Saturday, December 21, 2019

Blind Item #4

Just last night I talked on an episode of the podcast about how this former tweener turned A-/B+ list adult singer needed to remove herself from her current love situation because it wasn't good for her sobriety. The next morning, she announces they are done. Maybe her mom really does listen. 


  1. So Demi Lovato listens to her mom? There is a lot of listening going on in this blind!

  2. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Lovato just announced that she and rehab boyfriend broke up.

  3. 💩😂 Of course Bullshenty is trying to credit her good decision to his podcast, as if he was the only one saying that relationship was a bad choice.🙄

  4. Yep. They totally listen to u Enty.

  5. I believe they listed to Enty's podcast, because of the timing, and Enty is very well known in Hollywood.

    Enty was the only one who wrote that KON's take with Joel Osteen would be substantially less than Osteen's. KON read about it because Enty printed it.

  6. Why don't you impress everyone and really tell the truth about the deception and how these presumed women are actually men?

  7. Since when Demi's mom is actually good at parenting. If anything, Demi herself made the decision cause I honestly don't see her listening to her mom. Her mom herself needs a lot of theray if we're being honest.
    Enty has a huge ego as I see.
