Friday, December 20, 2019

Blind Item #4

Don't believe the hype. A big deal is being made of the fact this former A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee doesn't share the same bed or room as her boyfriend. That is because her bed is filled with other women as it always has been. 


  1. goop and her bf?

  2. doesn't't gwenyth like... not live in the same house as her man?


  4. So let them sleep separately....maybe he snores!
    Would you like a loud snoring/farting partner in bed?!

  5. Kathy Bates.

    Trust me, don't invite her to a BDSM Tea Party. She learned a few tricks on the set of "Misery".

  6. Indie -for real. The struggle is real if you have a partner who snores 😴😧

    1. I know honey...been there!
      She refused to believe that women snore or fart !

  7. Love is like a fart - it you have to force it, it's probably crap.

  8. I try not to fart in church, it's awful when you have to sit in your pew.

  9. Women? You mean Sandy is a wild one? Could be,if she had a long-term female SO we would have a clue who it is, like with Celine.

  10. Indie-Watch Good Will Hunting with her and turn up the volume during The amazing Robin Williams monologue to Damon about what he missed the most about his late wife... funny-ultimately very poignant writing/scene

  11. I briefly dated a man who snored and those were the longest nights of my life.

  12. Poke them till they turn on their sides ..usually eases it a bit. But if they stay on back/Dracula ⚰️ coffin status. It will definitely be the longest night of your life lol.

  13. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I'm not buying Sandra Bullock as gay. Paltrow yes, Bullock no. As for snoring my husband no longer snores thanks to his C-pap machine. If you sleep with someone who snores get them tested.

  14. My wife and I have slept separately for years. She talks in her sleep, we bothsnore a bit, and we toss/turn. We'd just rather get a good night's sleep than try to sleep in the same bed and be tired the next day.

  15. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I don't see anything wrong with couples sleeping in separate beds or rooms. It could certainly help to preserve the romance.

  16. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Napping with someone is nice, but sleeping all night with someone is a bother.

  17. It's been a strong rumor about SandyB for a long, long time.

  18. This is great, good for her. Of the utmost satisfaction I'm sure

  19. i suffer from massive insomnia and nothing is worse than finally falling asleep only to be woken up two hours later by your partner who gets up at 7 am and then not being able to fall asleep again

    TBH, wealthy people with the space historically had separate quarters. There's no shame in it and it keeps things a bit more special and romantic

  20. Also, you are both unconscious so I dont see why it is such a big deal if you chose not to sleep together every night (but I can see why to some it is comforting and cozy)

  21. Filled with women? Damn, how many people sleep on that bed? I sleep alone on a king sized bed!

  22. SLEEP AND SEX should not be confused. I also have insomnia, and if I CAN get to sleep the last thing I want is for my partner's snoring to wake me. It's more than that. He snorts, mumbles and tosses. I can get really mean if you wake me up... BUT even if he didn't do all that most of the time I prefer a futon on the floor. I got hooked on one years ago due to sciatica and major back problems, so I have one in my "office" - I like sleeping by myself when I can. I was an only child and I like to listen to the radio while I sleep. If someone turns it off, I wake up!!!

  23. Try a king-sized bed and a bedside noise generator (an app will do). Might not be immediately successful, but it will help in the long run.

  24. I am taking care of my friend’s dog. She is tiny, but sounds like a 250 lb. man with sleep apnea! She woke me up 3x last night (and I sleep with earplugs!) Finally fell back asleep and she heard the garbage truck at 5:30 and went crazy! (I didn’t even hear it because I was so exhausted.) Was planning to go somewhere early this am, but had to pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep. Meanwhile, to add insult to injury, she naps a lot during the day and never snores.

  25. Sandy's ex Jesse James is way too selfish to ever be a beard tbh. Also, couples especially older ones, sleep in separate beds. As a commentator mentioned above, sex and sleep are entirely different.

    "A survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation survey found that 10 percent of married couples sleep in separate bedrooms completely while up to 25 percent sleep in separate beds. Moreover, a report by News Corp's has called the phenomenon a “sleep divorce.”

  26. That began as a trend in building just before the real estate market crash - homes with two master bedroom suites. I, personally, think it would extend rather than harm a marriage. I also think its the key to a long, healthy marriage. I prefer my own space, blankets, bathroom, lights out early / staying up late reading. There is still business to be had, before returning to one's own room, there are still sleepovers, but varying alarm times, morning routines, etc., make it all the better for separate rooms. I don't think its any indication that either of us are bearding for the other or that Sandra Bullock is gay... nor do I care. Happy Holidays, y'all!!

  27. Foam earplugs. Been wearing them nightly for the last 14 years. I sleep like a baby.

  28. 60+ percent of couples sleep in separate beds. Well rested couples are happier, communicate better and spend more time doing things together. Its a topic rarely discussed.



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