Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Blind Item #12

Who is the "famed and well-respected broadcaster," that Matt Lauer forced to have sex with him and who subsequently left NBC?


  1. Replies
    1. Correct. Lauer almost knocked her up at the torino italy Olympics. ..allegedly of course, nbc shipped her west for Hollywood puff pieces

  2. Ann Curry? I hope not.

    1. Hmm. She was harsh on him . Good call Sandy. But he and Morales has many a rumor no?

    2. Yep wasnt there one about him being the father of her kid ?

    3. Ann left Todsy in 2012. +1

  3. First thought was Natalie and that’s why they shipped her off to LA

  4. Yeah but Morales isnt a respected journalist. Plus I think we "know" how she got her job in the first place.

  5. Boy, I hope it's not Ann Curry, too! She really had a rough time with him, and if this was part of it, it would make even more sense, and make his tale even more despicable.

  6. I was thinking maybe Soledad could work.

  7. Tamron hall was also booted. Not sure if it was all because of Megyn kelly. Like the Ann curry guess too.

  8. Wow, how many people was Matt Lauer raping over there at NBC? The peacock protects predators like it's their job.

  9. It was reported that this newscaster left NBC in 2012. That's the year Ann Curry left.

  10. Al Roker?

    Craig Melvin?

    After all, this IS CDAN.

    1. Maybe that’s why Al pooped his pants at the White House. He was ass raped by Lauer.

  11. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Soledad and I'd be pissed as all hell if she had to succumb but also wouldn't blame her as she is amazing and probably did what she had to do. Matt Lauer is a hack punk with pseudo good looks. Disgusts me to think ANYONE has to fuck anyone else for a job but Matt was such a meh inconsequential jerk it makes me even madder and sadder.

    1. Those are typically the ones who run that game because it's the only game they have.

  12. Looks like people are saying Ann Curry.

    Can't wait to see the SNL skit about Matt Lauer anally raping everyone.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Amy robach left in 2012?? So could be her

  15. Who does Larry King work for?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Soledad is a great guess, too. She left NBC/MSNBC in 2003

  18. Nathalie's kids go to school with my sister's kids and if that last one isn't Matt Lauer's kid, then Ronan isn't Frank's kid.

  19. Sorry, i forget to refresh before commenting

  20. Natalie Morales wasn't "forced" to do anything...nor did she "leave" the network. She was shipped off to LA - but still on NBC - even on the Today show in segments.
    I heard that she went to LA at the bequest of Lauer...whose wife was pitching a fit when Natalie was trying to get the big chair...that they gave to the boring, non-threatening Amazon horse woman - Savannah.

  21. and funny that no one has mentioned Katie Couric.

  22. What? Matt Lauer has pseudo good looks? He looks like a balding possum although I’m sure the possum is nicer, and more respectful. I think he boned as many as he could get his hands on, so I have no idea.

    1. Holy shit, Astra! Long time lurker, but that comment deserves praise for being true and damn hilarious. Also my guess is Robach.

  23. Amy Robauch? Not sure about spelling but she is at ABC now.

  24. I had been willing to give Matt Lauer his day in court,but now he seems to be a serial rapist. And so many knew. What years will roll now on the sanctimonious network?

  25. This feels unfair and invasive to speculate about.

  26. Not playing the name the rape victim game,it seems she will be public soon enough.

  27. Consider the possibility there is more than one correct answer.

  28. Oh @Astra Worthington, you made me spew my water.

  29. "Well-respected" eliminates any guesses I might have.

  30. This doesn't seem like it could be Ann -
    says he was far above her and had influence on whether she got assignments...
    Ann Curry didn't need "assignments" - so it almost has to be Amy Robach.

  31. Who the hell at NBC ever gave Matt Lauer that much power?

    1. Typically, insignificant little scatsucking turds assume the power as decent people are respectful and try to do things the right way. But being media, the right way gets you nothing but used.

  32. Erin Burnett, CNBC. Also harassed by Chris Matthews.

    1. I remember watching an episode years ago of ellen...chris matthews was on and they did a bit and he accidentlygroped her it was a big joke but is there more to it in reality? Is he known for groping tho?

  33. @David Andrews: Who gave Matt Lauer that much power? Revolting Jeff Zucker, currently running CNN, who was also Trump's boss at NBC.

    Erin Burnett left CNBC for CNN in 2011.

  34. Morales is fluff. ANN CURRY is legit news and a tall glass of water with that amazing presence and voice plus didn't he get her FIRED from her TODAY gig - or so she insinuated.

  35. Robach, the timing fits and the look and age seem closer to Lauer's style than Curry.

  36. I was just asking that myself David andrews! What's the story on that?! Also...what's the story on Katie curic?? She must have know something.

    1. All I know is she couldn't stand him.

  37. And there's no way Frank Sinatra is Ronan Farrow's father:

  38. Wow....way to make it about Trump.
    "Matt Lauer is rapey man bad"

    but in reality...though The Apprentice ran on was a Trump and Mark Burnett Production so...not so much Zucker. Good try though.
    TDS is real.

  39. Zucker was vile Trump's boss at NBC

  40. I would rather lick a frozen stripper pole in the dead of winter and go through the whole shabang of getting it unstuck than be in the presence of Jeff Zucker for one moment.

  41. Oh...well if Politico's twatter account says so then...must be correct. Pardon me for looking at actual fucking facts.

    I stand corrected then, Matt Lauer's rapey-ness in fact, comes from Trump having definitely, for sure, certainly being bossed by Zucker....and it's all Trump's fault that Matt Lauer is a rapist.
    got it.

  42. It was Politico quoting Zucker about what he and NBC paid vile Trump while at NBC.

  43. I hope everyone interested in Matt Lauer reads how The National Enquirer shredded an entire safe's worth of held back stories on Trump, going back decades, after he was elected:

  44. There has been rumors about Matt Lauer for literally decades! I'm a simple housewife in CT AND even I knew he was cheating on his wife for the duration of that marriage.


  45. Words have (or should have) meaning, and the key word here is "famed". That eliminates Morales and O'Brien I believe. Curry as well, at least for me. The only one, then, that makes sense to me is Couric.

    Altho I really like the Brokaw guess.


  46. ESB - they always said it was a matter of time. When that kid grew up, there was supposed to be no doubt it belonged to Lauer. You seem to be confirming that is the case.


  47. I just don't think Morales is who this blind is intended to refer to.

  48. i vote for katie. she's a respected, famed broadcaster, and her husband died in '89 and she left 'today' in 2006. plenty of time in there for lauer to do something slimy.

  49. @Don't Step: Several months ago, when the Joy Reid scandal was going on, someone leaked footage of Chris Matthews before an interview with Hillary, "joking" about drugging her drink, ala Bill Cosby, with a rape drug.

    After that was leaked came another leak that Erin Burnett, then a hard news up and coming reporter on finance and Wall Street for CNBC that she left CNBC and her rising career because of harassment from Chris Matthews. One time on camera, Matthews told the camera to zoom back to show all of Erin "so everyone could see how beautiful she is." She was an outstanding Wall Street reporter (who did a great special on Trump's businesses and their victims a few months ago at CNN). Suddenly, she was gone. That's what makes me think Matt was after her also. She was a young, well respected reporter there.

  50. Giada? But I think forced and pressured are two very different things, and in this climate, as a woman, I am sad at the lack of responsibility some people take for their choices. This kind of bad behavior is in every field, and some women play the game to get ahead. Some of us didn’t. I knew colleagues who slept with our bosses, and if one of them specifically cried rape later, I wouldn’t believe them. Especially not after an affair. I know people respond differently to different experiences, but from what I have experienced, I do not believe or support so much of what’s going on. Everyone probably knows a creepy pig in their work history, I can think of plenty who abused their authority and positions, but there’s a difference between illegal and just a gross entitled pig to avoid. Not everyone engaged. The way you shut this down is everyone saying no to nonsense being part of any work environment and meaning it. But plenty of women use their sexuality to get ahead in every field, and not many call that out for having deprived the more deserving, legitimate candidate their opportunity.

    1. I don't think any woman would sleep with a man just to get ahead

  51. You want a story? You know how it was alleged that Lauer would lock his victims in what was it, his dressing room? Tho Markle went willingly with him in there twice.. anyway, Lauer’s first tv gig was PM Magazine, I think on the NBC affiliate in Providence, RI. His cohost, Sheila Martines was a hardcore alcoholic, and she got canned from the show after she somehow got locked in the trunk of her car and her car was abandoned by the side of the highway in Serkonk, MA. When the cops found her she was still in the trunk and roaring drunk. The speculation from friends who saw the two at local bars was they were having an affair. Locking her in the trunk sounds like his M.O.

  52. Here are some links on what I was referring to:

  53. Tricia is right. Natalie rumors has been out there for years. I think it’s been on CDAN before. That’s why she got shipped off.

  54. Most definitely going with Amy Robach. Natalie hasn't left NBC, they just sent her to LA. Amy left NBC for ABC in 2012.

  55. Easy: Kathie Lee Gifford!

  56. This is Amy Robach - an actual journalist, news broadcaster who left in 2012.
    The articles were very clear that the person is a serious broadcaster who was subject to Matt's whims of interest at the time for career advancement - not fluff (natalie) and not a near-equal (Ann)...and left IN 2012. Not before (Katie, Soledad, Meredith), not after (erica hill and others).

  57. @Bee - but is Robach "famed"?

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Sounds like he raped everyone but the peacock, but that bird is male.

  60. Ann Curry.

  61. Might it not be easier to shout out,
    "Could anyone who has not been raped by Matt Layer please raise their hand? Thank you."

  62. Barbara Walters. And not just once either.

  63. Lauer should go to jail. If this was John Q Citizen, he would already have been tried. Enough of paying people to go away. This only enables sexual predators to attack more women.

  64. Story says she left the Today Show in 2012. Ann Curry left the Today Show in 2012.

  65. I guess Amy Robach is a possible also.

  66. Also Clair Boothe Luce, by the utilization of a Ouija board.

  67. Greta Van Sustern? Diane Sawyer? Nancy Grace? Oprah? Rosie O'Donnell? Meredith Viera? Kathy Lee Gifford? Regus Philbin? Peter Jennings? Dan Rather?

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Brooke Nevis is the lady in question.

  70. Natalie Morales still does dateline on I'd as well. Still part 9fothe NBC family

  71. Why is everyone calling him a serial rapist? First of all, the "anal" chick continued to meet with him and have sex long after the alleged assault. It was a consensual affair. The 2012 mystery one is saying he raped that one. It was another affair. Did he do like Weinstein and take advantage of his powerful position to screw as many women as possible? Sounds like it. But all indications is this is also like the Weinstein situation where there is no shortage of whores willing to spread their legs to get ahead. THAT IS NOT RAPE. It is a rutting pig and willing whores.

  72. I remember watching the Today show the morning Ann Curry left. She was holding back something as much as humanly possible. It was obvious. And when that scumbag Lauer reached over to hug her she was clearly repulsed by it.

    I used to see Lauer mid-day skulking about in the Madison Ave + 48th vicinity. Several times over the years. Always with a sneer on his face. Very creepy demeanor if you ask me. It stood out in a city of creeps.

  73. Kinda think we are getting bogged down by Enty's bare-boned description.
    The source of all of the articles is here

    Read it and you will see...this is not Ann. She fits part of the article's description but most of
    Regardless of whether you think Amy Robach is "Famed" - she is....on NBC - Today and Weekend Today, MSNBC - Keith Olbermann and morning Joe, and ABC - 20/20 co-anchor, GMA news anchor.
    20/20 and GMA are...famed.

  74. Seems like envy now just copies and paste from BG
    For a little over 2 years, it has been clear this is not the real Enty- prob make some bucks so an hire others to do the work ala Lori Laughlin

  75. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Throw a rock and apparently you will hit one! Dude banged everybody. I just wonder if he ever ventured into M2M territory?

  76. Anonymous8:04 AM

    A lot of cases of "regret rape" now that Lauer is no longer powerful. He was a handsome man in his day and I'm sure most of the women in this "news" branch of show business had done a lot worse than blown a good looking guy in his office.
    Imagine after Matt had finished with you being called down to Zucker's office.

  77. You do know what site you are commenting on, right?

  78. they give him the vag but he takes the bum also and then they cry rape -- so tired of these type of women!

  79. It's Pippa Middleton. I think that's why he used "famed and well-respected broadcaster".

  80. At this point should we just assume that it is/was every woman who ever lived? Helen Keller, Amelia Earhart, Charo, Abigail Adams, etc?

  81. He was with Morales but that was consensual. Lot of rumors that one of her kids is Lauer's. She finally left Today to get away from him.

  82. Based on the comments, I'm guessing it was Amy Robach, Ann knew about it so Lauer got her fired.

  83. Its amy robach. Fact.

  84. There is some comment GOLD amongst all the seriousness. Knit Wit wins for +1000!

  85. Not Katy Tur - she shacked up with Olberman to get her gig

  86. Natalie Morales has two children & the youngest is eleven. Wasn’t this supposed to have happened seven years ago? I don’t think it’s her, although she & her husband of a gazillion years recently separated...



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