Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Blind Item #3

The people behind this permanent A list "singer" make her record videos all of the time and then post those videos when it suits their needs best. It is bizarre.


Tricia13 said...


SeijnSei said...

Some of those videos are clearly not her though.

Lisa said...

One of my favorite scenes in The Office is when Michael Scott rolls up to the camera in his car with a Lady Gaga song blaring.

"It's Britney bitch!"

Kelly said...

I have yet to figure out why though...What's the purpose of doing this?

Unknown said...
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Kelly said...

TrapQueen. Understood, except in most of the videos she appears to anything but ok. So either this is a BS blind, or the "people" behind these videos are dumb asses.

Thia said...

Brit's latest IG video is odd, to say the least. I'm not sure what purpose it serves, but I watched it twice.

For those of you not in IG, here's the link: https://www.instagram.com/p/B4L4WwugnAT/

Brayson87 said...

Britney definitely puts up some weird videos it's true.

MeliticusBee said...

Her whole instagram account is weird - and there are tons of weird vids.
Some of the blinds are just "hey look at this shit" because everyone knows who it is about...just pointing out new not-news and new news.

MeliticusBee said...

Super weird....in this one - she is riding a bike while clearly being trailed by someone in a car or golf cart....
just weird.

B626 said...

Britney’s IG account solely for pushing perfume and merchandise.
She’s trapped.

Unknown said...

Does this include her Pornhub video?

AngelSleuth said...

Britney - It's not just the weird videos, the captions don't sound like something she would say.

Uhhhh... said...

Yes, have you ever heard of an Illuminati Handler?

Anonymous said...

They keep the narrative going that she is crazy so they can control her and the money..They can easily lead her to believe if she does what she’s told they will release her, when really they just control the narrative so the public thinks she actually needs the constant oversight.. if she trusts her parents, then she thinks that she is just doing what she has to, in order to
Prove she’s okay.. I speak from experience- Ppl who are able to gain control of someone else’s money will do evil, unthinkable things to keep that control.

Brayson87 said...

@Uhhh, sounds like a flashlight or solar lantern, what is it?

Frederick said...


It's very sad. She is being used and controlled. They throw her in mental hospitals whenever she goes against them.

DaveDixter said...

It's basically my mom's bathing suit from 1960. Looks like she's off the psychotropics the way her feet are moving normally and her balance is spot on.

Anastasia Beaverhausen said...

Lmao..I know the exact episode! Thanks for the laugh;-)


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