Sunday, October 20, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #6

October 11, 2019

I always love when this A-/B+ list actress from an acting family is asked about two of her former co-stars. She never knows what to say and always looks flummoxed. Look, both sides hate each other. Simple as that. The two co-stars have a very good reason for their hate.

Candace Cameron Bure/Olsen twins


Unknown said...

She hid their cigarettes?

Cold in Ct said...

@Unknown LOL

Flashy Vic said...

She offered them something to eat?

Simon said...

Would love to know what that is all about!

TeeHee@U said...
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TeeHee@U said...
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TeeHee@U said...
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Notagoodscreenname said...

“ Candance is up there with Christine Brinkley, Shania Twain, Michele Pheifer beauty.“

Are you on hallucinogens?

TeeHee@U said...
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MountainMama said...

Snort, lol, snort at Candace being on the same level of beauty as Christine, Michele or even Shania

Flashy Vic said...

Michele Pfeifer is the sort of women that women think of as beautiful, but men not so much. A bit stringy, emaciated and insipid. Probably perfect as a clothes hanger, but that's it.

She was once described by the writer Julie Burchill as "looking like a junkie who has been crying all night"

Unknown said...

I like Candace. I get the impression the Olsen twins don't eat, smoke like chimney's and smell like dirty ashtrays.

Lady Leaves said...

I'm going to guess that the Olsen's have a problem with Candace because of her Christian beliefs. Maybe she said something to them that they thought she had no business involving herself in.

TeeHee@U said...
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TeeHee@U said...
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TeeHee@U said...
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Flashy Vic said...

@TeeHee. Charlize isn't exactly my cup of tea but I can't deny shes a beautiful woman. In the same way an E type Jaguar is beautiful, wonderfully put together, a feast for the eyes, but the maintenance bills and heartache will make you want to stick it in the crusher.

Shania is far more my type of girl. She caused some serious trouser fumbling with me, especially in her 'Man I feel like a woman' days.

I've no idea who Gabrielle Union is.

Andi said...

The Olsens got all the attention when on the show & now can do whatever they want, which doesn't include crappy reunion shows.

TeeHee@U said...
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hunter said...

Jesus christ her name is CANDACE not CADENCE holy shit

TeeHee@U said...

Oh NO! I spelled her name wrong. The HORROR.

Seriously, spell check is your issue?

clevername said...

I don't get the "feuding" vibes from Candace. She is pretty straight forward about things. Remember when she called out the girl over the not today satan shirt? She just wants to work out whatever the problem is. I DO think the Olsens have hate toward the show. There are all sorts of creepy rumors about Bob Saget. Maybe Candace fumbles with something to say because she is trying to keep her work place peaceful and that means not saying anything in interviews... thus not knowing what to say.

OKay said...

Omigod YES. Spellcheck should be everybody's issue!

TeeHee@U said...
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pegd said...

I went to a taping of Full House (Steffi goes to the Dentist). Other than the guys checking out the audience the whole time I didn't notice anything strange.

TeeHee@U said...
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Unknown said...

Are you sure?
I could have sworn it was Candida.

MichiganMama59 said...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Everyone has a different idea of who is beautiful, and thank God for that.

Guesser said...

This is the wrong place for grammar and spelling police. For one,Enty beats all,and two, a site that exists on real time response will get autocorrect and speed typos. Not to mention the ad blocked keyboard. And Candace and her beauty is a matter of preference, she certainly aged better than the Olsen Twins. And takes pride in her appearance. Mary Kate and Ashley literally troll us by looking bad,and it's written up as a fashion statement.

postaldog said...

@Lady Leaves or perhaps the twins mocked Candace for her beliefs or upbringing or refusal to go with the usual Hollywood nonsense. Disdain and intolerance aren't the sole purview of Christians or those who try to adhere to their faith. Plenty of hateful bigots in the non-secular crowd.

Artful Roger said...

It's really strange. While I know her brother has a habit of inserting himself and rubbing people the wrong way, Candace doesn't seem AS bad. I've not read about anyone really having an issue with her before. She SEEMS to be a genuine person. However, we all know people can put on a really good acting job.

Bob, i'm pretty sure, said something along the lines of talking to them a few times a year at least and considers them family. So unless he's lying, which could be, they seem ok with him.

I'm very curious, because it at least APPEARS, (I don't know what goes on behind the scenes) that Jodie and Candace get along ok, and Jodie has had a pretty hectic drug infused life herself. So it feels like if it's a matter of Candace being judgmental about the Olson's, she'd have judged Jodie just as hard. Unless she did, they made amends and The Olson's just don't feel like doing that.

Unknown said...

Inserting himself?
How very rude of him!

Anonymous said...

Beauty is subjective. Michele Pfeiffer always looked like a duck to me. I'm guessing a couch was involved in launching her career.

kiki71 said...

Olsens are a waste of space, They have all that money from doing trash content straight to video kid stuff that material wise is awful. Candace is preachy yes but the relationship with Jodi would signal she is kind. Dude, something wrong with the 'strong family values' in that Kurt is about the biggest supposed closet case in Hollywood. He bashes homosexuals but probably is one. That isn't just holier than thou but hypocritical sad.

Krissie said...

Unknown said...
I like Candace. I get the impression the Olsen twins don't eat, smoke like chimney's and smell like dirty ashtrays.

You'd be correct in this impression. They stink and they don't eat. They do drink though

pegd said...

Candace and Jodi were on one of the last Hoda and KLG shows and did a "newlyweds" segment which they won because they said and clearly showed that they know each other well and are good friends.

Vmamz said...

I’ve seen her in person with no makeup on and she’s stunning. Julie Burchill is just jealous

Count Jerkula said...

Bullshit, Flashy. Pfeiffer is sexy as hell. Easily the best Catwoman. Held up well into old bag ages, too.

Aquagirl said...

@Count: I’m with you. I think she’s gorgeous. Catwoman, The Fabulous Baker Boys (singing on the piano), etc. Too bad she’s in the bs ‘Maleficent’. They brought her in last minute & must’ve paid her a fortune to take the focus away from crazy Angelina.

Fabrizio123 said...

@Flashy Vic

that's an odd assessment. Michelle was Miss California and in Fabulous Baker Boys and What Lies Beneath she's super beautiful as in I've got a massive crush on her. She's getting old now but back in the day she was...unreal.

Ulf said...

She's got boobs, they don't....

TeeHee@U said...
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TeeHee@U said...
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Krabapples said...

So, to illustrate your non-point, you use a quote from ...a woman. In any case, Burchill is the absolute dregs.

Flashy Vic said...

I just think she's a hound, Krabbs. But like other posters have said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Burchill is gay, so erm...has a dog in the fight. She can be quite a funny writer but is certainly no oil painting herself as she'd admit herself and is apparently a collosal pain in the arse to deal with.

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Gator said...

Yeah, right, Amanda Byne's parents were so protective....her father, maybe. Her mother was always off, and loves the cameras too much.

SlimKeith said...

Charlize Theron doesn't come from money. She's said in interviews they lived nicely but above their means and when her father died, the family was in a lot of debt. She's self-made. It took a lot of guts to come here from South Africa. I know she's a hard person but sometimes you gotta be to get from where she was to where she is now.

MelaC said...

Michelle Pfeifer and Shania were attractive BEFORE they went overboard with plastic surgery. I used to think Shania was stunning. Not any more. As for Ms Brinkley, she's never been famous here in Australia. From snippets I've seen about her on ET (on tv) she's a sad case constantly flaunting her lifes greatest achievement: looking younger than her chronological age. Her vanity makes me cringe.

MelaC said...

No no, it's Candelabra.

MelaC said...

Candace objected to a slogan on someones t-shirt? That's not really any of her business (if she did). If she's that uptight....and the interchangeable Olsens ate as uptight as they look (I've NEVER seen them smile) perhaps THAT'S the reason they may not get along 🤷🏻‍♀️

MelaC said...

Unless Jodie overcame her addiction by 'discovering god' & is a born again christian. That could be the bond perhaps?

Mrs Libnish said...

Because she believes in Jesus Christ and the twins are satan worshipers? Possibly.

A.Claire said...

Good reason for their hatred of her? Hmmm... This has to be something other than a difference in religious beliefs. This is deeper than that.

Brayson87 said...

+1 A.Claire, It's something beyond going to different churches.

+1 MelaC, Seems like plastic surgery destroys as many pretty faces as it helps.

Anonymous said...

I am sure Candace tried to shove her I am so pious, Christian B.S. down their throats and the twins were not there for it and who can blame them. I cannot stand her either!

MelaC said...

TBH I can't think of anyone who looks better after plastic surgery.

Unknown said...

Michelle Pffieifer was a b-grade Debbie Harry. There was never a more beautiful woman on the planet as Blondie in the 70's/80's. Only Marilyn Monroe


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