Thursday, January 16, 2020

Blind Item #10

The married celebrity offspring who is no better than third most famous in his immediate family has now taken his cheating to public places. 


MDAnderson said...

Evan Ross?? No clue

sandybrook said...

Prince William

Brayson87 said...


sandybrook said...

Just because we never have blinds on him anymore

MontanaMarriott said...

Even though this is vague enough to be anyone, ER fits with him being third behind his mom and half sis.

Troy Dyer said...

+2 Evan Ross

J said...

Does Hewitt have another son?

Girl with a Hat said...

Prince Harry

Unknown said...

oliver hudson

Unknown said...

One of the Baldwins?

OKay said...

Evan Ross seems most likely (Harry or William - as if!), although it's really hard to say since there are zero clues to work with here.

Shaddup Mimsey said...

I like Prince William for this since he is third if counting the queen.

Anonymous said...

Not royalty by how it is worded.

Fifi LaRue said...

Someone found Evan Ross attractive? Or, he got extra extra lucky.

Boo said...


100% exactly. They would have said royal and Harry isn't 3rd in line. He's 6th. After William and his three kids putting Harry in 6th place. Sorry, I forgot about Charles, so 7th.

Also, do you really think that a British royal RIGHT NOW would be slapping skin in PUBLIC while the Andrew scandal is going on? Let alone Harry and his own? Nah fam, not for this blind.

Shaddup Mimsey said...

Nobody said Harry...

Eupheme said...

I defo don't think it's Harry, but @Mishi did throw his name in the ring above.

DWelsh said...

Evan Ross of course


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