Thursday, January 16, 2020

Blind Item #1

The fighting between the one named talk show host and the alliterate talk show host is nothing new. It goes way way back to when the alliterate talk show host outed the the now long time partner of the one named talk show host. By happenstance, that night was also the first time they hooked up.


Tricia13 said...

Ellen/Wendy Williams

Tricia13 said...

Or Howard stern

SeijnSei said...


Freebird said...

How about Wendy Williams making fun of Joaquin Phoenix’s minor cleft palpate yesterday? 😖 Wtf was she thinking?!! She needs to hang a life-sized photo of her from last summer up in her dressing room. Any one of the pics of her strutting around the streets of New York with her gargantuan cankles on display.

Pissoff said...

Donkey face Wendy

Freebird said...


Some days I want to punch autocorrect in the face.

Lucky Dog said...

Wendy should have stopped at I find him handsome. Is that so hard? If she felt the need to address scars, be smart, have some decorum. There’s something about scars I find so beautiful. Like Harrison’s chin or Luke Perry’s eyebrow. We all have them, and they are life’s exquisite reminders we have the power to heal, survive and thrive. That said, I like her. She’s warts and all and meant no harm. It was just a moment of absolute tone deaf. Moving on.

molly said...

Wendy not only made herself look tone deaf but hurt a lot of people with cleft palates.

Freebird said...

Harm was done. Her apology wasn’t sincere and certainly wasn’t enough. She’s trying to buy her way out of it. Fuck her.

I’m with Cher.

Brayson87 said...

Wendy is sort of like Dorian Gray except instead of a portrait it's mirrors that reveal her ugliness.

Count Jerkula said...

He had the full cleft palate or just the cleft lip?

In any event, innocuous comment, outrage over it is silly.

Wanna be outraged about the condition, go listen to old Howard Stern shows where he named a frequent caller with a speech impediment Cleft Palate, and constantly made fun of him.

Tierney said...

WW is s fucking junkie whore who has long asked the public to understand and support her through a host of personal problems. But someone with a birth defect is fair game for her to mock? Oh hell no, bitch.

I'll enjoy her downfall with great interest from now on. Burn in hell, Wendy.

JL said...

Yes. Comment not so bad. It was the stupidity of the gesture of pulling up her lip. Photo all over the Internet.

OKay said...

Wendy said Joaquin was attractive with his cleft palate. Apparently that's bullying now. I truly do weep for this world.

OKay said...

*Cleft lip

Jazzyrae1021 said...

+1. Lmao I thought the same

Anonymous said...

Howard Stern and Wendy Williams

Miss Smith said...

My question is: is Portia transitioning to male? Her recent photos look a bit odd.

Count Jerkula said...

The one time on the Stern Show, Wendy was talking about retiring, and how nice it would be to wake up in the morning and leave the wig on the stand. She took a while to explain and say it, lulled Howard in and he said something like "yeah, that would be nice." I lol'd because after years and years, it was an admission that he wears a wig.

TheBPlot said...

Wendy is doing anything to hold on to the last few minutes of fame before Nick Cannon takes her timeslot. There was a moment years ago when she could have been legendary huge but her husband was career poison for her. I liked her for years and hope she can find a way of leaving with class.

Alana said...

Howard Stern wears a wig? I would like to know all the stars/celebrities that wear wigs or hair pieces. Maybe most?

Count Jerkula said...

Thats why Howard used to talk so much shit about Charles Grodins hair piece, passive aggressive self hate.


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