Thursday, January 16, 2020

Blind Item #12

Even when everyone in the entertainment media was going on and on about how a woman had already been cast as the new lead in a long long long long running movie franchise, I said the story wasn't true because the current production team would never do that. Now, they have confirmed what I said. Them moving on from the franchise is the only chance things would change.


  1. Bond and it not being a black woman.

  2. Sticking with James Bond being a male.


  4. Female 007 ruled out by James Bond producer story on CNN website this afternoon

  5. I thought the main audience & fans of Bond are women. Fantasizing/Lusting after this supposedly perfect man!
    If it turns out to be a woman,that would spell disaster for the franchise!

  6. These are the same producers who according to Enty said Bond would never be a ______ man. Fill in whatever you like, you're probably right on some level.

  7. @Indie, Now you're being close-minded, I'm sure a female bond would be at least as successful as the female Ghostbusters.

    1. Oh yesss....that was one phenomenally successful and critically acclaimed movie !
      My Bad!

  8. I'll say it Brayson *drumroll* Black. AHHHHHHHHH I'm a racist

  9. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Making James Bond a black woman is like making Scarlett O'Hara a gender fluid boy. The character is the character. If some people want a black woman super secret agent...then create one.

  10. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Whoever thought of introducing the new black bond woman by showing her in a dimly lit room with only her blinding white teeth standing out was not doing her any favors.

    1. No they didn’t! Now that is racicist.

  11. Female Bond? Nah.
    Idris Elba Bond? Yes please.

  12. So what's stopping woke writers from creating a new, equally-entertaining, female spy character?

    Let me guess... they somehow can't write those scripts because of me.

    1. Right on. Is nothing sacred if not Bond? Is there not up and coming black writers with interesting stories? “Tales from the DNC” would probably yield interesting, accurate stories of espionage, etc etc. I would be offended at getting remade stories and they should fight the Cabal for their own creative space. #dobetter

  13. Omg I filled in the blank with “F@king” woman, but that’s how my day is going. Almost the weekend folKs!

  14. Wokeness is about hijacking something popular and thus un-woke and ruining it by inserting extreme globalist propaganda into it until people stop watching.
    See Dr Who

    1. And Charlie's angels

    2. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  15. Woman suck, trans woman aren’t woman, black people cant act or pay bills on time, Latinos are dirty and steal hubcaps, all Asians eat cats. White men super sexy #1

    Don’t fuck with the MO y’all

  16. I'm a member in good standing on a James Bond forum. Apart from one or two complete idiots who then promptly left, nobody there has ever thought that Lashanna Lynch was the lead of the new movie, or the new James Bond. The rumor was pure Daily Mail crap, which is very common there.

    But it could be that the operative she plays is the one with the 007 code number at the beginning of the movie, because Craig's Bond resigned from the service five years before, in order to mislead the audience about "007" for a couple of scenes before her character is introduced. But nothing more. Ian Fleming did much worse to Bond in his final novels, as he gets a completely new different code number in You Only Live Twice.

  17. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I think Angela is right. She's the new 007 because she took over Bond's # when he resigned. I don't think they ever meant to rewrite the character with her as Ms. Jaymes Bond. It was Daily Mail stirring the porridge pot as they are wont to do.
    If anyone should be the new James Bond it should be Elba. I know he's too old for a franchise, but he at least deserves a one off. It's really one of the missed casting opportunities of all time.

  18. So true. Scarlett O'Hara is probably my favorite character of all time ad Vivian Leigh (omg....definition of a classic Hollywood beauty). However, I just know they will end up recreating it (like Roots...WHY?!?!)...but, will do blind casting and have a trans, black, in a wheelchair play Scarlett and make Rhett a Muslim, from India.

    Ugh. I made myself sick just thinking that.

    Classic characters and their backgrounds (including sex, race, and sexuality) made them what they are: classics.

    But, then again, " I always rely on the stupidity of strangers"...I mean.. Hollywood.

  19. And more Epstein evidence keeps coming out, DM has the longer video:

  20. Apparently even Dr Oz thinks he was murdered.

  21. Anonymous1:55 PM


  22. It's ether 007, planet of the apes,Batman,nightmare on elm Street, Halloween, the pink panther, Friday the 13th, star trek, Godzilla,carry on , but I think it's 007,,,

  23. It's ether 007, planet of the apes,Batman,nightmare on elm Street, Halloween, the pink panther, Friday the 13th, star trek, Godzilla,carry on , but I think it's 007,,,

  24. >It's really one of the missed casting opportunities of all time.


  25. Idris Alba I can get on board with!

  26. James Bond was described in the book as a white, blonde blue eye European man. He is not up for racial change....or gender change. Are they going to remake The Color Purple with Mexicans? How about some Chinese for the Holocaust? It is just "artistic liberty" what they did with Hamilton done in black face. Black people should be ashamed that Hollywood would rather do BLACK FACE on traditionally white characters. The message from Hollywood to black people is that are not even worth writing a script cringe.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Oh god, kill Bond off! It’s such macho claptrap

  29. Well they are redoing “Party of Five” with a bunch of Mexican kids whose parents are detained at.thr the border...

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. It really is bizarre to me this insistence out there that Bond needs to be black, be a woman, be trans...

    Ian Fleming's James Bond, the character he created, is a white Englishman. I mean, do we need an Asian Black Panther? How about a Filipino transgender playing Shaft?!

  32. Good! If women want to be totally strong and independent, then there are plenty of women characters in history - real and fictional - that can be portrayed. REALLY strong women in history. But instead they have to coop a male British spy guy to prove they have "won". That ain't winning, that is whining.

  33. There is only one way to fix this if you want to diversify that role. Change the narrative about who James Bond / 007 is. Real life: He doesn't exist but has been played as intended, by white straight males. I still remember people losing their shit when they casted Daniel Craig because he was gasp, a blonde. That's real life.

    Fiction is: James Bond will live for 500 years and more, so why not make ((James Bond / 007)) a British agent that assumes that role once that person joins the agency. So that (insert any person here, black white, green gay lesbian, asian, oh yeah, transgender will want in) and they get the job and drop their legal name to assume James Bond 007 persona.

    You can't undo things but pretend Sean Connery was former cop John A. Smith the first agent to apply for and win that position at the agency. He retires, and so on, and it's 2020 FGS. Hollywood needs to be creative here. That's all I got.

  34. I remember when the big news was women wanting to be allowed into men's colleges/unis. There were protests and the men were labeled big fat pigs and the media was the mouthpiece for the women demanding to be let in and, thus, change everything about the school

    About a year later a female only college announced they were going to accept male students to boost enrollment. Oh my GOD! The same media was covering the same women, who were now sitting on the lawn crying that men were going to be allowed in their all female school.

    Another lesson learned about a bi-polar culture and media.

  35. Jeffree Star should be the new Bond.

    But more importantly, why are tons of relatively harmless comments being deleted here? And any comment asking for an explanation why. At least give us a detailed list of what we aren’t allowed to say (evidently anything that isn’t “woke” or liberal approved)! Sad to see this site turn into another Celebitchy, where only certain comments and commenters are allowed. No wonder there are hardly any comments here now. I wonder how long until this comment is deleted? Very Stalin-esque, comrade!

  36. People don't read. She is the new 007, not the new Bond. There's a difference, which of course CDAN and other knew but they just wanted to stoke the fires.

  37. Bond is Star Wars and superhero movies for old people. Why they try to update it continually is beyond me; it must be for the international audience.

    May they all die a quick death and give us back regular movies that require some acting and have some actual script work.

  38. @Astra Worthington

    Perfectly said. I've been really sick so I'm a month behind here trying to catch up. Honestly, I'm also burnt out on some of the repetitive blinds here. LOVE this site, but I needed a breather (both literally and physically, lol).

    The "W-o-k-e" movies have all crashed. Good. Most people do not want agendas pushed at them. Most can see it all, others are waking up. I could care less about the color of your skin or what you do behind closed doors, but that doesn't mean every new movie has to push and push and push. ENOUGH. Their agenda distract you from the story and takes you out of the fantasy. That being said, I'd be perfectly fine with Idris Elba being 007. He has the perfect look, voice, and charisma for it. I'm on the fence with Henry Cavill. Sam Heugan has been mentioned. He'd have to work on his accent. Maybe Armie Hammer only due to his physic. He might not be a good enough actor to pull it off. Jude Law? Or is he too short? The dude from GoT, Richard Madden is too short. Mads Mickelson (sp?) is another consideration.

  39. Boo didn't die???

    WTF!? I mean, it's nice if she's alive, and all that, of course, but why faking your own death on a gossip blog? Sounds bizarre.

    And then to come back under the same name? I don't get it, can somebody perhaps explain please?

    Regarding the blind: people who have more than 3 braincells do not wish to have pc-ness shoved down their throats all the time. It's patronising, hypocritical and annoying. We are not little children to be brainwashed.

  40. if they're gonna make bond, pleeeeaaaase not elba. chiwitel ejiofor would be a much better choice, as far as black british actors go. or, better yet, make him south asian and go for riz ahmed. he's a superb actor plus that way you open the possibility of letting bond tackle more modern types of middle-eastern terrorism

  41. Wish it were Elba or macho guy like Mcgregor. Tired of sissy men on the screen.

  42. As Bernie Sanders would say, no woman can be President, and no woman can be a Bond.

  43. changing superheros into SJW cookie cutters is costing them billions of dollars but they don't care.

    this isn't about making money, this is about changing all the heroes from White men.

    they don't care that james bond loses money. They only want james bond to be black.

    annie same thing, spiderman same thing, the list goes on.

  44. Two distinct things, was obviously released to get some press...and was technically correct. The news that was leaked/released was that 007 was a woman in the new film...this is true, James Bond and 007 are different (in this specific instance) 007 is the agent number, out of say 12 00's, if Bond died (or retired as in this case) his number would be given to the next agent assigned it, in this case the black lady from the trailer I presume. They released the info '007 to be a woman in next film' knowing it would be taken as James Bond would be a woman in the new movie and cause drama. James Bond isn't a woman, 007 is when Bond is called back to MI6.

  45. Thank heavens that they were stopped from destroying the James Bond/007 franchise.

  46. Not the same Boo (I think).
    But yeah - Boo Hearne faked her own death. Very much alive and posting.

    1. Lol @ twodots. Thinks its derek too
