Thursday, December 26, 2019

Blind Item #5

At a Christmas week dinner involving the alliterate royal, all guests and hired help were forced to sign a NDA. In addition, phones were confiscated and security was present. Finally, the hired help were body searched when arriving and leaving, not looking for weapons, but for notebooks, phones and other communication devices.


  1. The real question, though, is WHY? What could they be doing that is so secret?

    1. Because this didn't happen.
      Enty knows his audience, and they all need filler the day after Christmas to lay around w one hand in their pants and the other scrolling thru blinds that are made up but make them feel better about themselves.

  2. Anonymous8:25 AM

    @Thia that Markle is alone in NYC. (Harry's in inpatient treatment back in England. Archie's in BRF custody.) I'd be more impressed with this blind if Enty provided who would actually show up for a dinner party with MM?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Does anybody actually care about her or is this to feed her ego?

  5. Did Harry slip into Montana for a Nazi gathering?

    Wonder how his Volk feel about the fatso wife.

  6. Markle the social justice warrior- body search the hired help commoners
    For her body searching is no big thing

  7. Sounds just like being at Sandringham. Their employees are heavily investigated.

  8. And where was this party exactly?

  9. Some of you ladies, and J, really need to get over Harry getting married. It was never going to be you. Her looks were enough to keep her working in Hollywood and land her a real life prince. Where have your looks gotten you?(pre snickering)

    1. MeAgain is a tosser...a salad tosser. That's how she got all her acting and yacht jobs.

      Maybe you can go be her salad tosser. You're doing a great job of it with your comments.

  10. Sounds like it was a f*ck party.

  11. @hairy, Her looks let her charge a good fee to customers, wonder how much she'll charge after they're divorced?

  12. She is getting paranoid with all the negative press. Can't really blame her for it though.

  13. Her looks got her a gig on a game show and a role on a nonpremium cable show. Her lack of acting talent kept her from getting substantial movie roles or more than bit roles on other TV shows. Every time I see the Castle rerun she's in (it was about the nursery rhyme/fairytale murders, I have to FF past Meghan's scenes, bc she is awful.

  14. Blind Gossip thinks that they're in seclusion, so she can return pregnant. Possible, but I think he's rehabbing as well.

    The Pregnant Pause

    [Blind Gossip] While most of us are bustling about this holiday, buying gifts and visiting family, this TV actress has a very different plan!

    She is taking quiet time over the holiday because she knows how hectic it is going to be first quarter next year.

    Why is it going to be hectic?

    Her plan was always to return from the holiday break pregnant. That’s why she is keeping such a low profile.

    Wait a minute. What?

    She is seeing several doctors over the break to make sure everything goes well.

    Since most women usually don’t start seeing a doctor until they think they are pregnant, this could mean any of a number of things.

    She knew she was pregnant before going on break, and the doctors are monitoring her health.

    OR she was meeting with doctors because they are helping her get pregnant (e.g. using fertility drugs, IVF).

    OR she and her rich, foreign-born hubby are going at it like rabbits over the holidays, trying to conceive the natural way!

    Did she have some eggs or embryos already stashed away in preparation for this? We know that she wanted to get pregnant soon after her last baby was born, and this would certainly give her a head start.

    Whatever the case, we will certainly see in the next few months if this pregnant pause was effective!

  15. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Not buying that blind. I'm hearing the Harkle divorce is in process. Markle got herself thrown out of the BRF in record time. Harry's in inpatient treatment in England. The BRF have custody of Archie. The DNA test didn't lie. Unfortunately Markle did and her settlement is going to be considerably much less since Archie isn't Harry's biological son. The whole sad tale should be over sometime in the second quarter of 2020.

    1. OMG you're batshit crazy. Have u thought of subscribing to nuttys blog?

    2. If Archie isn't Harry's son then why do the Royal's have custody of him? why would they want to keep him? why not simply get the divorce underway & during that process leak this juicy info to the tabloids?

    3. @Rosie. You took the words right out of my mouth🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤪

  16. @HairyDog, gingers like Harry are considered very unattractive and have a hard time finding life partners. Only a person who doesn't understand that would consider him a catch.

  17. @Ann, Wait, they know Harry isn't the father? Harry is in inpatient? For what?

  18. lol hairydawg.

    I like how the Queen limited photos during her speech to people actually related to her.

  19. Maybe they spent the holiday with her father and that wacky sister.

  20. Anonymous10:23 AM

    @Brayson originally for treating his depression but discovered he had developed some addiction issues trying to medicate his depression. I'm glad he's getting some help.

    @Hairydog I'm older than Diana so Charles (bleh) would have been my Prince Charming. Not for all the tea in China. Thanks for the laugh though.

  21. @Ann, Well that would explain how him and Markle wound up together.

  22. Personally I find @Ann more credible than @enty when it comes to Royals gossip.

    Someone from the Markle team seems to have gotten ahold of him and is funnelling highly questionable stories through CDAN.

    This is one of them - do enough people really care about Markle to make all this security necessary? It's no secret she's not in the UK.

    Enty has also been pushing the discredited "Will cheated on Kate with Rose!" on his podcast, which he admits he got from someone on the Markle side of things.

  23. wow, even Epstein Andy got to spend Xmas with the royals.

    Seeing as they have a brand new baby, the fact they are in canada says something is not right.

  24. Was this party in 2019 or 2018?
    Harkles have been spotted on Vancouver Island, which also has a private addition center. (Read Nutty's blog).
    They haven't really been seen since? late November?
    and the Santa PSA / Harry's was one of the worst videos made for a charity - it looked like it was shot with a cell phone camera in a bare room with a poorly fit Santa Suit and gloves.

    I think Harry is in treatment, and that is why he is a no show at Sandringham.

  25. @Humor Me: That wasn’t Harry in the Santa video. Harry has blue eyes & Santa had hazel. Lips & noses were totally different too.

  26. Need to start a pool predicting the date of Archie's first rehab stint.

  27. Did you guys see this? hahah

  28. Hey Thia - somebody actually called the restaurant owner to confirm this PR planted rumor and he said it never happened.

    Read that on Skippy's blog. It's a fake story, like most of MM's stories.

  29. Interesting, @Hunter. I came across it on the front page of my browser. Hilarious that it's fake.

  30. What I heard is that several restaurants turned her down because they didn't have enough food on hand.

  31. @J, Are you insinuating that he is in rehab because his wife turned into Homer Simpson?

  32. Homer Blimpson

  33. Didn't "Ann" say that Meghan and Harry were kicked out of the Royal Family and Frogmore? I don't believe her info on the royal family. She also said the Queen had some disease and only had a while to live. None of that is true.

    1. Its like that old rag with the ufo's and out of this world gossip.🤣🤣

  34. That "other" blind site seems to get it's info straight from Buckingham Palace.

    They were chastising Harry + Meghan for not flying home for Prince Phillip's LATEST trip to the hospital.

    Why should they have? These grifters "jobs" are so easy, they live to be 100 plus NO PROBLEM.

  35. I can believe that Harry is in some sort of treatment, but not that Archie isn't his. My God, Archie could be his clone, Harry looked exactly like him as a baby.

  36. There is no evidence whatsoever that baby Archie is in the custody of the Saxe Gothe GERMAN "British" royals. it's the Tory aristocracy that has destroyed the country peddling this type of gossip.

  37. To show you how corrupt the "real" British royals are: A few years ago, there was a very interesting story in the Daily Mail of all places. A Frenchman who looks just like Prince/King Edward/ the Duke of Windsor that abdicated came forth asking for a DNA sample. His mother received an expensive gift from then Prince Edward, and suddenly she had enough money to start her own business.

    His age would confirm that he was born after Prince Edward's visit to France when he was 19/20 years old. The corrupt Royals REFUSED to submit ANY DNA...

  38. I'd like to know pensioner Ann's sources for her hot gossip.

  39. Thought this was going to be another lame commenting section with the usual royal ass kissers.

    Turned out pretty good though, I got a bunch of laughs and the Fat Markle paid trolls were held at bay. Good job all!

  40. Hilarious thread..thanks for the laughs..

  41. Meghan Markle is a fat head. Her only talent is greed and it has her on the short path to being the most hated woman in the world.
