Thursday, February 27, 2020

Blind Item #3

The A list mostly movie actor is letting his ego keep him from dropping a lawsuit he thought would be a slam dunk. All he is doing is giving his ex more ammunition. 


Tricia13 said...

Johnny Depp

Tricia13 said...

/Amber Heard

MyDogSmiles said...

Depp. Saying he would drown, burn, and then fuck Heard's dead corpse...

Tricia13 said...

Yeah I saw that. Where did it go.. where did the love ❤️ go??🎼🎹

MyDogSmiles said...

Don't do hard drugs...

Rosie riveter said...

That's some smooth Pillow talk johnny

hunter said...

@MyDogSmiles - I meaaannnnn.... who HASN'T said something like that? That's just an angry drunk guy expressing himself. I get pretty creative too, I'd hate for it to be used against me in a trial.

MyDogSmiles said...

@hunter Totally agreed!

E said...

What a boomer!

MJ said...

I see that many are just focusing on what Depp has said he wanted to do with Amber Heard, few have tough that he confirmed that he beated her when he was drunk, high, on whatever substances he used and abused

when he says that he doesn't want to take any substance bc he is" too fucked up in his mind" and doesn't want to hurt " the one he loves" , this is EXACTLY a confirmation on what the texts between Amber and Jonny said that he becomes a " moster" ( if i remember the word well) when he uses , and he apologized, told her he was trying to do better or so

Johnny Depp 's lawers said that those texts were fake but an expert said that they were not edited

again, he has been ruinedb by himself and by his lawyers

and again, let's see when the REAL process goes, not that done in public

J said...

Lol pillow talk. 💊💊🍺😴 means they're unconscious.

MJ said...

Actually, another evidence how his lawyers are a bunch of POS : they have just spinned " see? He did not want to hurt her"

Anonymous said...

How about:

Nothing compares 2 U
hey that’s no way to say goodbye

The best breakup song of all time “slept so long” by Korn

Freckles said...

What a boomer? Lol he is older than I thought then. I thought he was Gen X. His lawyers are getting nice summer homes out of this!

Don't Telle said...

@Derp: Depp seems to be a more 'Let the bodies hit the floor' by Drowning Pool kind of guy.

Do Tell said...

Captain Jack, hung by his own petard.

Do Tell said...


J said...

Thank you, Do Tell. Petards blow things up, not hang them. 👍

Do Tell said...

It does sound like a nautical term that would fit right in with mast and jib.

Trapped said...

Johnny he’s certified batshit crazy

Anonymous said...

Oooo, ha ha hah aaaaaha.

Sweetlilthang said...

He’s not coming out of it looking good but he knew he wouldnt. Angry words to a friend arent proof of violence. What is interesting is that WB have heard all the audio of Heard and are actively looking to recast. He’s going for the scorched earth approach because he doesnt need the money he just needs people to know that while he may be a drunk drug addict- he didnt abuse her.

Sunkist said...

Why is everyone so anxious to have thee two cases settle. It's so the UK, defendants The Sun and Dan Wootton the author of the story at-issue, have to actually prove he is a "wife-beater" in order to win. Comes then Amber Heard as a witness. The Sun has the burden of proof, and have no proof. I'm not kidding. They have NO PROOF.

Then in the Depp v. Heard defamation case in Federal Court in VA, it is the opposite, because If the plaintiff is a public figure, he will have to prove the defendant intentionally made a false statement, or at least made the statement with a high degree of awareness of its probably falsity. Defendant Heard did not have to mention his name in the defamatory story at-issue, there is a thing called Defamation By Implication which is an Intentional tort. If the plaintiff is a public figure (Depp), he will have to prove the defendant intentionally made a false statement, or at least made the statement with a high degree of awareness of its probable falsity. Most court opinions involving claims of implied defamation focus solely on whether the statement implies a defamatory meaning to the reasonable listener or reader, without regard to the defendant’s subjective intent in making the statement.

I will be glued to these trials if they don't settle. The burden of proof shifts from one side to the other. Because Depp does not bear the burden of proof in the first trial, he could actually win and that could influence the second trial where it will be harder to win.

I might also mention that while he did not prevail with a judge or jury verdict in his other two cases, 1. against his Business managers and his 2. attorneys, he did win a settlement of tens of millions of dollars auspiciously causing the permanent closure of a "Hollywood" law firm of sustained preeminence. (That's why the media hate him so much.)

Do Tell said...

I don't think there is any reasonable doubt that he hit her at least once and probably a minimum of twice.

MJ said...

" I don't think there is any reasonable doubt that he hit her"

thanks, Do Tell...and there are PROOFS, too, but people ignore or choose to ignore them

Anonymous said...

They both were abusive to each other. She was caught on tape being abusive. She is also a gold digger because she has 0 talent. Johnny's best bet would be to go to rehab and get himself straight. America loves a good comeback story!!! I fill bad for his children that have to see him self destruct.

AwkwardTurtle said...

I kinda love the fact that the texts were sent to Paul Bettany. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders, so I was surprised he would be the one Depp would tell that information to.

Monkeyweather said...

I never knew what a petard was either. Interesting things here, from Hamlet to French FARTS!

RobertaJoan said...

Who? Nobody but Johnny Deep and others who can't leave the drugs and alcohol alone. It comes under Rule 783: crap you think but don't say.

MarxistFreak said...

These Hollywood people are incredibly uneducated.


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