Friday, December 06, 2019

Blind Item #1

This A-/B+ list actress was once again told that a statement and story would be sent out to the press regarding what she was thinking and feeling about a recent event, despite that not being what she was thinking or feeling. Apparently she has made some kind of deal with the Devil.


  1. Priyanka and the Anniversay?

  2. I was thinking Jessica B or Gabriel Union.

  3. Union might fit because of her meeting:

  4. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I don’t get the GU thing. She hasn’t earned the clout to go scorched earth. So Jay Leno made a joke that Koreans eat dogs. They do eat dogs. If someone made a comment about her hair being too black that’s unfortunate for NBC.

  5. Yeah, right. AS IF some Hollywood airhead would ever give up his/her principles for money.

  6. I'm betting it's Hough's response to Union's complaints. "Congrats on speaking your truth but I had a great time" smells like PR.

  7. Remember the blind that said she got fired because she wouldn't pay homage to Simon's pole....
    and then the Leno/Korean story came out - kind of because few are talking about who said what...
    but the most focus has been on how she was criticized for her ethnic hair....

    So...this may be saying once again, the official story isn't the real story - because it was really about the lack of couch time.

  8. Since it says she may have made a deal with the devil probably Gabrielle Union, because they others had already done the dealing.

  9. +1 Guesser, Most of the alternatives already have second mortgages on their souls.

  10. @J +1 Yes, I think you're right. Julian Hough. Her statement was bizarre and weirdly unsupportive of GU even though she apparently experienced at least similar things. Def JH.

  11. Hough has 2 programs in the work with NBC. She ain't taking sides against NBC until those shows have made her money.

  12. @Jan, You obviously aren't very familiar with Gen-z, you might not be on the high ground you think you are.

  13. @Brayson87 Just trying to talk to him as one human to another. Peace, Brayson.

  14. @Jan, Pretty sure Gen-z is a younger woman, but I could be wrong.

  15. @Brayson Your memory is probably better than mine. I thought I remembered the username from some posts about Laurel Canyon a few years ago. I thought that the person had talked about being in Vietnam, in the military. I see that the person has removed their comment. So I will remove my initial one. Have a great night Brayson.

  16. The whole GU event is past eye rolling levels. I distinctly remember some director years and years ago admitting what a PITA she was to have in their project and now I can't find it. Early 2000s era.
    She seems like a big old entitled asshole, in any event.

  17. Gabrielle Union = Cha Cha Dookie Oreo.
