Monday, January 27, 2020

Today's Blind Items - Two Summers

Several months ago, Bani forwarded the contact information of someone who had a story to share. Because the contact came from Bani, I assumed it would be someone with a yachting story. It promised to be a good yachting story, but not much else. I was wrong. In a series of messages over the course of late last year and early last year, I was introduced to a person I will call P.

P came to know Bani because many of her family members have used his services. When she once started to tell her story to him, he told her to pass it on to me. It has been well over a decade since she was told the story by someone she was married to out of an arrangement, but definitely not love. That being said, she went into it with an open heart and mind. It was only a few months into the marriage that she saw she was just being used to deflect and distract. It was during that marriage that she was told/discovered/looked into something she has been carrying ever since. I am not the first person she has told the story to, but others told her to keep it to herself and what could anyone do about it now.

It started nearly twenty five years ago. A chance meeting between a man we will call B and a woman we will call C. Legend over the past twenty five years was that the meeting was chance. That is not the case. B had been trained for his role and he was ready and he did his job. His job was to sweep C off her feet. He was going to get one chance and he took it and knocked it out of the park. C was crazy about him. Right from the beginning, she was smitten. A few months after they first met, C had to go to NYC to accept an award. C was always getting awards. C was a permanent A++ lister even back then. Her understanding was that B was going to stay away and not attend because he was always staying in the shadows. He never wanted to be seen. He never wanted to be photographed. In addition, apparently he had some visa issues and it would just be easier for him to stay home.

So, imagine the surprise of C to see B in NYC when he said he wouldn't be able to make it. B had always planned on going to NYC, but the "surprise" to C gave him a great cover. Despite them being together in the city, and this wonderful romantic gesture, B only stayed with C one night and told her he had pressing business and had to return back as quickly as possible. The thing is though, he didn't return home. He met with some friends of his from his home country.

Throughout the next few months, C rarely left the side of B. When B said he had to return to his home country in the spring to see his family because of an illness, C insisted on coming. This was a huge deal. B had not planned on C saying yes. B had meetings with some people he previously met in NYC and needed to keep a low profile. This was the complete opposite of that. He had no choice though. Instead of getting away to meet with the people, he invited them to his family home and introduced them to C as relatives. In all of this C seemed to have forgotten all about the "sick" family member that necessitated the visit. She hadn't, but that wouldn't come out for some time.

As spring turned to summer C had another trip to the States. Part of the reason for her traveling at that time was B said he was going to be very busy for the next few weeks and even might have to go home and see the "sick" family member again. He did go back to his home country and he also made another trip to NYC. His visa problems had been solved because of his relationship with C.

B and C were together in bed in the middle of the night when the news broke about a horrible tragedy that killed hundreds of people. Apparently B, instead of being in shock about the whole thing decided this would be the perfect opportunity to have sex with C. There are some gaps in some parts of P's story and this was one of them. Not so much a gap, but one time she was told by B that C had said no and B forced her. A different time, B said C thought it was amazing to have sex during the middle of the night.

Part Two tomorrow.


Moose said...

Diana for C

sandybrook said...

Randy Andy and Fergie?

MDAnderson said...

Dodi Fayed and Diana?

Brayson87 said...

So around 95 then? Guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow to figure out if we should be interested.

yepthatsme said...

I figured it out, its...........................................................BCP!

Alf Landon said...

Hasnat Khan and Diana

E said...

Is B the doctor Diana was so in love with? Hasnat Khan? Very mysterious and didn't flaunt his relationship with Di, unlike Dodi. I also remember a story about her worming her way into one of his family visits...

Moose said...

Diana visited Jemima Khan in Pakistan in 1996, and used the trip to arrange a meeting with Hasnat's family.

INMFTG said...

@Unknown +1000

Moose said...

What was the tragedy that "killed hundreds", though? The two big events in summer of 1996 were the Atlanta Olympic bombing and the Khobar Towers bombings - in both cases hundreds were injured but deaths did not total those kinds of numbers.

Huckleberry said...

That's a lot of paragraphs to not actually tell us what this is about. If you're going to do a multi part story, there needs to be something to hook us before you conclude the first part.

Vita said...

Ok, I'm hooked, and a few of you sleuthers have me liking Diana/Khan as combo!

T. W. said...

I thought the tragedy was 9/11. If this blind is about Princess Diana and Dodi al Fayed then that can’t be the tragedy.

If this is them then I don’t know what the tragedy could be. I was at Basic Training when Diana died. Either the CDAN community will figure it out or Part 2 will make things more clear.

longtimereader said...

Dr Khan and Diana. One of her faves alongside James Hewitt, James Hoare, Will Carling, Bryan Adams, Dodi etc...

Brayson87 said...

@Unknown, Too soon, wait a bit. But yeah no tears shed in most homes in the nation.

Stephe96 said...

TWA 800 for the tragedy. July 1996.

Don't Telle said...

So the implication is that Hasnat Khan was part of a terrorist attack? Checked Google and found the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City was destroyed by a terrorist bomb in 1995 (186 fatalities). There was also a massacre in Sri Lanka in October 1995 (125 fatalities).

Moose said...

December 1995, Diana is in New York to accept the "Humanitarian of the Year" award from United Cerebral Palsy.

sandybrook said...

Im going to say the tragedy was the Flight 800 crash that happened on my birthday in 1996.

MDAnderson said...

Could be twa 800 but I thought the theory was it was by the us military. The bomber for the first world trade attack was on trial at that time.

T. W. said...

You guys are good!

C & P are definitely Diana & Hanshat.

There were too many tragedies for me to narrow down.

Unknown said...

How do you seduce a genius like Diana? Piece of string? No, probably a mirror.

Don't Telle said...

The TWA Flight 800 crash sounds right. I hope this is not true. Hasnat Kahn is a doctor/surgeon for pete's sake.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure when it was discovered that Diana liked Middle Eastern dick, it was open season to use her for something or other.

IndieRaga said...


Guesser said...

Both the Oklahoma City bombing and flight 800 were covered up international terrorist attacks,and you don't need to be a conspiracy theorist to think that. I think I remember Stephanopoulos letting it slip about flight 800. Diana is one of the characters, with Dr.Khan. Dodi loved publicity and worked in the US all the time. Tomorrow I suppose a connection to these events to Diana's death.

Gator said...

It wasn't 9/11, thousands were killed that day, not hundreds.

FourthTurning said...

It must be blog Neilson's week. Need a ton of clicks to drive up ad revs. Next we'll be hearing about Speilberg or Henley.

T. W. said...

Hey, I’m with the Truther/Conspiracy Community on most things.


I agree, Alex Jones & InfoWars are shills.

Do Tell said...

I was outside at Khobar Towers when it was bombed. Glad someone remembers it. Thanks, Moose.

Alf Landon said...
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Do Tell said...

I do think Steph got it with the Flight 800.

And what is it with the disgusting wishing of fatal illnesses on people? That is repulsive.

squirrelmistress said...

the lockerbie scotland airline crash

Do Tell said...

Disgusting that the guy behind the Lockerbie bombing was released from prison to die at home. And then he ended up living for more than two years after that.

JHanoi said...

i was going to guess the horrible Union Carbide chemical leak in India, but that was 35 years ago or so.

Kate k said...


Kate k said...

That was in the 80s.

Unknown said...

Jesus, can we get a TL; DR?

Jennacheryl said...

I don't think it was Dodi and Diana. Maybe one or the other but I doubt both.
The OKC bombing would not have occurred in the middle of the night in Europe. It happened @ 10am ish central time. Also the time line of their "romance" does not match up. Around 6 or 7 in England.

AuntBee said...
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Count Jerkula said...

The Dr isnt selling sex, nor does he have the dookienof 3 other men on his finger.

Count Jerkula said...

New enty a complete a hole deleting off topic comments.

AuntBee said...

Agree with Diana, Khan and TWA 800. Does this mean the Pakistani's planted a bomb in it? TWA 800 happened 8:30 PM EDT so 1:30 AM UK time?

Alf Landon said...

oh look someone is afraid of the truth

O.D. Cleaver said...

do you mean C an B?

O.D. Cleaver said...

Who is P of the arranged marriage?

Unknown said...

There was a flight that crashed off Long Island that killed 230 people that summer.

Count Jerkula said...

The one where all the witnesses said that it looked like it was taken out by a shoulder fire rocket, but the gubment said no, that was debris falling from the plane, not a rocket rising to it?

Gerbil S Sac said...

Haha idiot. TWA800 is very clearly and proven to be a horrible coincidence of crappy wiring in a very old jet combining with the fumes of an empty fuel tank. Anyone with an ounce of aviation understanding gets that. But aeroplane crashes always bring out the technically and sanity challenged.

Bubbles said...

Gerbil, we're idiots and you call TWA 800 an aeroplane crash? The plane was blown out of the sky and even if faulty wiring and old equipment caused it to explode, crashing is a moot point since everyone was probably dead before it fell from the sky.

BRAD PITT said...

"There were three of us in the marriage it was a bit crowded"

for revealing that alone the royal family wanted Diana dead and gone ,

Years later they found out she was pregnant with a brown baby so they had her murdered

i believe 100% she was murdered

Harry got his revenge though and married a POC

take that Royal family with all their power and their pedo connections etc

BlindAsTheNextGuesser said...

Something more important than the crash of TW800 (regardless of the cause) is that it was used as a trial run to erode our liberties in the name of security. It brought about something called a Shipper's Security Endorsement (SSE) that required two forms of ID to place a shipment larger than an 8oz letter with an independent air courier or freight forwarder should the item be placed on a commercial passenger aircraft. This was the pre-cursor of the TSA passenger screening we all are subjected to today. Al Gore was placed in charge of oversight of the program run under the FAA and known as the Indirect Air Carrier Standard Security Program. Vice President Tree Hugger made it so every such shipment required an extra piece of paper (the SSE). But it tested our tolerance for giving up personal information, and for having our private movements and business activities restricted. What it did not do was protect attacks involving passengers willing to sacrifice themselves and use the planes as weapons. The forwarding industry screamed to high heaven about this to the deaf-eared FAA, but the airline lobby had more pull with the politicians and no security measures were placed on the passenger side until after Sept 11th, 2001.

susano said...

I'm gonna go with P being Lisa Marie Presley and the arranged marriage was to Michael Jackson.

Not sure about the rest and the guesses about Diana and Khan. Doesn't sound right. Diana chased him and he was so busy working as a surgeon that he barely had time for her. He also would have had no trouble with a visa, being a citizen of the UK. He wouldn't have had time to be slipping away to NYC, either, as he worked like 90 hours a week.

irishyvonnedanceparty said...

Agree that it's probably Diana and HK. Diana and Charles formally separated in 1992 and were not legally divorced until a couple of years later.The romance with HK is said to have started in 95 but it could have been sooner than that because the PC/PD divorce was not final yet and they had to keep a low profile. The first WTC bombing was in 1993. Hundreds did not die in that attack, BUT it was bankrolled by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who is from Pakistan like HK. KSM also masterminded the 9/11/2001 WTC attack as well.HK went on to marry a Pakistani woman who was said to be afghan royalty in 2006.They divorced only after a couple of years according to wikipedia.

molly said...

Flight 800 = Ground to air missile. No question.

Ed DiGiulio said...

Great theory. Completely disproven.

Vince said...

B had been trained for his role and he was ready and he did his job. His job was to sweep C off her feet


Is this suggesting he was some kind of intelligence operative?

Notagoodscreenname said...

How was Ps husband connected to B and C? How did he know or know of them? What was Ps marriage used to deflect and distract from?

NicQuerica said...

I will say that after Diana died, it felt to me as though the Queen, in her own subtle way, was letting it be known that she genuinely didn't give a fuck. She had to be practically dragged kicking and screaming just to release a statement regarding Diana's death and even during the speech, the Queen made it apparent that it was the public who loved Diana, not necessarily herself or anyone else in the royal family.

NicQuerica said...

Trained by whom, exactly...?

mandyR said...

Funny how enty reveals her bias. If she dislikes a person, its disgusting rape and sexism, but if she likes a person it was simply “a different time”. Pick a side enty. Rape has NEVER been acceptable no matter how rich they are or what color hat theyre wearing.


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