MDAnderson said...

Was that Jennifer love Hewitt??

L said...

Cameron Diaz

sandybrook said...

Yeah I see that now @guesser so I'll stick with Clooney

Tricia13 said...

I think maybe yes... she got really drunk etc. but not her here I guess..

Guesser said...

@Sus got it,I think. I forgot they were a real couple,I hope she didn't get the gift that keeps on giving.

Alf Landon said...

Me,Myself and Irene -seems like a good guess,

La Morena said...

Oh my god this is the most hilarious entry in Enty history!! Bravo !!

TeeHee@U said...

LOL I would have to ask WTF are you doing and died laughing so I couldn't go on....I have seen Jim Carey talk tin 3rd person in one of his movies I am pretty sure. Did him or MM ever do a sports announcer movie?

Guesser said...

@sandybrook,assuming she actually had sex with Clooney makes it a stretch.

Hamish said...

Sounds like Winona Rider to me. Pick a weirdo bf from the list. I'm going to say Tom Green for the sex narrator.

Guesser said...

Something like " Paradise by the dashboard light" the Phil Rizzuto play by play.

Brayson87 said...

I don't know, sounds like it might be fun to try once or twice 😅

Post Cards From The Edge said...

Renee was the one whom enty met before she was famous. They went to a party at someone's cabin. She was wicked good at beer pong. They met Matthew Mcwhatever there too for the first time. Blind gossip has a blind about her right now....has dated 3 gay men and one straight but abusive guy.

Nicole said...

I had an ex who said, "Oh, Mommy, Mommy!"
I freaked out and told him to never do it again.
He did, I told him to leave when we were still in the act.

gauloise said...

It sounds like something Robin Williams would do.

Carrey is a good guess, and Jeff Goldblum sprang to mind for some reason, I think it is definitely a comic.

Anonymous said...

This will be someone older, imo...Kathleen Turner, Sigourney Weaver, Holly Hunter age group... maybe Glenn Close

Rosemary Young said...

Stories like this are why I keep coming back to this site in spite of the content being 95% junk. 👍

gauloise said...

Wasn't Amanda Peet a friend of Enty's She dated Ben Stiller. I could def see him doing that

Rosemary Young said...

+1. LOL

Anonymous said...

The blind says "doesn't act much". Renee has a film coming out next month.

princessstarstripes said...

Is it Will Ferrell around the time of Anchor Man?

Brayson87 said...

@Nicole, Now you know how guys feel when women say "Daddy" ;)

Me said...

It has to be an actor that enjoys the sound of his own voice so much that he talks to himself in the first person in the presence of others.

It is a mostly movie actress which means it cannot be Sandra Bullock which excludes Matthew McConaughey.

It has to be Renee Zellweger which means it has to be George Clooney.

Woa! He got all that one! ...grrrr! Baseball! Fahrvergnügen!

L said...

Okay I just had an image of Cameron Diaz and Mike Myers banging, and him dirty talking as a Shrek

squirrelmistress said...

drew barrymore and tom green

Vita said...


atoukzug said...

Not sure of dating/marriage history, but my mind went straight to Hank Azaria channeling Brockmire during sex.

mooshki said...

Less pedophilia, more of this, please! 😂😂😂😂

AbbyRock said...

Wonder if this was one A+ lister's personalities peeking out during sex. So bizarre but funny too

Canuck Lurker said...

I think it's Renee and Jim Carrey, they made Me, Myself and Irene a comedy about multiple personality disorder, hence the reference to thinking he would stop talking in the third person when the movie was over, and he was definitely A+ at the time.

ReallyDonna said...

I think this is Heather Graham and Heath Ledger

Me said...


I did not want to bring this because Ms. Zellweger plus I love bashing Clooney but that you mention it...

"I am a sentient being..."

He says to himself "Self! This position will be illuminating..."

"He's painting her a masterpiece!"

Baby Face said...

Renee Zellweger & Jim Carey

Baby Face said...

Can you imagine his "O" face...OMG...cracked myself up!

Alf Landon said...

Clooney, Cooper the two gays
Carrey the abuser

Alf Landon said...

They screwed up BucWheats replacing the maple syrup flavor with honey flavor

dummypants said...

I think Jim Carrey is right but I think the actress is Lauren Holly

Anonymous said...

I hope there is a reveal on this one soon!!!

JMA said...

Kate Beckinsale and . . .

BaronessOrczy said...

SJP and RDJ.

Brayson87 said...

@Baroness, Are you saying that RDJ is an equestrian?🤔

Strangertruths12 said...

All I can hear is Jeff Goldblum's idea if this is him but I can sure see/hear him doing this. Gross.

Brayson87 said...

Goldblum's supposedly a threesome man, no time to narrate ;)

BRAD PITT said...

Mark Hamill thinks attacking Trump will deflect what his son did to Maegan Chen

Magnolia Melee said...

After some quick research I'll guess Jennifer Love Hewitt and Joey Lawrence.....hahahaha

Marisa said...

Renee Zellweger was in Texas Chainsaw Massacre with Matthew McConaughey in 1994. Funny thing, I went to see if that was her 1st movie(I thought it was, it wasn't) and it said she had an uncredited part in Dazed & Confused as "Girl in blue truck". I don't remember her in that. Granted, I haven't watched it in a few years...

If I had to guess, I'd say the guy was Jim Carey. He seems the type.

Unknown said...

I couldn't think who the woman was but it had to be Jim Carrey. I used to like him but he needs to be on meds, he's starting to lose touch with reality.

texasrose said...

Sounds like something Will Ferrell would say during 'Anchorman' filming but probably Zellweller/Carey during Me, Myself &Irene.

Cody said...

I have no clue for the actress but want to throw this guess out there for the actor. Ryan Reynolds. I've seen him on Graham Norton talking about how he loves to speak to his wife with his announcer voice and make up commentary like he's a professional broadcaster or doing a commercial.
I'm sure you can find examples on You Tube.

TeeHee@U said...

As we know ENTY goes with what is popular at the moment aka in celebrity news...I still say Renee and Jim (BG is always talking bout her abusive ex aka Jim). She is doing PR for her new movie on Judy and calling in her old "friends" like ENTY/ BG and past love lief to create hype. She and her team know what she is doing LOL. Jim Carey has also been in the news for being a psycho the last 2 days. Sooooo...past behavior is the great yah...Renee and Jim. lol

molly said...

Speaking in third person is significant schizophrenia symptom.Not done very often, esp. to this extent......

Monkey Mich said...

Russell Crow and Meg Ryan. "Go Russ, Go"

Post Cards From The Edge said...

@monkey i can imagine him yelling Are YOU NOT ENTERTAINED??? and hitting her with a phone if she said no

Kimberley said...

Kate Beckinsale and Pete Davidson

Studio54 said...

Melanie Griffith for the A list actress. Enty knows her.

AtlantAnne said...

Jennifer Aniston?

GoodAshBadAsh said...

Or Michael Sheen...


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