Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Blind Item #9

This foreign born A-/B+ list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee is trying to withdraw from The Club because they want her to be more public and vocal. She is having a tough time doing that.


  1. I’ll go with Naomi because Charlize vocal

  2. Charlize has some serious issues she needs to get through about her parents.

  3. Theron is A at least.

  4. Yeah, her mom shot and killed her dad. Now we know where Theron's craziness comes from.

  5. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/charlize-theron-details-night-her-003114363.html

  6. Charlize saw it because her drunken dad was trying to kill both of them, so it was self-defense

  7. @IndieRaga The club is a group of actresses who they prefer to be Oscar winners to force their children to be transgender to normalize it. The problem is that no one buys it.

    1. Ohh that's Horrible if true ....I can understand if someone is born Trans. But forcing?!!!

  8. Why not go for it? You’ve already irrevocably damaged your poor kid, don’t act like you’re above it now. I’d guess Watts because she seems slightly less evil, but her ex Liev is IMO some kind of dangerous pervert. His dead, evil black cold eyes, and that pic of his poor trooned out son sucking the handle of a scooter like...well you know, and he just standing there like it’s no big deal. Poor kids. Like I always say, death to all pedos and their enablers.

  9. I guess all the tax money going to child protective services accomplishes nothing.

  10. J- it goes to harass and threaten nonconformist parents into compliance. It rarely, if ever, helps truly abused children. If it did we wouldn’t see so many horrific abuse and death cases like we do. Hell is too good for child abusers and their enablers.

  11. Charlize already was vocal,she is the only one actually spelled it out. I will say Naomi Watts, because she might be hurt by being pubic. No,I don't buy a real Club,but Enty using this to get us riled up. Also, every time a child is murdered or abused, you hear about how CPS was contacted,and did nothing. They do not have the means or sometimes desire to follow up.

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  13. Annette Bening's child is almost entirely grown now though, not sure she qualifies for this club.

  14. cps is complicit in all this pedo bullshit. whoever it is, i applaud her.

  15. Re. Child Protective Services.....Few years back,lots of big newspapers and websites allowed comments. There are only 2 big newspapers in my state of Maine. One, The Bangor Daily News had a comment about a former governor. It said that he asked for good looking children for foster care because the federal govt. paid the state for them. Then a girl, foster child, was found bound and gagged in a basement, dead.Then the governor cut back funding for social workers to check on the foster children. Then he, later on in life , went on to be a Maine state senator. ....a job he currently holds.

  16. Maybe I used the wrong words , the former gov. of ME went on to be a senator for the state of Maine in DC.

  17. So with the cross dressing there is certainly grab ass going on between parent and child to really enforce the gender identification. Of course it technically isn't incest as none of these frigid cunts have any libido and so don't have sex and don't whelp sex slaves. They are all drones and that is why they can fuck with the minds and bodies of these stolen orphans for the private cameras of the media moguls*. They won't get emotionally attached and they certainly won't talk if they have no emotional investment.

    *You don't think private porn shoots at the studios after hours ended with Louis B and that generation of Harvey's do you?

  18. The notion that there is a "club" of Oscar winner *forcing* their kids to be trans is ridiculous! No parent would do this. This is also a strangely right wing and conservative conspiracy for Enty to push...who knew he was a closet Republican

  19. That’s exactly it, Substance D.

    Not at all surprised to hear that, molly. Who remembers the Franklin cover up? And Boys Town? To name just two. Of many. Or the Dutroux situation in Belgium.

  20. Meggie "He"'s pandering to the right wing assholes who love to comment on this crap like they know anything about human beings.

  21. This is such a BS conspiracy theory.


  22. @Astra - Schreiber’s kid put a scooter handlebar in his mouth. Unsanitary and something goofy that a small child would do, but it’s hardly a penis.

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  23. https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2019-07/aru-sft071619.php

  24. CPS = child traffickers. Also, whoever this club member is, bravo.

  25. This blind is such BS



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