Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Blind Item #3

Don't be shocked if the alliterate former actress has some kind of excuse for not traveling overseas for the next couple of weeks as she was scheduled to do.


Tricia13 said...


MyDogSmiles said...

Fat Markle

Tricia13 said...

she is meant to go to London on Patronage business

Mozart said...

I'm sure Archie will come down with a conveniently-timed "fever" and darn, Harry will just have to go by himself.

herbert arnold said...

the sussex royals got the royal flush.

Rosie riveter said...

Way to beat a dead horse enty.
This is probably one of three alliterate royal blinds.

Freed Weave said...

her poor ugly wafert ankles couldn't bear the weight of all the conniving and Fame grabbing anymore

Freed Weave said...

*wafer thin

Aquagirl said...

FFS, just pull the titles, the patronages, the money, and the security already. Latest estimate is $20/million per year for security for them. There are many better uses for this money, such as funding the NHS or putting more cops on the street.

Soapdish said...

@aquagirl,agree. They made their choice to leave. And it sure wasn’t to keep their lives private, I have seen more of them recently than since their wedding.

Don't Telle said...

I wouldn't want to return to a country and it's people I just ghosted. But, as hard and awkward as it may be she should definitely go back to apologize and/or build bridges of reconciliation with her in-laws.

Freckles said...

She will blame it on coronavirus fears

TeeHee@U said...

Grifter Markle.

Well, according to today's headlines, her/ Harry's PR excuse of of today could be : MM, the doting mother that she is, does not want to risk Archie obtaining the coronavirus so she is sending Harry despite her desperately wanting to make amends with Her Royal Highness.

A new mother wanting to protect her child would be understandable IF she was not looking for an "out" the minute she left Great Britain for Canada, and especially, now that she cannot brand RoyalSussex in her marketing of products.

"SHOT TO THE HEART...AND Markle's too Vain, SHE's the Best Ho in the Game!!"

TeeHee@U said...

@Freckles beat me to it! lol

Anomalocaris said...

Calling a woman's ankles "wafer thin" is a compliment, not an insult. Lol.

J said...

Fat Markle.

💊🍺😴, stifle.

Vita said...

Good guess about coronavirus fears, you two! Ironic name, given how megs must be dreading a face to face with the Queen.

Seriously, I don't know how H&M could have played their hand in greater fashion when it comes to generating bad PR. Indifference is the highest reaction of support I've seen.

J said...

Lol @ people of Sussex. Bow to your Duke, commoners!

MACx0x0 said...

Why are ppl saying "fat Markle"?

Mrs Libnish said...

What a nasty bitch. She puts her husband in an extremely awkward position with his family and then doesn't support him when he needs to show up. I hope her and her fat ass gets massive payback for this.

gauloise said...

@VIta H&M suits them because they are so basic and off the rack :)

Em and 'im said...

@Aquagirl the annual sum quoted us £20m a year, which even more. They are wanting up to three teams of round the clock expensive Royal Protection officers . One for Archie and the latest nanny and to do those irksome grocery and takeaway runs. One for Meghan while she does her important humanitarian work of fleecing poor charities out of jewellery and schmoozing corporates and a Hollywood for speaking and acting gigs, and a third for Harry as travels around the world by private jet to climate change summits.

Clark Green said...

Sparkles spreading joy and happiness every day. The gift that keeps on giving. What a real p.o.s. she is as a human. A true grifter.

Brayson87 said...

Novel coronavirus is an excellent reason not to travel, it's still spreading. If you don't have to travel, you probably shouldn't. Especially if you have young children or spend time around elderly family members. Symptoms are very minor, tests are unreliable and you do not want to bring that back into your house.


Anonymous said...

Markle has already announced d/t security concerns Archie won't be traveling with them. Now they have an excuse to not have an Archie appearance. More time to actually find a kid to adopt.

J said...

I'm more concerned she'll spread hoof-and-mouth.

hunter said...

@Ann - seriously??? They are going to fly to another continent to visit extended family and not bring their child?

This sound ssssuuupppper suspicious. Are we ever going to see that kid again?

Anonymous said...

Markle and she will use Archie as excuse

Vita said...

Gaulouise-- lol!😄

This year just gets weirder!

Anonymous said...

@Hunter no Archie won't be making any appearances. They have to find one and adopt it before they start the happy family pap walks.

Tea Cup said...

Meghan Markle, she of the linebacker neck. She's trying to play coy and act shady as shit with the so-called "private visits" to patronages. She's just worried cameras might capture footage of her getting booed at or rotten veg being tossed in her grubby direction.

Humor Me said...

I didn't think it was coronavirus that was keeping Archie out of sight, but general "protection" - as in lots of protection: daily, cars, flights, etc. The cost increased to 20 K pounds! so Megsy must protect him.

Superfly said...

of course she won't show, duh
she's a narc, and they are cowards

Lucky Dog said...

Well, if she doesn’t show, let’s hope the Royal Patronages, Sussex nonsense and Royal Protection are all canned. The idea was supposedly that they were trying to remove the public interest by stepping down, but everything they’ve done has created more drama, not the least of which are the diatribes of bitterness and petulance they post on their website.

Fashionfluff said...

But is there REALLY a child? I'm not sure there is. I don't know what to think or feel anymore aside from utter confusion and total loathing of her detestable horribleness. And I do feel sorry for Harry and his fam.

Miss Smith said...

If only there existed a way for our shy humanitarians to fly to the UK as the only family onboard.

If only Harry had a Dad and Granny that would pay for a private flight with happiness in order to see a great/grandchild.

But no, our humanitarians are too worried about their wee gigantic baby to use reasonable precautions available.

Unless it was to leave him for several days to go to a tennis match across an ocean. Or to a speaking engagement in a different country. It was okay to leave him then.

Maybe if Granny offers more money to see her Great-grandchild?

Brayson87 said...

"I'm more concerned she'll spread hoof-and-mouth."

Okay you win the internet today J. 👍😅

Margery said...

She also keeps the visits private so she can sell the exclusive photos to the newspapers.

PurplePuffin said...

Markle, of course. People need to start booing and throwing eggs and shaming her and Harry in public. Yes, very 6th grade, but anything more could potentially lead to arrest. They are both VILE. The Queen needs to nip this disaster duo in the bud and strip them of their titles and security funding. Go away, you losers!

Magnolia Melee said...

Archie's rare public appearances remind me of soap opera babies. The size of the "actor" baby grows exponentially in a week and is a toddler in a month. I think the next appearance from Archie will be his "1st birthday"

Fifi LaRue said...

Markle has Mars in the 12th house astrologically. People with that configuration hide everything. No one ever knows them. No one.

Studio54 said...

I can't imagine Markle going anywhere near the "Windsor tunnel" between Windsor, Ontario CA and Detroit...

Studio54 said...

Markle will make any excuse not to make any public appearance in the UK. She will surely be booed, at a minimum. You can't blame the Brits, she's done nothing but use and discard the monarchy and the UK like a kleenex.

Sd Auntie said...

Well when Prince Andrew talks to FBI ...oh wait, when hell freezes over.


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