Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Blind Item #11

The alliterate royal could have flown with other paying passengers and spent about $1K. She didn't want that though, and wanted her own helicopter and on standby for a return flight so spent $10K. Really living independently. 


MontanaMarriott said...


MDAnderson said...

Megan Markle

sandybrook said...

sigh MM

MyDogSmiles said...

Fat Markle

MDAnderson said...

Two blinds enty??

IndieRaga said...

Oh God....her blinds aren't gonna stop are they !

MyDogSmiles said...

The owner of that house she's staying in Canada has some very shady connections...

Monkeyweather said...

They've only just begun

Brayson87 said...

Just to clarify, are there any other alliterate royals besides her?

IndieRaga said...

Aaaaaaah...(Insert Psycho Scream!)

Brayson87 said...

@MyDog, Yeah I assumed most of the connections were to her past clients. ;)

IndieRaga said...

Oh yeah....well his new tenant is even shadier !

MyDogSmiles said...

@Brayson That's the truth ;)Once a yacht girl, always a yacht girl.

MyDogSmiles said...

@IndieRaga You're probably right lol

IndieRaga said...

I guess you HAVE to be Blue-Blooded to handle Royalty gracefully! A commoner just can't !

hothotheat said...

William Windsor.

Amartel said...

Livin' large in exchange for occasional posin' with the poors.

Glow W said...

Urum, try again enty. A sea plane from Victoria to Vancouver is about $175.00 as she was only flown 120 miles approx

Glow W said...

Also helijet flights were cancelled yesterday because of the weather

DJS NOLA said...

way to go Meghan ,, ruining a chance at marrying royalty for the rest of us commoners... lol

Alana said...

I wonder if the British people are in an uproar over all this.

Simon said...

We are at the point these aren’t really blinds anymore.

Troy Dyer said...

Can’t wait to see her on the BC ferry!

Astra Worthington said...

You think they wouldn’t try and rip this dumb ass off? She’s obviously the type that thinks the more something costs, the better. I could see her paying 10k for a $175 flight. It’s not her money anyways, what does she care? Anything to show off!

Clark Green said...

she is a self-entitled asshole. in other words, she fits in perfectly with Hollywood. Why would she behave any differently. She hit a homerun when her client happened to be a royal. Good for her. If he puts up with it then it is on him to deal with.

HushHush said...

@Tatty, it looks like MM had an entourage, so that sounds about right. I bet she got a discount for the media coverage. But the Helijet would be expensive, And it may have been a charter due to a later leave time. Harbour Air's last departure from Vancouver harbour is 3:30pm, and the Helijet is 6:45pm.
All that for an unscheduled PR visit to a Women's shelter in Vancouver's skid row? If there were pic's of her departing, I bet she was carrying lots of shopping bags. There's more to the trip I bet.

YoSoyMilk said...

Keep me coming Enty. I love hating this fucking cunt. And fuck all you Meghan worshippers. You are the same delusional assholes that think necropedophilia doesn’t exist in Hollywood. Knock it off

CBGB said...


so yes, she is financially independent

the racist jealousy, my god.

Misssy V said...

Shut up sugar, we all know she doesn't have shit to her name. Why didn't she use any of her own to pay for the ugly ass clothes she wore or the renovations to Frogmore? No, she made her daddy in law pay for it. Stop using the race card you dim twat.

Astra Worthington said...

And there it is! The tired ass, worn out race card! How utterly unexpected! 🙄🙄🙄 God, get a new script already. Update your NPC programming, whatever it is that you “people” do.

Tia said...

Nice try Tatty...Whistler Air was ...a charter flight, she didn’t deign to go Harbour Air like the rest of us Poors..( she just happened to be looking straight at cameras, while the rest of us Fair Weather Victorians were staying home for snow days) . you know because we don’t have homeless shelters , or women’s group homes in Victoria / S......Oh and PS way to show support for Victoria BC bid For Invictus Games 2022 Harry Markle!

Em and 'im said...

While the Sussexes do have about £35m (60m CAN $), their travel expenses and security is still paid by the British taxpayer. Many royals have a history of abusing this privilege, eg air miles Andy, but he was still in the fold of the royal family at the time. The trip to the homeless shelter, just like the Grenfell Tower soup kitchen last week, was a PR exercise because if the shelters don’t put any photos on social media or inform the media, the Sussexes put the photos their own Instagram account. A private visit can be kept quiet and no photos taken. I’m not knocking Meghan for doing the trip, but it was probably more to do with boosting her spirits than those of the shelter volunteers. Once they get their desired independence from the royal family I hope they pay 100% for their own travel, accommodation and security costs, but I doubt they will.

J said...

And that, commoners, is how one lardass will save the planet.

OKay said...

Omigod some people are stupid. Markle doesn't have money. She owns nothing, and being a third-rate regular on a middling second-tier cable show doesn't pay shit.

Go ahead. Try and make anything I said about the girl who claimed Caucasian her whole life being "black."

Freebird said...

Can we all agree on at least one thing? That the Daily Mail basically only has news on 2 items now -
The Markle Shitshow Parade & The Impeachment Bullshit. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Freebird said...

5 million but she spent almost 100 million last year on clothes. So yeah...that makes sense. 🤔 You honestly think she’d crack open her wallet for ANYTHING? 😂

idiotslayer said...

Truth and logic doesn't matter to this bunch.

idiotslayer said...

You know nothing.

idiotslayer said...

Racist AND sexist. But what else would you expect from this bunch?

J said...

I love idiotslayer. So sweet to defend that waddling, rotund, spoiled, tennis-match-cursing, private-jet-flying, floorboard-bending hippo and her genius half-prince husband.

Glow W said...

Helijet on twitter shows 1 day ago all flights were on hold. 22 hours ago, some flights with some delays. 21 hours ago all flights cancelled. Take it up with them if you don’t like it.

Brayson87 said...

Lots of new screen names today preaching the gospel of Meghan, some of which seem to have been created today if you check their profiles.

americanpanda said...

US tabloids are trying to make it like all of the UK is racist and thats why she's leaving.

shakey said...

Or she could have taken the ferry.

MoodyJBey said...

Who cares if she did? Ffs leave her alone!

Hummingbird7008 said...

This is bull, she took a float plane for not a helicopter and it was regularly scheduled flight with other customers. I was there and saw her get on the plane. My husband and I had just arrived on another float plane flight from Vancouver. Enty this is a complete fabrication. Why do this to her, she was going to our poorest area of Vancouver to try and do some good. A lot of lies on this site.

Anonymous said...

So I live in Canada and I know everybody is excited to have them live here but keep in mind were small who can foot their bills for so long. And I don't that many people have realized that yet.

But eventually do I think there will be a backlash by Spring with a lot Canadian's asking the Government to let the Megan and Harry start footing their own bills if they want to continue to stay here.

Hummingbird7008 said...

I agree they need to pay for their own security and or bills but that's an entirely different thing than Enty putting a complete lie about her on this site. A lot of the stuff about Meghan on here is nothing but lies. Why people have such a hate on for her, I don't know. Put your energy into that lowlife Prince Andrew and his behaviour.

John Doe said...

Fat Meghan strikes again!

Astra Worthington said...

Yeah you were totally there. Sure you were 🙄🙄

Fifi LaRue said...

If you want to be a Markle supporter, go over to D-Listed. They're drinking the kool aid that Markle is serving.

Scottish Wildcat said...

5 million dollars of her own? really? ..... but didn't own the home in Toronto she lived in nor any other properties as investments or any vehicle's etc? and I suppose it's a total coincidence that the only couture MeMe wore was AFTER her engagement to Harriet - (wearing loaned designer clobber for the red carpet/media interviews etc does not count) 🤔🙄😏🤦‍♀️

Scottish Wildcat said...

Looks like news of CDAN's existence has spread to Sussex's stans 😂 Pointless though IMO, loads of people in the UK are reading Blind Gossip too, the "Harry Markle" & "Nutty Flavor" blogs are a good read with lots of receipts of MeMe's indiscretions.

I'm looking forward to this trial in London with the Mail on Sunday, been stocking up on the popcorn 😄😋🍿🍿🍿🍿
Hope the Sussex's lose & end up paying 💷💷💷💷💷💷💷💷 in legal expenses/costs etc - all coming from Harriet's bank account of course 🤭😉

Scottish Wildcat said...

Or poor, delusional Lainey & that little sap Scobie 😃😂😂😂😂

Astra Worthington said...

Rabbit, the best place for Meghan stans is Celebitchy. Toxoplasmosis central!

Alaskamom said...

She is such a disgusting individual. Self centered succubus. Harry deserves his butt booted too to be treating his family the way he has. I don’t trust him as far as I could throw him.

Lucky Dog said...

Bwahahahaha, Megalomaniac Megs doesn’t have $5m! That’s hilarious. She was in a rented townhome and had a leased car. She made decent money - upwards of nearly $5m over her entire life, but she racked up a boatload of debt and paid desperately to try to fit in to society circles without the trust fund. And since when is net worth your entire life earnings without a dollar spent on living expenses?! What a joke. It’s as if the Megbots don’t have a grasp of what NET means. It’s what’s left, which was very little before Harry. And as far as the hate, the disrespectful narcissistic grifter is an affront to common decency and basic courtesies for esteemed elders, not to mention beloved institutions. There’s a great article floating around the Globe about the meaning of constitutional monarchy and why it’s worked so well for UK. There’s another published by Canada’s largest newspaper about the residency of Meghan and Harry is not wanted, welcomed nor should be tolerated by Canada. Megs is the Exxon Valdez of Royal spouses, and that’s saying something.

Drag em hard said...

Could someone explain. What visiting these shelters,schools etc does to actually help these places? Always wondered that.

Mango said...

@Hummingbird7008 - Pics, or it didn’t happen!

@Drag em hard - I dunno, but I’m sure MM wrote some heart-felt messages on bananas while she was there. 🙄

Kaye said...

I’m with Hummingbird7008 on this. I live where she is now and the transportation is very problematic. Plus the weather has been horrible. The Vancouver downtown eastside is the epicentre of the homeless population and the opioid crisis in BC. Meghan visiting the Women’s Centre there is a huge boost to the work they are doing with a very vulnerable population. Good on her! Entry, lay off Meghan.

Scarlet Peaches said...

It’s like the world is her Facebook profile; let’s snap some pics of me with the poors, now look it’s me flexing in a soup kitchen! Like and subscribe xoxo

Monkeyweather said...

You know, that thing of calling everyone a racist works on precisely no one anymore. It's been used to death to shut people up and score off on people in arguments, and now no one cares.
Not sure why you still bother. Are you slow?

17Steps said...

Brayson... hmmm.. Princess Anne’s son Peter Phillips. He doesn’t have a title,but when your grandmother is the queen...

Icequeen said...

She’s has almost surely been a mole on Soros payroll, acquiring insane amounts of blackmail material from her pre-royal days as an Epstein & co yachter, and recently as a married insider. These satanic freaks thinks they’re so slick, don’t they...
It’s getting really really tiresome 🤢

Rayski said...

So sick of you muthafukas trashing markle but have NOTHING to say about the child fkg pedophile "REAL" "royal". You fkg hypocrite bytches are the reason we're ALL doomed. Nah, I said it.

Mango said...

@ Kaye - just saw on some news show about an hour ago that, “Meghan braved sub-freezing temperatures to visit a women’s shelter!”

Amazing! MM went from a heated mansion, to a chauffeur-driven heated car, and then hopped on a chartered flight to Vancouver, where she walked 20 feet from another heated car to the shelter. Oh! And it was reported that she wore a $400.00 coat that she had worn before! Can you imagine wearing an article of clothing more than once? How humble!

Peony2 said...

That female parasite is not doing anyone a favour by dropping by with her photographers for a photo op - to be published ...
She is trying to suck you in to thinking she is something she is not - don't be fooled -

Canada is not a halfway house for her - get the IRS after her .....and every phone foundation she had registered in some offshore tax free haven -

Kaye said...

@Mango we have just had the most snow in 50 years here, almost all the ferries have been cancelled this week. I.e. travel is difficult. In Vancouver, the workers at the Women’s centre are helping the most vulnerable often homeless population and shining a light on their work can only help them in so many ways. Meghan will almost certainly get involved in charitable work in B.C. if she stays here: although indigenous people are only 5% of the BC population, they are 30% of the homeless, she can do so much good by attracting attention to initiatives that are not publicly funded or are inadequately funded. I do not begrudge her her travel arrangements and I’m a taxpayer here. I really don’t get the hate, I really don’t. I doubt anyone here writing ugly takes about her know anything about her.
Entry, stop reading the Daily Mail for gossip.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that! I seriously can’t stand either of them, especially him.

Superfly said...

hahaha 'floorboard-bendng'

D-listed is where braincells go to die. They drown in a sea of cat-gifs, which is the preferred communications technique of its' dumb-AF commenters. I particularly like how they rant and rave about idiots on other comment sites, while doing exactly the same. It's pure comedy.

Sparkles doesn't have a pot to piss in. Anyone noticed how her A-list 'friends' have all distanced themselves from her already? No Clooney jumping to her defence, no Elton, no Serena Williams.
She's very consistent in alienating everybody, after 5 minutes of 'friendship'. Rich people hate being used for money, which is what she excels at. That and being utterly detestable.

Superfly said...

The only people left who still can't see through her obvious charade have single digit IQs.
It's like an intelligence test for those with common sense: speak to someone, and if they still defend this indefensible tacky charlatan = ignore and move on, for this person is clearly mentally inferior.

Scarlet Peaches said...

D listed used to be so great. I am part of the old school who used to post there in the golden days (under a different name, obviously.) Michael K is still a gem in my book. I stopped commenting after the death of one of the usual posters, a dear friend of mine, and every once in a while I still click it and read a few articles. Now the commenters there go to talk about their cats or how their coworkers are assholes. They try so hard to be cool, it’s tiring. No wonder Michael himself only makes an appearance every once in a while.

Turitella said...

@kaye, you obviously weren't here for the storm of 96 when we got 6 feet of snow in less than a day and the city was shut down for a week. Yes, the weather was miserable, she likely chartered a helicopter to get back before everything shut down. She had no business going in the first place. If she wanted to shine a light on something, there are plenty of charities in Victoria. She's just showboating.

Lynda kiss said...

Rayski get a life. Seriously doubt Meghan would take up for you or hang out with you. Because she only hangs out with celebrities

Lynda kiss said...

Oh btw that’s all everyone talks about is pervert Royal So you sound ridiculous. We can dislike both.

Alaskamom said...

Totally agree Clark. What would really gnaw her crawl though is if nobody paid her any attention. That would be great- all media/paps/ everyone just agree to pay her no mind for a month. No pics, no articles, no duper’s delight psycho smile. It would make an interesting social experiment and give us all a bit of a hinge and cringe break.

Alaskamom said...


Mango said...

@ Kaye - But the point is,visiting the shelter wasn’t altruistic, it was a photo op. “ Look at how much I care!” If her visit shines a light on the women’s shelter, that’s just an incidental bonus, it’s not the reason she made an appearance. MM craftily looks for ways to appear caring and empathetic, because those feelings do not come naturally to a narcissist.

Astra Worthington said...

The phrase “shine a light” is obnoxious just like Meghantoinette. More bland, generic, corporate-esque, focus grouped crap. God forbid anyone could use straightforward language nowadays.

Hummingbird7008 said...

Kaye- I am with you on everything. I think there are a lot of British on here honestly and they have been sucked into the hate by their rag that Daily Mail, which tells lies non stop. No wonder she wants to move or be in hiding with all this hatefulness. There is not a single person here who knows what is going on. The royals treated Diana in a horrible way, just horrible. The main takeaway from this blind I get, is it's a total lie. I saw her get on that float plane, there was no helicopter in sight, so don't know where that came from to start. Honestly the bunch of you should be ashamed of yourselves for your awful attitudes, no wonder there is someone like Trump in power if this is what the world is like. I just thank god I am Canadian, and I know we're not perfect.

Frederick said...

Meghan and she really couldn't. Too much media attention on her. Everyone would want photos, they would snap photos at her, etc.

Shazadelic said...

Saw photos jionline of Lainey Lui with Megan Markle and that idiot Jessica Mulroney having dinner pre marriage to Harry . Makes sense why she is such a sycophant. She bangs on about female solidarity while gunning for Kate Middleton. She used to be a decent read but has become lady Brown nose of wokeness.

Astra Worthington said...

Hummingbird: Be in hiding....but takes flights, gets papped, goes to a woman’s shelter for attention and publicity. Yes that sounds like someone trying to hide and live their life. Totally.

LOVE the way you insulted our president too. You just may win “obnoxious libtard bingo”! Next comment, work in climate change and Russian hacking. I know you can do it!

Glad we have an expert on here that really knows what’s going on, since you (totally and honestly FUR SHURRR) saw her get on a plane! 🙄🙄

Superfly said...

Hummingbird, I feel sorry for you. Being this stupid is absolutely fucking tragic.

Hummingbird7008 said...

Oh no need to feel sorry for me, I have a wonderful life full of love, family and friends and minus the constant hate many of you have in your hearts. It's you I feel sorry for, you must be quite sad and lonely.

Superfly said...

yeah yeah, we're all sad, all the millions of us... we're racists, jealous, lonely, sad and filled with hatred.

Unlike lovely noble Meghan, who until recently was caucasian. Who insults and smears the people who pay for her new lifestyle. Who isn't jealous of Kate at all. Who certainly isn't lonely, since she has a new best fiend every 5 minutes. And who definitely isn't sad or filled with hatred, that's why she's so close to her own family and insists her husband and child are close to theirs too.

Astra Worthington said...

I love the “Ur so sad and JELUS and full of H8” comments. I bet cavemen were scrawling that on cave walls, it’s so old and tired. And the idea that anyone believes you have such a great life that you have to brag about it on an obscure gossip site, it’s about as ridiculous as you thinking we’d believe you were there to see Meghantoinette get on that plane. Sure Jan, I mean “Hummingbird” 🙄 Sure you did, sure you are. Sure.

AlleyKat said...

I'm a newcomer from a year ago, but I really miss Boo, commenter par excellence.

incrediblegecko said...

Oh, Sparkles... :(

Brayson87 said...

@AlleyKat, Good news, Boo is still alive and commenting. The writing style and personal description is the same as the Boo we knew. Mostly on Breitbart News according to her disqus profile if she hasn't deleted it yet.

Here is the blind from 5/22/19 where we discovered that Boo Hearne was still alive and commenting on dlisted:

Here is her disqus account:

Miss Smith said...

@Kaye The problem with her and charities is because she is divisive. In the longterm, a charity needs consistent and affirming support. Megan doesn’t do that. She is also into the “favours” type of networking which is blackmail to charities.

Sarah McLachlan’s music charity is outstanding.

Like what @Turitella said, the storm of 1996, just 24 years ago was named as the storm of the century.

@Hummingbird7008 Hatefulness = criticism from taxpayers? Royals are paid for public servants. We get to criticize to our hearts content. This is the social contract. Russsian and French royalty did not listen. A nice guillotine for Andrew would be a very pleasant thought. Oh dear, I am off daydreaming….

Fifi LaRue said...

I miss Boo's posts. Highly entertaining.

Superfly said...

Boo didn't die???

WTF!? I mean, it's nice if she's alive, and all that, of course, but why faking your own death on a gossip blog? Sounds bizarre.

And then to come back under the same name? I don't get it, can somebody perhaps explain please?

Scarlet Peaches said...

@AlleyKat, I don’t know who Boo is. I was referring to Jack in the Hat. Long time D Listers know who that was. Cheers

JL said...

Is she really in Victoria? That boring town?

JL said...

She is addicted to hiring PR firms. So all her money has been spent on the PR necessary to create a media narrative how she was perfect for harry. Her fauxmanitarianness, her yoga/good girl image etc. She is a firm believer that she can be whatever she convinces the public that she is.

NoMoreBullshit said...

We get it she's a bitch and you hate hee


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