Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Blind Item #4

Speaking of permanent A+ list actors, this contemporary of the actor in #3 has a checklist of items he makes each girlfriend he is with each day to ensure their loyalty. Most of it is pretty humiliating and not something which they would do for a regular boyfriend.


  1. This guy tries very hard to remove himself from the permanent list with each Ben Stiller shitfest.

  2. Change his diaper?

  3. Wear his used diaper?

  4. DeNiro wakes up every morning wishing he was as cool as Pacino. DeNiro always does best playing psychopaths, probably because it doesn't require much acting on his part.

  5. Eat his used diaper?

  6. i always preferred Al Pacino to De Niro, mostly bc both often act like they go on autopilot, doing the same things over and over, BUT Pacino looks like he is having fun, while DE NIro " channels" boredom

    Pacino is almost always entrartaining to watch, De Niro too often is boring, i can say ui have really appreciated DE Niro in few movies, one of which is Stardust, JUST Bc in that movie he was out of his cpmfort zone and was funny and cute

    well, of course DE Niro has done some great interpretations is just a matter to like or not like HOW he acts

  7. Everyone knows Pacino was the better Godfather.

  8. Watch the dreaded Silver Linings Playbook, the scenes where DeNiro is going to bet the family home (or whatever) on a stupid football game. Just horrible. Painfully, beturded-diaper-eatingly bad.

  9. Okay can anyone top @Fashy Vic for gross ?! Lol

  10. @Norster, That is one question you never want to ask on this site lol.

  11. @J, Was BCoop any good in that? The combination of JLaw and DeNiro seemed like a dumpster fire to me. Although JLaw and DeNiro banging would give you a close approximation of her and Weinstein.

  12. Oscar bait. I'm no fan of ham actors playing disabled characters for sympathy. I thought it was a bad movie. Lawrence __looked__ good, though. But the scenes with DeNiro going off were horrible.

  13. @Brayson87 Yes,you are probably right, though the @Count has gone very quiet.

  14. I like DeNiro better than Pacino but ok.

  15. Ffs, this " list" makes Pacino's stinginess a thrill by comparison!

  16. Hmmm, I was gonna guess Dustin Hoffman. But I guess he's not permanently A+.

    I have always preferred De Niro as an actor to Pacino and I think he has a lot more great films too. As a person... Al seems much more chill and easy to get along with, lol.

  17. I like DeNiro just don’t like how he treat others and saying the same thing about our president.

  18. The only things I ever liked DeNiro in were The Godfather II, Raging Bull, and The Deer Hunter. IMO, he peaked in the 70's. In other movies, he just plays the same psycho over and over on different sets wearing different clothes. Yawn

  19. Godfather, Raging Bull, Deer Hunter AND his supporting role in Terry Gilliam's Brazil works for me.

    I suspect in-crowd joke movies like Silver Linings always bring out the worst performances from industry savvy old salts who just mail it in for the paycheck or under some favor's duress.

  20. @AbbyRock, he's quite excellent in The King of Comedy as well. Probably his best role IMO.

  21. I respect Al's game. He's straightforward. I guess you could call him cheap but since it's his money I prefer to see it as pragmatic.
    This behavior, however, is disgusting.

  22. They need to realize if they want the young girls they got to spend the dough.

  23. What About Bob? was his greatest achievement.

  24. I think Pacino's 70s run exceeded Deniro's. But yes, both have been trying and in the last decade to surrender their permanent status.

  25. I am dying at “beturded” I literally cannot stop laughing 😂

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  28. I like what Pacino has to say about that idiot in the WH. At least he's honest about what he thinks of him.

    As far as the rest of this blind item goes, I have no idea about, except that it seems to be someone older. Why anyone would degrade themselves just to be with someone famous with money, I don't know. Perhaps they think they can change the person's mind and commit to them. But really, all it would leave them with would be feeling used and perhaps shame for having gone along with it.

  29. Deniro wears a diaper?? Wow

  30. hey De Niro , your two daughters want to know why you eat dinner with polanski a man who drugs and anally rapes little girls


  31. see this ?

    i rest my case

  32. Did I miss a blind about De Niro making girls eat his diaper?



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