Friday, January 17, 2020

Blind Item #4

Apparently the alliterate royal wants a law passed which will allow her to qualify for an exception to residency requirements to obtain citizenship. 


  1. Replies
    1. @MyDogSmiles - do you have any idea what fat even means? That chick is not fat. Be more creative with your insults, because just calling her fat when she's not is lazy

  2. This is not true.I doubt she cares two hot damns about British citizenship now. And why would she? Racist colonists, the lot of them.


  4. You're a sellout Enty

  5. With the tonnage she's hauling around it's the law of gravity she should be anxious about.

  6. She wants to be Canadian? Say it ain't so!

  7. Anonymous8:05 AM

    According to DM Markle just picked her Pilates instructor up at the airport. So she's planning on trimming down the figure to get work again. In other news the royal family just internally transferred the two Frogmore Cottage workers to other jobs. So Frogmore Cottage has quietly been shuttered.

  8. I thought she never got her British citizenship? I haven't really been paying attention.

    And yes. The "Fat Markle" stuff is fucking stupid. Reminds me of the "Big nose?" scene from Roxanne. (

    If you're so butthurt that she ignored you when you sent her love notes and pulled her pigtails in elementary school, at least come up with better insults.

    1. Yes its stupid @Zebra and it doesn't stop at only MM, it's rampant here. But remember, behind every toxic man is a little boy who was traumatized, neglected, and/or heartbroken. The men here are no exception.

      Love your children people.

    2. So it’s upsetting to you when a female gets insulted so you have to insult men? Daddy issues, much? LOL

    3. Diana - are you a newbie??? Your comment was quite pedestrian. The woman hate is far far worse. And please do not enter a thread where a person of color is being discussed. You would think this was The Cyclops Headquarters.

  9. Her citizenship aspirations, like her diet, constitute an homage to John Candy.

  10. Getting Canadian citizenship isn’t a slam dunk. They don’t want to take just anyone. Certain degrees and occupations will fast track you for citizenship. Professional grifter/actress/influencer; not sure there is a demand for that in Canada?

  11. Can always count on this site for the Megan Markle hate obsession. A biracial woman married a stupid royal. Get over it.

  12. Chillax, good point. They already have one Justin Trudeau.

  13. MerryLou, you left out "and is saving the planet through incessant private-jet travel."

  14. Fat Markle in Canada. Turns out that Canada doesn't want exiled royals to take care of and spend money on. She also mistakenly thinks that Harry could become Governor General although he can barely read or write, isn't Canadian and doesn't speak any French.

  15. First Harry needs a job, like Lt. Gov of Ontario lets say (I believe that the position is available). He has to have a job for any consideration to changing her citizenship status to even Permanent Resident (EQ of a Green Card). Any public appeals for exceptions will be very unpopular as millions of Canadians have had to go thru the PR, and citizenship process.
    If MM isn't in the UK, then citizenship is out, and it doesn't look like she's going back.

  16. Harry is more qualified to be understudy sous chef at Jack In The Box.

  17. I wish I was "fat" like Meghan.

    Fame shame all you want but enough with the fat "insult".

    1. I know, right?!? The laziest insult, especially when it's not true.

  18. Iam tired already of her!

  19. Hey Rosie! Didn’t we make a bet that Meghan would be out of the Royal Family by the end of 2019?

    You said I was delusional.

    Anyway, just wanted to stop by and apologize for being 8 days off. They left on January 8, 2020.

    1. Sure did. You owe me a fiver. Go ahead and access my PayPal via my blog

  20. The poor Queen. Its like 1936 all over again. Another divorced American woman taking stabs at the monarchy.

  21. Anyway, the most interesting aspect of the Sussex story today is that Meg's ex-husband Trevor has turned up, being papped in Beverly Hills.

    Seems to be a staged photo opp, since he is calm, smiling, and prominently featuring his Porsche in the shot.

    It's a strange development, because Trevor has been entirely silent about his ex-wife ever since she began dating Prince Harry. Why has he suddenly emerged now?

  22. Markle is a fake p.o.s. Word leaked today about her women's shelter 'visit'. She never set one foot inside the facility. But rather met with the management staff in another location for a photo opp. Give me a break. I am counting down until Harry wakes up and dumps her ass.

  23. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Months ago TP mentioned that the NDAs on Markle had been rescinded. So all her former friends are free to disclose whatever they wish publicly. It's going to get interesting as these former Markled people speak up. I think Trevor was a shot across MM's bow of things to come.

    Nutty I have June/July as when the Sussexes can no longer keep their divorce proceedings secret.

  24. JFC, that woman is an asshole. MarkedDown Markle really expects the world to bend over and kiss her ass. She deserves a kick in it instead.

  25. And yes, this is about CANADIAN citizenship, not British citizenship. There's something in their constitution that is an obstacle to British royals maintaining citizenship there.

  26. Wow, the Princess Magictits stans are really out in force today.

  27. Speaks a lot about anyone who is a fan of any narcissist.

    1. If you like or support a public figure, you are supporting a narcissist. So please have a hypocritical seat.

  28. So many new names coming out of the woodwork....

  29. U.S.A calling Britain Racists is fucking hilarious. Check yourselves

  30. whoever else thinks that Harry could be GovGeneral or Lieutenant Gov or anything else, doesn't understand Canada at all. We have CANADIAN people with distinguished career accomplishments to do those jobs, not washed up junkie ex-British royalty, thank you very much.

    We're no longer a f*cking colony and haven't been for 90 years.

  31. Woooo, looks like Princess Sweaty Pits got some money to pay all her idiots Megbots to comment today.

  32. @Ann, what is really sad is that the headline says MM goes to pick up friend. But it was her pilates teacher

    The Sussexes are going to be those type of ostracized rich people whose entire friendship group is on the payroll, because no one wants anything to do with them

  33. Yes - her British citizenship aspirations are in jeopardy due to the length of residence in the UK. Something about 3 yrs residence and married to a British citizen.

  34. I think that "fat" jokes are funny, obviously, she isn't fat. Maybe just her head is. Quit being cry babies, wah fat jokes hurt my feelings. F--k your feelings. Markle sucks, it is incredibly obvious that she is a grifter and playing a long con here. Even the Canadian people don't want them there. This is all playing out nicely, she thinks that she has the upper hand, but it will all come crumbling down soon enough. Fatty, fatty 2x4, can't fit your head through the private plane door.

  35. I don’t think Meghantoinette is fat, just oddly bloated and it sits poorly on her unfortunate figure. A propensity to be thick waisted, and very broad torso, combined with the most spindly, ugly legs and gnarled, huge feet I’ve ever seen. Her beady, glittering spider’s eyes, terrible nose job (it appears to be melting), all of the moles and freckles (not her fault but ew), basically the whole package is not good. She’s also “mutton dressed as lamb” and it’s kind of sad.

  36. Why should she care about being a British citizen? The UK is already paying her bills and healthcare. She swooped in and stole their little prince like it was nothing. She'll probably toss him back when she's done with him, maybe.

    Can't blame Canada for not wanting her, they saw what she did across the pond.

  37. She does not aspire to British citizenship. That much is obvious. She is trying to move to Canada, or back to the U.S.

  38. MM herself is probably pushing the "plus-sized Duchess" meme. I heard one of the first of her proposed business ventures is a "SussexRoyal" branded Weight Watchers program.

  39. Maybe she wants Canadian citizenship to avoid paying taxes elsewhere? Not sure... Also, I think you can’t work in Canada without a work visa, or something like that. If true, that would seriously mess with her plans to live and papp there whilst accumulating the $$.

    Poor Harry. I hope he wakes up, and returns to the family fold, finds a loving new spouse, and lives happily ever after.

  40. A continuation of my primary annoyance with Markle since the marriage...she considers her self an "exception" to everything.

  41. Canada is seriously hard to get into. But right out of the narcissist’s playbook, Smirkles thinks the rules shouldn’t apply to her. I find her coziness with Trudeua to be suspicious. After all, Trudeau was right there at the Toronto Invictus Games when the Harkles were first spotted together. So was Melania. I’d love to know what she knows. LOL

  42. MerryLou I couldn't care less that she's mixed. She could be white, black, mixed or green colored for that matter, she's a horrible person.

  43. I don’t think anyone gives a shit about Megan being of mixed race’s the fake acting like their are going to be world saviours and preaching about shit to get photo opportunities to sell themselves and make money on the Royal name . Merchandizing at its finest !

  44. For all we know is granny could assign him as her rep for the Commonwealth in Canada his father, after all, is the head of the Commonwealth now not the Queen.

  45. She doesn't need UK citizenship while she remains married to Harry, but she might need Canadian to remain there. Victoria is a pretty smart place to hang out. 30 minutes by plane to Vancouver or Seattle, but it is out of the way enough that you can do your thing under the radar. The feral paps won't stick around for long if she doesn't give them anything to work with, and she can just keep her pet paps on retainer. But the easiest thing to do is jump on a flight to LA where the light is better and you can wear less clothes, and you can stage your appearances more carefully. Victoria is a pretty little town. Walking around and getting papped there is a dream come true. Then there are the side trips to Vancouver, Whistler, etc.

  46. She already has permanent resident status in Canada. She lived and worked in Toronto for seven years where Suits was filmed.

  47. Oh, Sparkles. Everyone knows you want out of the RF because you want to be free to play in the snow.

  48. haha "snow"
    it would solve the weight issue...

  49. @JBC, I think the studio would have handled that.

    She can want that law all she likes. Maybe it's all planned that they go to a Commonwealth nation first, then when their visas expire they have to go to the U.S. then oh well, might as well get back into acting again.

    I felt bad for her when her family members were speaking out about her, and her brother (I believe) said she will set family members against each other. Everyone should have listened.

    However we feel about her, I really am sick and tired of the Fat Markle talk. If that's all you have to say about someone, stfu. Say something useful or witty. You're just showing what a judgmental drag you must be because all you can say is "she's fat, HAHAHAHAHA".

  50. Anonymous2:15 PM

    @JBC her status was yanked last April. I remember TP posting about it being removed.

  51. Has anyone commented that the Canadian billionaire who is helping MM is Frank Guistra, who has been linked here a number of times to Bryan Singer and David Geffen?

  52. Frank Giustra, not Guistra.

  53. @shakey, It's one of the laws of the internet, the more people get upset about something, the more other people are going to keep saying it. She was oddly bloated for a bit but seems pretty average now.

  54. It's the British cutizenship she seeks, in order to keep the title.

  55. Markle set herself up to be a public figure. People can call her fat if they want, or anyother insult. It's all fair.

  56. Markle has her sugarbots on patrol! I picture them as little trolls in nasty wigs setting up fake charities wearing lots of bronzer and dirty shoes

  57. *sigh* This is EXACTLY about British citizenship. It was reported today that she needs to spend no more than 90 days out of GB over a three-year period in order to qualify, and lo and behold, now Enty has a blind about it.

  58. Nonsense. She doesn't need full citizenship, permanent resident status is enough.

  59. She's going to overplay her hand real fast, and real hard. She already did with the RF, after 5 minutes.

    Her greed, stupidity, arrogance and entitlement are coupled with teenage-like impatience and if she's hated now, wait and see how much hatred she will get in a few more moves.

    She has already alienated the only 3 or 4 celebrities that used to jump to her defence. Crickets from the CLooneys, Serena Williams, Elton John. She turns people off faster than .... I don't know, insert here if you got a clever and witty simile.

  60. How can this be about British citizenship when she obviously doesn;t even want to live there anymore? lol

  61. Fat Markle is Fat. Where did Fattie get the money for the paid trolls? Radio silence for so long, I thought someone cut the purse strings.

  62. And that’s why she went to Canada House. They deal with things like visas passports and citizenship.

  63. Fat Markle looks like a sausage on a stick with those spindly toothpick legs. She is so vile & disgusting, & it has nothing to do with her race or heritage & all to do with her narcissism. She has already overplayed her hand & she & that joke stylist/advisor, Jessica Mulrooney, have completely shot their collective wad. That troll Mulrooney tried to get Pippa Middleton spotlight at Meghan’s wedding and nobody cared.... she is the LAST person who should be giving PR strategy and advice to anyone. Where do these idiots come from? I keep expecting Ashton Kutcher to pop out telling us all we have been punked.

    PS Zilla is a Meghan Markle shilla....
