Monday, November 18, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 8, 2019

Of course it would make sense that the permanent A/A- list actor with the hand fetish and who has social media abuzz with what he has done to women while married and not, defends the child molesting director.

Jeff Goldblum/Woody Allen


  1. Plus he likes girls that are as young as possible granddaughters could be.

  2. What has he done to women?

  3. @Calicocatldy I'm curious too! WHat has he done? I always thought he was ok except for liking way younger girls.. But that's different than who else in Hollywood?

  4. Also curious about the Goldblum rumors. I've been waiting for him to turn out to be a creep for a while, but hadn't heard anything really.

  5. This blog presumes Woody Allen is guilty, guilty, guilty, so anyone who supports Allen will be being anonymously smeared by implication.
    Not a credible approach.

  6. Try clicking on the date for the original blind, sometimes there's useful information there.

    "Well we know he likes younger gals, but from what I’ve heard, there may be some cornering of women, inappropriate touching, etc that he claims was just flirting or tries to get out of using his charm. "


  7. @Amartel, This blog and most of the known world believes the accusers. That far off dot on the horizon, that's the boat where people might have believed Allen was innocent. That ship has sailed, it's not coming back. Allen defenders are increasingly in the same camp as MJ defenders.

  8. It's a matter of opinion, I guess.

  9. I don’t believe Woody Allen is a child molester. I believe Mia brainwashed her daughter.

  10. I find Jeff Goldblum's voice to be one of the most annoying sounds in the universe. It's probably more the way he speaks than the actual voice, but it's like nails on a chalkboard.

  11. So did the investigators, Diana. Man hating Enty and the Mia apologists here refuse to acknowledge facts.

  12. P.S. Goldblum is horrible. Only movie I can watch him in is Silverado, because I like when the whore kills him.

  13. Even the custody judge thought the so called investigators were a joke. I didn't want to believe either until I read the ruling. If you know anything about child predators you will see multiple red flags in Allen's behavior:

    33-page decision from New York Supreme Court Justice Elliott Wilk in Woody Allen’s 1992 custody suit

    Summary and Full version:

  14. I watched him on Strahan and Sara last week ( not by choice in my part). He was waaaay flirty and touchy with Sara and you could see she was uncomfortable.

  15. I just saw a commercial for his new show & I just don't understand who would watch it. I'm among the people who cannot stand the guy, for such reasons as his voice, his face & his long, wormy body LOL But this is awful too. I didn't know he dated young women & possibly has a history of worse. Even more reason to dislike the guy.

  16. I thought I was the only one who always thought he gave off creepster vibes .

  17. Woody did nothing wrong, as was confirmed by NYPD at the time. Enty is pals with Mia which is why we keep seeing her ancient allegations repeated. Goldblum I don't know about, just his hammy performance in Thor Ragnarok is enough to make me hate him.

  18. Telling lies repeatedly doesn't make them true.
    Both Mia and Woody were shite parents which seriously damages the credibility of her accusations about him.

  19. i remember when jodie foster was on letterman or conan and jeff goldblum was mentioned and she said something like "oh he's a lawsuit waiting to happen, isn't he?" and she had that kind of facial expression that was both joking and very-much-not-joking

  20. @Amartel, Then why do you keep insinuating that the allegations are based entirely on Mia's accusations? Read the judge's ruling, there's more evidence than Mia's testimony. And was the judge also a shite parent, should we disregard his analysis of the facts?

  21. @ Troy - I saw an episode of James Corden’s show a couple years ago in which Corden, the band and film crew drove to a “totally random” house in Studio City to film the ep. The guests that night were Jeff Goldblum and Beck (and what an ~amazing~ coincidence that the owner of the house, who worked in the film industry IIRC, was a huge Beck fan!! 🙄) One of the homeowner’s friends was an attractive young woman who Goldblum positively drooled over. The man could not help himself, despite mentioning his pregnant wife on the show. I like a lot of his work but I can totally see Goldblum being handsy or worse with the females on set.

  22. but was allowed to adopt 2 daughters?

    Mia is obviously mentally deranged. That's why nobody in their right mind, in whole of Hollywood and beyond, has been wanting to work with her for nearly 4 decades. But people all over the world want to work with Woody.

    She's a psycho.

  23. Apparently Goldblum hikes down the hill from his house to Chateau Marmont for pre arranged encounters with exuberant fans. Usually several times per week.
