Thursday, January 30, 2020

Blind Item #11

The buzz south of LA is that a family member of a victim from the tragedy this past weekend is using his gofundme as a personal bank account. Everyone who knows the family member hasn't given a dime, but across the country, people have no idea what a freeloader the person is. 


Tricia13 said...

Kobes crash

MyDogSmiles said...

Kobe's crash and that person is going straight to hell..

Tricia13 said...

and that's effin sick.

sandybrook said...

The Chesters

Tricia13 said...

bet its the baby daddy of the Basketball coach

sandybrook said...

The Altobellis have a gofund me but it wasn't set up by them, I think it was set up by one of his ex-players who made it big. Maybe Garrit Cole.

Jon said...

Does gofundme work that fast? He can already withdraw and spend the donations?

MyDogSmiles said...

The Altobelli's Go Fund Me was set up by the Red Sox

ladybaus said...

The basketball coach was Shannon Beador (Real Housewives of OC) daughters basketball coach.

sandybrook said...

Ok I knew it was set up by someone in baseball. Red Sox did good.

cheesegrater15 said...

You know, Entward, if you tell people about it, the gofundme will be shut down.

MyDogSmiles said...

The Red Sox need all the good attention they can get after their cheating scandal.

TeeHee@U said...

GoFundMe does work fast when it comes to shutting down accounts that violate their code. I had an acquaintance tell me about how a teenager at her daughter's school set up a GoFundMe for money for her first car and 10% of all donations would go to a cancer charity. GoFundMe shut it down immediately when it was brought to their attention. The lengths people will go..

irishyvonnedanceparty said...

I think Tricia got it. The SO of the coach was on one of the morning shows on Monday morning, is there also a go fund me? If I had lost my spouse less than 24 hours ago in such a terrible way I would still be curled up on the floor in a fetal position.It was bad enough when I lost my Mom and she was in her 80s and had been ill a long time.

Unknown said...

This just pissed me tf off!

s.s. said...

"across the country" implies this person has some celebrity of his own, so I'll go with Kobe's father, an ex-NBA player or another immediate family member who did TV(reality?) with Kobe or something like that.

Blaise said...

I think it's a relative of Kobe's on his side. He pretty much shut them out financially and was making up with his dad, not the mom who tried to profit by selling his memorabilia some years back. I don't think they are well off. In any event, pretty sad.

ecj said...

The Christina Mauser gofundme has close to $240,000 in donations, and her husband is listed as one of the organizers through the site.

Tippie Hippie said...

Perhaps Kobe's wife.

Vita said...

Disgusting! Less than a week in, and he's angling for profit. Gross, and I hope whoever gave Enty the info also tipped off GoFundMe and any other necessary sources.😤

On the other side of the spectrum, I heard that Shaq decided to proceed with his carnival themed Superbowl weekend party, dedicating all profits to the families of the victims. A nice solution to keeping obligations, meeting expectations, and grieving tremendous loss.

JusticeHeatherORourke said...

Vanessa Bryant... accomplice to a rapist!

kiki71 said...

@ s.s the across the country doesn't mean celebrity. Gofundme reaches EVERYONE. They can get donations from Oklahoma, Florida, hell, Antartica so long as the person goes online. If you saw and interview or googled info and found a go fund me you might donate to someone other than Kobe's family hypothetically.

Gator said...

Kobe was worth millions, only an idiot would donate to a GoFundMe in his name

Lola beirstein said...

"a" family member of a victim from the tragedy this past weekend is using "his" gofundme

Lily Rose said...

Matt Mauser has three approved fundraisers on Go Fund Me. 🙄

Mary said...

Try truth, the cheater was Alex Cora who has a long history of cheating by setting up scams to steal signals, he was the one behind the Astros cheating scandal

stephen cooper said...

nobody really cares, now, that the Astros won the Series. we all know nobody will ever again think of them as the real winners.

sometimes you only get one chance in life to win fair and square, these cheaters blew that chance, nobody will ever consider them to be winners, so nobody cares about the 'championship' ....

what bugs people is those days where their favorite non-A*stros pitchers got shellacked because the cheating A*stros were beating on plastic garbage bins to tell the hitters to lay off the really good pitches.

that is a big scandal. those were real games that were lost because the winners cheated, and it cost some good pitchers contracts because they had one or two many bad games over the course of the season, and it cost a couple good managers who were not cheating their jobs because they lost one or two many games during the season to a team of cheaters. Little A.J. Hinch and little Alex Cora got great rewards from cheating, other managers got fired because the other team cheated.

Murph said...

Probably implying Kobe’s Dad or Mom

cc423 said...

Couldn’t you wait a month Entty?

stephen cooper said...

nobody likes it when people who should know better do bad things for selfish reasons


Jennacheryl said...

No Vanessa is requesting that any donations go to one of Mumba foundations.
That's what she said on her ig post that was sent around the world.

Samantha Quinn said...

This isn’t the Mauser’s. I know the family personally and this tragic accident has rocked the community. The two GoFund Me’s I know of and donated to were started by friends of the Mauser Family. Same thing with the GoFund Me for the two Altobelli children. My heart aches for all those involved. So much loss and the blind really hurts.

Natalie said...

Waiting for the lawsuit to sue The Bryant Estate. So SAD!

cjb said...

I don't know the name, but I'm betting it was the husband who was on the Today show giving an emotional interview less than 24 hours after the crash happened. I thought that was super suspect and wouldn't be surprised if this was him.

Studio54 said...

Is this the "Mamba on three" fund Vanessa Bryant talked about in her IG post, which is for the other families?

linie said...

Omg Vanessa doesn’t need the money!! Don’t be stupid

Sage said...

Nobody who is personal friends with a basketball player is poor and in need of gofundme money to pay for funeral expenses, so whoever is doing this is skeevy.


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