Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Blind Item #3

The ex of the permanent A+ lister just said what has always been an open secret. If you are four decades older than your girlfriend, you need to spend some money to make them want to fake it. The A+ lister didn't because he doesn't care. Stay until you can't stay any longer and then he will find someone else to string along.


  1. Al Pacino and his ex

  2. Pacino's got 99 problems but a b!tch ain't one.

  3. What a beautiful romance.

  4. He’s a mean old man with stinky breath

  5. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Ever seen Revolution? Almost no one has, it was a notorious flop. Alpa Chino played his colonial character with his modern Noo Yawk accent. It was even more ridiculous than Harvey Keitel as Judas with his Bronx accent in The Last Temptation of Christ

  6. In any of Al's movies (especially these days), it's never "Al Pacino as ", it's "Al Pacino as Al Pacino portraying ". I don't think Pacino actually does any real acting, he's just himself as a different character.

    1. I'm not a Pacino fan, but watch "Dog Day Afternoon"...brilliant movie and he's great in it.

  7. If you're 40 years younger than your "boyfriend" and he has to pay you to make you happy then you're a whore. Go away, trash box.

  8. Of course it's mean to not to buy a golddigger lots of nice expensive presents ! Lol

  9. @Michael, You could say the same thing about Jack Nicholson. I think both have shown enough range. The Godfather, Scarface, Scent of a Woman, Dog Day Afternoon, Serpico, The Devil's Advocate, etc, there is enough variety.

  10. Oh wow, look up the interview where his ex is complaining that he was too stingy and didn't buy her enough gifts, yeah she's not living up to any stereotypes.

  11. WGAF? he was Scarface FFS!

  12. However true this was about Al, no one told her to date someone of that age. She made herself and her expectations look worse. Unfortunately, each will probably quickly move on to others willing to settle for publicity and generous gifts respectively.

  13. He treats her whorribly.

  14. @J what a whorrible thing to say. Lol 🤣

  15. This b!tch ought to move onto Weinstein, he understands what gold diggers expect.

  16. Pacino ditched her and opted to attend the oscars with his three kids. That was nice.

  17. Maybe Method actors like Pacino just "feel" normal human beings.

    A lot of these actors/actresses seem to have a disconnect with reality. Wonder about personality disorders and if having one - at least one- is what it takes to survive that morass called Hollywood.

  18. The only factor age has in any of Pacino's deal with his ex is that it makes the obvious completely obvious.

    There is nothing wrong with a woman wanting to be spoiled from time to time but when they have no respect for the sacrifice it takes to earn and save that money... then use the absence/withdrawal of care/sex as leverage to hold out for material things?

    Kick 'em to the curb. They are no man's partner.

  19. It's just one of those awful rules of the universe that there are far more available bims than old rich guys. They make new bims everyday but old rich guys are quickly locked down whenever they get freed up. She's complaining about the age gap, wait until she sees how much younger her replacement will be.

  20. Anonymous4:47 PM

    He old, ugly , and short AF...
    Hahahaaaa. Freaking disgusting.

  21. She should've cut bait after 6 months.

  22. What? The Israeli prostitute only wanted money? Color me suprised.

  23. I'm 26 and Al is my celebrity crush (hence where the Corleone in my name comes from) so I'd gladly take him if she doesn't want him. I've also met him twice and he was extremely kind and gracious.

  24. Old, ugly and short.

    But what about Al?

  25. He looks like a hobo..

  26. Golddigging ho. Why should he spend any of his well-earned money on her? What is she bringing to the table besides her snatch? Get a real job heifer. Nobody owes these kinds of bitches a handout.
