Monday, December 16, 2019

Blind Item #11

Since the death of the billionaire pedophile, this foreign born permanent A list model has been wearing a unique piece of jewelry. She never wore it before his death that anyone has been able to find. It is a pentagram that she wears as part of a necklace and has done so multiple times. 


  1. Replies
    1. Was she wearing it when you docked your boat at Epstein Island for family-fun-time?

    2. Lol..I'm not hating on Tricia but she is a thirsty label-Mom. Fact.

    3. Who r these trolls that get so triggered by Tricia?
      TDS Tricia derangement syndrome

    4. How is it Naomi Campbell? When has she ever wore a pentagram necklace?

  2. Epstein and Campbell

  3. Her private island has a Eye of Horus on it. Nothing to see here folks.

  4. FYI @Tricia's island pic in Reader Photos last year was my absolute favorite of all time!

  5. Naomi owns an island?

    1. Tricia sent in a reader pic of herself, her two children and husband outside Epstein Island (where hundreds of children have been molested) and boasted that the family docks her boat infront of it "all the time". Mother of the year award goes to....

    2. Ewww! That's sick. She's posting pictures of her children even though she's supposedly harassed on here. Mygod, the brains are not strong with this one.

    3. I know and bragging about boat rides to Epstein Island like WTF? I guess since Neverland Ranch is closed down its the next best thing? 🤣

    4. Neverland Ranch was never a place used to molest children. Check your facts.

  6. Ok Pentagram signifies....?
    Plz enlighten me!

  7. IndieRaga, pentagram = witchcraft.

    1. Thank you Kimberly....

    2. Right side up: White witch. Inverted: Black witch and/or idiot hairdo bands trying to be edgy.

  8. I usually don't respond to non-Angela trolls, but it's important to clarify for those not here last year that there was no mention of anyone docking at Epstein's island. Just a fab pic of speedboating past the island. Great pic!

    1. Wrong. She said it.

    2. Go right ahead and ask her.

    3. Derick, you appear so unstable it’s scary. How many accounts do you have? Why not get a life instead of harassing a stranger! Scary jerk off

    4. I have one account I am using-this one.

  9. I agree. That was a great picture Tricia :)

  10. @E you are correct. Took pix with us flipping the bird at the island,which many appreciated as most of the world found him evil. That said I also took pix of the fire that was happening when they were destroying evidence but didn’t post it here. But you can’t argue with crazy,as we here know all too well👀

    1. Did you or did you not say you docked your boat with your children there "all the time". Don't bother denying it cause I will find the receipts. You have a lying problem.

  11. Thanks @My Dog🙏✌️

  12. You're welcome Tricia :)

  13. STFU one cares, you are a freak. Nothing you say or do is going to turn anyone here away from Tricia. Quit acting like a complete hairy ASSHOLE, and making shit up so you can justify your ranting.

    Who gives a shit whether she docked there, flipped the place off or nuked it to the ground. You are trying to correlate these actions with her mothering skills? No comprende with that complete shit show of a thought process.

    I wonder how much adrenachrome Naomi requires to keep her youthful glow. Oh, and kids to rape.

    1. Not making anything up.

    2. You are pathetic, and you need to do better

  14. Here you go kids:

  15. Poor little mousy Kristin Nicole, alone for the holidays AGAIN as usual and taking it out on people who actually have lives here on this board AS USUAL because she's the fucking cunt since 2012. Maybe try the Salvation Army, a lot of people will be there and the food is free and might even be better than the Skyline Chili you will be having otherwise toots.

    1. Skyline chili!!!! Hahahahahahahah

  16. Sandy,
    Cincy isn't far from you as the crow flies....
    You could hop on a commuter and fuck at least some of the crazy out of Kristin/Derek/Angela/Ladybaus. Lots and lots of anal I'm guessing...

    1. Thank God I live in Toronto and Sandy and his conspiracy theories about me have 0 percent truth to them to go along with 0 percent proof...but you can call me any name in the book..don't give a rats ass.


  18. Many Tricia lovers on the site. Does she suck all your kaks?

  19. We love Tricia.

  20. Anyone who's taken a boat ride between USVI and BVI or Jost van Dyke knows exactly where pedophile island is located. People take pictures of it all the time. Not sure why Tricia is being shamed for it.

  21. "Crazy" is definitely not checking precisely this site every fifteen minutes every day for hours, basically like a cuckoo, just to secure the first comment on the easiest blind items.

  22. Dear ladybaus/Tricia14/Tricia jr./Angela/Derek/Crazykristin/etc.
    I was friendly w/ TTM back when you were in your nascent stage. I don't mind your shenanigans. The simple fact remains that no matter how many shots you take at Tricia, she will still be a smokin hot, super cool, friendly woman with a great life. She lives in the Virgin Islands for cripes sake! I'm not sticking up for her (she does fine by herself), I'm just stating facts. Plus, you're totally fucking lying about the picture. I remember seeing it and thinking, "Tricia is soo cool and fun (sigh)!

  23. If you pay attention to the symbolism you will see they all use it. Who's the woman in congress that wears the pedo ring? Either mazie hirono or frederic wilson. Why do they always do the photos with one eye covered, or the okay sign over one eye?

  24. lol Angela,
    if you're a French man ...from France (snicker), who adamantly denies being a six on a good day female physical therapist from Cincy, why are you answering for her?
    I swear, every time you stir the shit you get it in your hair, then step in it and track it all over your dingy apt.

  25. I'll take countless Tricias over misogynistic bottom-feeding scatologist supreme developmental retards such as Jerkoff and J.

  26. @Cinnamon -yes it’s hard to
    Miss when you cruise our seas,and I was quite happy to give it the Fuck You /and watch it on fire. I also work with individuals from different platforms that collectively attempt to bring down those very people.(So the “Stupid “with that one is particularly rich... )And they will be brought down . One by one. They may not always comment here but they read.
    @Hairydawg- thank you:) It’s a good life,and I’m
    Happy you grasped the glee we all had 🖕 flipping the bird. Lots of dense ,deranged people here(and strangely many are the same person!!)
    Which reminds me-Angela- Fuck off you oxygen sucking douche. Thanks though for following me so closely that you know what I do every 15 minutes 🌹💅

    1. Know your hat you do every 15 minutes? We all know what you do every 15 minutes YOU ARE ON HERE ALL DAY FUCKING LONG IDIOT. WE ARE NOT BLIND. And you are not brain-dead like YOU. We know tr he difference between fact and fiction and the truth and a lie. Dig-up that Datalounge post you POS IM WAITING...AND TRICIA YIU ARE A NOBODY HELPING NO ONE. You rot your life away on here. Remember when you lord and said you were "volunteering your time building houses" 🤣
      Yet on here 24-7? Ho we do you look at yourself in the mirror with all your lying?

    2. *know what you do every 15 min
      Sorry for the wonky first sentence but her stupidity flabbergasted me

    3. Dammit man...turning off autocorrect I sound like her now *shivers*

      *We are not brain-dead like you
      *Remember when you lord about volunteering to help build houses.

    4. It's not just the first sentence that's wonky, lol. Why does what Tricia does or doesn't do bother you so much? Why do you care what kind of mother she is? If you don't like her, why do you keep coming back for more? You seem to be eaten up with jealousy and hatred. There are more important things in life than this. Find something you love that will bring you happiness and joy. I hope you find it. Life is too short for this.

    5. Cause ...she DOESNT OWN THIS SITE, fucktard.

    6. I don't recall her ever claiming to own this site.

  27. I think Naomi was gifted an island and a home on it. The home is shaped as The Eye of Horus.

    Easy to find information about this on Google.

  28. And thank you Boo Kitty!

  29. @LaurenMaye The person who wears the pedo ring in Congress is Sheila Jackson Lee who hails from Texas. Enjoy the show :)

  30. My pleasure, Tricia. As a neutral observer, I'm very happy pointing out the grace and elan you display while remaining ever humble and down to earth. Plus, it's great to hear the insights of someone who really worked in show business. You bring so much to the site!

    1. Well if you were friendly with Kristin at the he time with TTM and those folks it's pretty damn obvious I am not her-which Trasha and Sandy seem to be obsessed with making me be.

  31. @hairydawg

    I'm just stating facts that you can check. The blind items posted here every day follow some kind of automated schedule. I guess that they're prepared the night before and then programmed to be posted, usually, every 15 minutes during the next morning (9:00 AM, 9:15 AM, 9:30 AM, etc.). So, if you want to have a "firstie!", it just takes refreshing the site at the right precise time.

    For instance, the first blind item was posted today at 6:30 AM (which is quite early by the recent standards). Clockwork Cuckoo was taken by surprise, posting only at 6:41 AM.
    6:45 -> 6:50 (another delay)
    7:00 -> 7:00
    7:30 (yeah, the schedule was quite momentous today) -> 7:30
    7:45 -> 7:45
    8:00 -> 8:00
    8:15 is a reveal
    8:30 -> 8:32
    8:45 -> 8:45
    9:00, 9:20, 9:40, 10:00 reveals, or "Your Turn"
    10:10 -> 10:17 (this is what happens when somebody tinkers with the schedule)
    10:30 reveal
    10:45 -> 10:45
    11:00 -> 11:00 (but beaten on the clock by MDAnderson, that little bitch...)
    11:15 (this actual blind) -> 11:15
    11:30 -> 11:30
    11:45 -> 11:46

    This shows that this person basically organized five hours of her day (and her family) based on her estimation of the posting schedule (which was slightly off today, another day would be even more telling), just on the hope to be the first to write "Ben Affleck", "Drake", "Lindsay Lohan", "Justin Bieber" or "Meghan Markle" or any other name that's transparent due to the description.
    And it happens every day of the year.
    Call her as "super cool" as you want. That's just emptiness, addiction, and a huge dose of desperation. That's actually why I usually don't target her. But when she's celebrating the hollowness of her own life and when other people are impressed by such dedication, a wake-up call is appropriate.

    1. We arent dealing with a full deck of cards here. She actually just wrote that you " must be obsessed with her cause you know what she's up to every 15 min" ...I just..I give-up! 🤣🤣🤣

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. ☝️😂😂😂Nothing screams time on ones like that!
    Hairy dawg TY again, happy to be here so many good,some not, but true-nothing will deter me. Teflon baby.
    That said “Angela”🤔🙄Might want to go to a troll refresher course. They have gotten sooo sloppy over time ,oui ou non 😂)

  33. From 6:50 AM to 2:33 PM on the same site. That's truly "winning", as Charlie Sheen would say.

  34. @MyDog, your right!! Enjoying the show VERY much :D

  35. &MyDog..: I just searched your link and -yep! ✌️

  36. Obsesso is back. I picture tiny little font on its computer screen as it furiously types those elaborate posts.

    Check out the DataLounge thread. Those posts collectively equal the output of War and Peace

  37. @LaurenMaye Excellent :)

  38. Tricia,that's some creepy stuff right? Very reminiscent of Epstein's temple on his island...

  39. @MyDog, didn't mean to malign those other 2 fine upstanding citizens, haha!

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. On Datalounge *(@E)

  42. @LaurenMaye LOL I didn't recognize one of the names you mentioned but Hirono from Hawaii is insufferable. Remember during the Kavanaugh hearing when she kept saying "Believe all Women no matter what" *Eye Roll*


  43. @E someone here posted that link to “Angela”/Derek-Kristin’s /Ladybaus ‘ add naseaum tirade on Datalounge here- I tried to get through it it was pretty embarrassing for them .@MyDog I never got close (nobody does unless People with special boats and even submarines (yep-lovals told us and I’ve seen one recently in an article -crazy when you see I’ll try and find the link)

    2:53 PM Delete

    1. Are you insane? No one posted about me (Derek) on Datalounge. You have a severe lying problem. There Were people on Dlisted making fun of you and I joined of course (best time of my life) unfortunately I saved the link but comments on Disqus are deleted after a month and the comments are blank (might be two months ago...not sure but I am sure as hell not a LIAR like you.)
      Datalounge doesn't erase comments and have a built in search engine in the site and I typed many a names with many a titles with crazydaysandnights in the search bar and NOTHING came up. "Derek psycho crazydaysand nights blind item" "Derek CDAN blind item Tricia" etc
      Why do you LIE?
      And you know damn well I am not Angela. Are you that fucking stupid to see we have completely different writing styles and Angela is actually way classier and a better writer than me? I don't believe anything you say anymore. You KNOW that I KNOW what a loser you really are. And congrats on another 12 hours clocked in on this site AGAIN.

    2. And just read the thread and I bet it was embarassing for you. Not much love for Tricia on there 🤣

  44. I've seen some pretty wild videos shot on drone's right after he got arrested. That would be cool if you could find a link Tricia !!!

  45. @MyDog, as a female I second that eye roll :D I can't remember the name of the crazy chick that was testifying, a little MKULTRA anyone?? I saw those drone vids of Rustys. We all know whats going on. ( Hi Tricia! )

    Called The Carapace.. which also happens to mean “defensive covering”...

  47. Hi Lauren Maye! Have a good night all💕

  48. Kristin Nicole Walden, registered Democratic voter in Cincinnati, aged 28, you are as much as Canadian man as I am a 7'6" inch black man starring in the NBA. In other words you pathetic piece of white midwestern trash, you ain't. And you are fucking trash, like your family in Cleveland. And like your hero Donald Trump, a pathological, mentally-ill lying POS.

  49. **hero** beecause she hates him nearly as much as she hates tricia, as we've seen here many, many times before. A hate totally irrational for someone allegedly living in Toronto, but nice try as usual. And, as usual, you make a complete fool out of yourself. And keep coming back for more like the human punching bag you truly are, pig.

  50. Hi Angela,
    I wish you would read your last post in its entirety. No editorializing/commenting from me, but, I think it's very telling.
    I admit I checked back here to see if you'd replied with the intention of needling you some more.
    I would lavish more compliments on Tricia, but, she's probably had enough of that. She seems like a friendly woman who enjoys show biz and people in general. The rest is all you projecting. When you were just Kristin, way back when, you seemed a lot like her. You were smart and had tons of knowledge about movies, etc. Kind of like Angela without the condescension.
    Tricia wasn't even you're first target. TTM had that honor when you were her friend as Kristin and trolled her as Derek.
    I can't make this shit up. You've been doing it for over six years. Every day.
    Hell, I even took your side when you blew up Seven's secret CDAN trolling/alt club. Maybe think about just being Kristin? She was pretty cool

  51. @Tricia its SO proud of all its postings there, not realizing it shows way more about the author than anything else. Like anyone here really cares that some obsesso can't stand them, someone who counts subscribers and number of posts like Rainman with his box of toothpicks

  52. Can someone post the link to the Datalounge freak out? Lol and I think it’s funny that someone has so much free time that they precisely note every time another commenter posts a comment. While complaining that someone else doesn’t have a life. I’m sure making a quick guess on a post is totally the same waste of time as writing multiple paragraph screeds about how awful this site is and how lame the commenters here are. At least Tricia likes it here, doesn’t start shit, and isn’t endlessly droning on and on about how stupid Enty is and how terrible the blinds are and on and on and on.

    1. No because it doesn't exist. All Tricia does is lie. Her and Sandy make shit up without any receipts.

    2. Yes it exists. Couldn't link,but Google I am the Angela from CDaN,AMA Datalounge

    3. Ok I did and thanks for that info. However it just proves what a liar Tricia is cause my name DEREK (and you know damn well I'm not Angela-though I could be called worse) wasn't really mentioned in the first 50 posts I skimmed through. And I doubt the Angela that posts here even started that thread. Buy a sincere thanks for the info.

  53. It takes considerably less time to check the latest blind and answer than it does to troll someone who does. Not to mention make up new IDs,troll others, and go to another site and brag about yourself. @ Angela has something in common with someone "he" was obsessed with,and appears to be unaware of this. I suppose moderated comments will be here shortly.

  54. Why on Earth would anyone in their right mind brag about living in the shit sack city of Toronto?

    1. I stated I live in Toronto. I'm not Tricia, I don't brag.

  55. @astra if this thread hasn't been wiped by time I get home I will

    If it is just search DataLounge for "Angela CDaN"

  56. And @ladybaus, it's me that keeps bringing up the DL, not Tricia

  57. It’s fucking exhausting, coming here to read comments about the blind, yet having to scroll past 57 comments where people are fighting with each other.

    GROW THE FUCK UP! 🤦🏼‍♀️

  58. E- Thank you!

    I found it and OMG HAHAHAHAHA Jesus! That might be the most pathetic thing I’ve ever read here. Imagine acting like you’re so much better than others that comment here, and you go to another site to start a thread about that site you hate so much, and you call yourself “The Angela at CDAN” like you’re some kind of celebrity? Hahahaha I can’t even believe you’d have the nerve to try and act like you’re so above this place and everyone else wastes their time commenting here....and you do THAT. Bless your heart. Seek help. Maybe you have toxoplasmosis. But whatever it is, you need treatment! Good lord 😆😂


    Here it is! Hahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA


    This is the best day ever on here, OMG! Merry Christmas! 🎄🎁

  60. not really a blind this, is it?

  61. O/T: Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Banker at Deutsche & Citi Found Swinging From a Rope; Executive ‘Suicide’ Before FBI Questioned Him -

    1. FINALLY! A comment worth reading!

    2. Really!! Woah. Tis the season to be jealous tralala lala..🤶🎅. Dont be jealous of our Tricia..falala la la la🎅🤶

    3. I really hope your comment isn’t towards me, SD. I never mentioned Tricia, so??? At any rate, whatever. I’m not getting into an argument over nothing with someone on the Internet, like a complete loser. 🤷🏼‍♀️ My whole thing is that I hate when people argue on here, instead of talk about the blind itself. And Tricia & I are good. Sorry to ruin your hopes for an argument. 😂 Tra la la la la, la fuck la la! 🎵

  62. No its not. Geez freebird. Take a chill pill. Its directed to Derek Inc.

    1. Maybe try posting it as a separate comment next time, instead of a reply. That way there’ll be no confusion. ☺️

  63. Was commenting about the banker then changed the subject. Oops

  64. I kept looking for a link of Tricia on Epstein's dock. That's so boss. Like Pablo Escobar & his kid outside the Whitehouse on vacation.

  65. I've been enjoying this site for a while, very entertaining. I have a "Tricia" theory; Tricia is CDAN's ringer. Tricia sets goals, maintains standards, keeps us commentators focused and on point, creates in-story buzz. I appreciate her. Thank you all for the entertainment.

  66. May I ask who TTM is?



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