Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Blind Item #9

Apparently she has been pretty good at hiding it so far, but this foreign born B+ list singer is still hooked on a variety of drugs, so the actor boyfriend will eventually figure it out.


  1. Lily Allen and David Harbour

  2. Lily Allen and David Harbour

  3. Lily Allen and her dude

  4. No Halsey isn’t it. American born

  5. So what as long she's not using needles, it's not like he's going to marry her.

  6. Enty must be taking a dump. Heard it takes 45 minutes just to line up the holes.

  7. Lily Allen and David Harbour

  8. Lilly Allen and David Harbour?

  9. Halsey and poor old Evan Peters.

  10. I feel like Im in the Twilight Zone...I wrote answers to all of these, but new comments are being posted...can that happen before the "stored" ones, or were all of those erased or not recorded?

    For kicks, Ill write it again...I thought Lily Allen and David Harbour

    1. That’s what I guessed a while ago... hasn’t posted

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


    3. Their claim to fame is that of the most disdained, yet “hardest working “troll to be deleted /scrubbed from
      Every thread.... #Goals#

  11. @Cinnamon Halsey was born in the US

  12. @ Vita ... IDK, when I posted it came up as the first and only comment. Comments were being moderated so not sure how the queue works.

  13. @vita, same here, none of my other comments showed up.

  14. Hopefully just a lagtime, and not Ghosts in the Machine losing them to the ethers!🙀

  15. Enty starts approving at the top of the list/newest,instead of scrolling to the bottom/resorting

  16. I posted on some just to get notifications when it's done. Troll moderation alert.

  17. Wow, I posted lily allen & david harbour for an answer when this was first posted & the comment still hasn’t/or never appeared. Wtf?

  18. @Boldblond - yup, my mistake. Thanks! I did not realize she was born in Jersey

  19. I think Enty just gave up moderating the comments. I have no clue what is going on.

  20. +1 Everybody, I posted very tame and unoffensive comments and nothing has shown up yet from before.

  21. I don't even think the moderating is about trolls, it's about damage control because a certain someone died recently and some things came out.

    1. Brayson, what came out besides the name everyone has known for yrs?

    2. John Doe is using twitter to essentially call out Enty and apologize all over himself for being a part of fake stories and fake outrage (where every single famous person is a pedo or dies by redscarf suicide) for so long.
      It's actually quite interesting, you would like it, if you twatter?

    3. I got a 12hr twitter ban like 6months ago. The countdown clock doesnt start until i give them my phone #. That aint happening. They also refuse to tell me what part of my tweet violated their rules. All i did was comment on a pic of Howard Stern that a buddy posted. "That gray stubble with that jet black wig is as clear a sign of broken toy as a bimbo w/ kool aid colored hair." They banned all 6 of my accts, some of which were abandoned, and only 1 engaged in trolling, which was yrs ago.

  22. @Brayson, I think part of it is about our lovely troll but you nailed it with the other part.

  23. Jessie J and The Tater?

  24. @Thia, Yes it truly is the worst troll, it's not even funny or changes its strategies or has conspiracy theories. It doesn't even get that angry.

    Actually it doesn't seem like a guy troll at all. I mean its main complaints are Tricia's time management skills and whether she's a good mother. Men don't really give a crap about either of those things in others.

    1. There are a few of us who know exactly who it is.,and you are correct. Poor thing. As for the Time Mngmt skills/kids- I hate having to repeat it over and over,but I don’t have to work,and my kids go to school
      FT . It’s not Quantum Physics lol

    2. Tricia - sweet girl, you don't owe anyone a reason for why you are here, woman!!! I very much appreciate your guesses. Imagine if we all had to put the reason for the when and why we are free to post? Scary!!

    3. Thanks Erin! Also... lots of good people here,more good than bad ,I’ve always said❤️

  25. @Vita: None of my comments have been published. The moderating is annoying enough, but if the comments aren’t even going to be published, why bother?

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I agree Brayson. Also agree aquagirl

  28. Lily Allen and David Harbour.

  29. I'm loving Evan Peters and Halsey. Mostly because you know it drives Julia's niece even CRAAAAAAZIER HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  30. None of my comments have been posted either. It seems there is a whitelist of a handful of commenters.

    I understanding moderating comments, but shadow banning comments from people who have never been negative is not fair and what's the point of visiting ?

  31. Evan Peters is awesome, great actor. I don't think having a coked up girlfriend will be a totally new experience for him.

  32. @gauloise, It looks more like all the comments got dumped. Like it was an accident or Enty saw a ton of comments he'd have to review and said eff it and just deleted them.

  33. @Tricia, Yes it's just ridiculous. I have to admit, for a while there the troll was so silly that I thought maybe it was you making yourself more popular haha 😅 It was like a grandmother troll, like when a grandmother chews someone out and it sounds very mild lol.

    1. Mild ?! I wouldn’t use that description, not at all. Anyone here for years understands what I’m
      Talking about. Cretinous, Dom maybe.

  34. I'm seeing comments on other threads coming out that were posted HOURS ago, so I think there was a glitch or most recent got approved first.

    @Count - a lot of freaky stuff is going on on Twitter about TG.

  35. @Count, You can google it, apparently a relative started talking to people, I don't think it would be appreciated here.
    I don't care personally, I never came here for that guy's posts. I found out about CDAN when the Weinstein stuff came out and stuck around because the commenters were fun.

    1. Saw nothing on Google, twitter search brought up the daughters acct. Would! I thought his kids were younger. Will look into it more while i am killin time as my kid is at the Halloween party at his school.

  36. I wonder if Lily Allen is still paying for the services of female escorts?

  37. I've been watching that, Rosie. It also looked like he deleted his account yesterday, but it's back today. It's very odd watching this unfold as players come out of the wood work.

  38. I'm sorry, the comments snafu was my fault. I thought I turned off moderation last night.

  39. Oh John Doe, that's nothing, not what I meant.
    Wow now he's actually apologized to Andrew, Weinstein, Ratner, Franco, Allen, Singer, Spacey, Sheen, etc. If you check his list he apologizes twice to Bryan Singer in the same paragraph, is he trying to send a signal for help lol. These are people even the mainstream media has even identified as shady if not outright criminals.

    His big advice is that if people are going to read CDAN then they should read the disclaimer at the bottom. Yeah no sh!t sherlock, it's what every newbie gets told.

  40. Brayson, I saw that. Weird.

    Entern#7 - no big, but thanks for the explanation!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. @Tricia, Yes the more personal attacks the troll did against you it seemed obvious it was a disturbed person. Like they really need some professional help.

  43. Tricia has been stalked on here for as long as I can remember, & I started reading in 2014. His name apparently is Derek & he makes fake accounts on here all the time harassing her

  44. Entern#7 -- Easy mistake, and happy that was all it was! Thanks for explanation!

    Tricia-- Yes, "mild" doesn't fit what you've dealt with. Always happy you've weathered the storms and stayed.

  45. Yes I just meant mild like the troll constantly complaining about Tricia spending too much time on here, like she wasn't getting her chores done or something. I didn't know about the past stuff at first.

  46. @Count, You are not alone, they even banned a woman for tweeting bimbo at herself. Afterwards she did experiments to try figure out what combination of words with bimbo will get you banned.

    1. Cant type Bimbo, but can post clips of any vile porn from throat gagging to tranny fisting. Makes total sense.

  47. I got banned from twitter within a few seconds of registering an account. I was banned too fast to even make a tweet, or like a tweet, or well, anything. I'm not giving them my cell number. I am with you, Count, on that.

    1. My theory on why they want cell # so bad is because cell company will give up your info quicker than isp will. If they need to contact me or password recovery, email is fine.

  48. Lily and David. It's like watching a slow car wreck with those two. Really thought he was a smarter guy.

  49. @Brayson 87 very strange for John Doe to treat people whose stories have been in mainstream news the same as those who are only rumored in gossip blogs. I don't know his motives, he should just keep quiet and start over again. Maybe only print things from multiple sources. But the Singers and Spacey's need to be exposed,they are still benefiting from bad behavior. I know you weren't here from way back,but @Tricia13 has put up with a lot from @Derek,etc. He? would sometimes go normal for awhile, and the changes over the years has been downright scary. It's a full time obsession at this point.

  50. Anonymous10:01 PM

    I've been banned 5 times from Twitter. It's not even worth the trouble to create another account. Let Bette Midler and the other acid face pink haired goblins have that haunted house.

  51. Speaking of Spacey...another accuser died.

  52. Gab.AI is the censorship free alternative to twitter, but it is full on crazy

  53. Can't the authorities do something about thos Derek idiot?
    Surely this viciousness aimed at one person is a criminal offence?
    I think the evidence is clear for them to see, so why isn't this warped individual charged?

  54. if you have never been banned from Twitter, then you're a fucking brainless cunt



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