Thursday, November 21, 2019

Blind Item #10

The alliterate royal has at least three separate meetings with production companies and her agent lined up for when she is in LA. 


Tricia13 said...


MDAnderson said...

Good ole megs

MyDogSmiles said...

Massive Markle

sandybrook said...


IndieRaga said...

Still lusting Hollywood Fame?
You won the ultimate lottery, even Grace gave it up, and she was A Lister!

Trapped said...

Megan Markle

J said...

Plus countless In-N-Out runs.

Meanwhile Harry will be lecturing at Griffith Observatory.

Brayson87 said...

Are they doing a reboot, The Devil in Miss Markle?

Vita said...

She clearly does not want to be a royal, in the British public servant sense. Cut her loose, and let her try to be the great actress and celeb she thinks she is.

Boldblonde said...

Make her go away!!!

J said...

Brayson, it'll be a Food Channel remake of Insatiable.

MeliticusBee said...

Is she really Royal? Really?
Can't we just call her "aging hooker, married to a royal"....?

Pissoff said...

She is a Princess. Respect

kiki71 said...

@indie Rags but did she REALLY? I mean you are in every tabloid but what a boring way to live. Waving, cutting ribbons, shaking hands. Meg didn't really think it out. Such a dull existence, however pampered, and even then she is not supposed to take swag, dress sexy, be provocative, have political opinions, be paid to wear designers etc. I would HATE this life because it is just a dull figurehead. She LOVED attention. Now she hates being a waving hand in a pillbox hat or riding in a carriage, unable to plaster herself (her own personality or etc) anywhere. But to what ends is she meeting agents? Trying to field what would be 'digestable' offers (the RF wouldn't mind) or trying to figure out what her life would be like IF she divorced Harry?

J said...

I respect accomplishments.

She held a suitcase on a moronic game show. Then she was in a moronic tv show. And then she married a dolt.

I respect her accordingly.

Gator said...

I'm beginning to feel sorry for the queen at her age, having to deal with both MM and Andrew.

Sd Auntie said...

well i hope she pays taxes and stops whining about everything.

JL said...

Nope. Her title is by marriage so she is Prince Harry.

Sook said...

Perhaps her and Andrew could pitch a reality show called; Pedo and The Princess. They could call the pilot - No Sweat!

Brayson87 said...

If her job was to distract from Andrew, that plan went to sh!t, no more reason to keep her in the family. Maybe Harry was taking one for the team. Would explain why they hired a yachter.

Tru said...

They are beginning to remind me more and more of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, except that they’re exiling themselves.

Parade said...

Good for her, that family she married into is a mess with skewed priorities. Harry and Meghan should stay in the U.S.

J said...

Yes, please come to the US. We're facing a shortage of narcissistic dumbfucks.

Parade said...

When I discovered RF members earn £100,00 plus from each charity patronage I realized Harry and Meghan are so much better than that.

tehbird said...

She was an awful actress before. I actually checked her out on the Hallmark thing she did and she was awful, so affected in her delivery. What has changed? Nothing. The production companies will lose money and will be negatively affected by the affiliation unless she’s doing a documentary about her yacht whoring days with the sick, Satan-worshipping pedos... that could get some traction.

Clark Green said...

Honestly, I never heard of Sparkle before her courtship with Harry. Was she that big a star before they hooked up, or is she squeezing the royal connection for some bucks? She seems so out of place in that family. Oddly so. I can't imagine her being in the picture for very long. I see her as the next Sarah Ferguson. Pop out a few heirs and then pushed off to the side.

Anonymous said...

Andrew has been essentially fired. Lost his 250k salary; apparently it was Charles who made the decision; it's about time

Anonymous said...

Markle. She will be lucky to get Hallmark movies after her divorce. I stopped by People today to look at the MM articles. It's one big ad for the clothing and accessories she wears. Why am I not surprised her stans don't have any better taste?

CBGB said...

Good for her!

molly said...

There have always been questions as to whether Harry is really Phillip's wifey is making even the favorite brother look bad.And I believe DNA tests should be done on Andrew and Brice Taylor. Anywhoo. The Curse is a sure bet," All the plans of the dark ones to hurt others back fire back onto themselves, their enemies are blessed."

Nutty Flavor said...

@Ann, I don't think she can do Hallmark movies, or any fiction movies. Reality or documentaries, and neither one of them pay that well.

The real income stream for middle-aged actresses these days is merchandise lines - see Reese Witherspoon's Draper James, Jessica Alba's Honest, GOOP, Bethany Frankel, etc.

The problem is, in order to buy your merchandise, women have to want to be like you, and does anyone want to be like Meghan Markle?

She appears to have some super-fans, but it's hard to tell if they're real or paid.

E said...

@Nutty if those Kartrashian skanks can sell merch, so can Megs. Never underestimate the unintelligence of sub hoi polloi

Nutty Flavor said...

The Kardashians have a different target group, though - younger women, often urban women, possibly women without children and and therefore with more disposable income to spend on inexpensive things.

I don't think that target group is interested in Meg, and older women aren't that interested in her either.

Bleu said...

She's a duchess and will never be a princess in her own right.

Rosie riveter said...

Well JesustakeTheWheel. There's at least one royal who is being investigated for being a degenerate rapist and Meghan has THE NERVE to see her agent in LA?
The grifty grifterness of it all is appalling I tell you

Rosie riveter said...

Okay Dwight.

The Bad Witch 1 said...

Get your Names and Generations in order.

Then come back and try again. Idiot.

Angela said...

That's a retread of a previous blind item. Every six months or so, Enty claims that she desperately tries to get parts in major productions.

MattDaddy said...

Fifi LaRue said...

Marble is in her early 40s. No one younger is interested in her, and anyone older than 40 just don't care about her. Look at the magazines on the news racks. Markle's not on any covers. Let her take meetings in Hollywood where she's going to underwhelm everyone, even the office secretaries.

Markle's not too bright. As Nutty Flavor suggested, Markle should have had a continuing television show in Britain where she traveled around the Commonwealth discovering villages, interesting ruins, interesting places to visit, and places to eat. She would have been a star. Nope. Too stupid to think of that. Markle is the narcissist half-wit wife married to the whining half-wit. Two half-wits do not make a full wit; no, the stupidity is multiplied many times over.

KnitWit said...

She is the wife if the Duke if Sussex. Why not feature sights and businesses in Sussex ( without making them pay her). Architecture, small businesses, artisans, history.... Prove her worth as an influencer by promoting Sussex.

Mary said...

translates to the soHO Ho is looking to find out who will be her new pimp

Mary said...

Markle could never act, not is she intelligent. Face it all she has to merchandise is her drug abusing prince and Archificial oh and while she thinks she could sell rattle on the royal family, Markle has been exposed as a bad liar who not even Sunshine Sux could sell.

Mary said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mary said...

No she isn’t and her douchess title isn’ Even valid because under British law titles like that can only be given to a British citizen and the ho isn’t one and never will be

E said...

@Nutty I see your point. But Megs and her faux socialite persona, built with the help of faux-socials like Jessica Mulroney--are aimed at targeting the older version of those same Kartrashian types. And she'd knock it out of the park with that Frau crowd

Mango said...

@ JL - I believe the title is “Princess Henry of Wales”.

MM does seem to have some stans who are probably gullible enough to purchase clothing from her dull, overpriced “fashion line”.

Unknown said...

Heirs to what?
Harry is sixth in line.

monteverde said...

kiki, you are so so so very wrong.

She does not hate 'being a waving hand in a pillbox hat or riding in a carriage' whatsoever.

What she hates is that people despise her, that nobody fawns over her, that the public can see right through her. Her 3.5 engagements haven't been enough for her to hate anything about them. She wants to be loved, admired and respected, waving hand or not waving hand. She doesn't care how that admiration comes, as long as she gets it, because she believes she's entitled to it. That's why she tries everything, cookbooks, 'designing' a 2-piece work wardrobe of black pants and a white shirt, her Pinterest wall Vogue thingie, decorating fake cakes, scribbling bananas, being a professional victim in her own documentary, she would try anything, but she's no Kate, so she will never be liked.

The only thing she excels at, is being detestable.

Anonymous said...

Markle is a clone.
There are many of them. Produced for specific reasons.
Govt has had the technology for at least 60 yrs now.
This one was produced for distraction. Worked like a charm.

Anonymous said...

Can we re-clone Jennifer Connelly from around 1992 because those jugs were amazing

MrMister said...

She's kind of long on the tooth and getting geriatric for Hollywood, isn't she? And the royalty shit really isn't great shakes here.

Anonymous said...

Even if Megan Markle does start Acting again. I can guarantee that it will never be on the level that She thinks it's going to be on.

Most likely She will only be offered Cameos here and there for Network TV Shows or Maybe some Comedy Type Films.

TheInimitableNEET said...


Make it 1995 and I'll put you in touch with my resident mad scientist.

Ringo said...

Lmao why clone markle when there are thousands of better and more beautiful women.

Meggy seems desperate.


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