Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 8, 2020

If you’re awarded a gold record by the recording industry, you’d expect it would be a gilded copy of your own record. Not so with this 1970s country/folk legend.

Once upon a time, at a party he was hosting, he decided to play one of the many gold records he had. Upon removing it from its frame, placing it on the turntable and dropping the needle, he was surprised to say the least. What he heard was not his own album, but one by this 1950s rock legend who belonged to the same label.

John Denver/Elvis/RCA


  1. thats because elvis is king.

  2. I love the old school blinds!

  3. Elvis over him any day of the week

  4. You played a GOLD record you f***ing moron. Any discarded/unsold vinyl is spray painted and used for the disc you idiot.

  5. What he didn't think that award actually meant anything did he?

  6. Elvis is everywhere!

  7. Well, Denver did sell quite a few million records.

  8. "that John Denver's full of shit."

  9. One of his 14 gold records, he had some to spare, lol.

  10. Ozzy Osbourne has cancelled his North American tour. He's going overseas for medical treatment. I hope he will be all right.

  11. John Denver, great musician, bad pilot.

  12. Ozzy Osbourne has cancelled his North American tour. He's going overseas for medical treatment. I hope he will be all right.

  13. Ozzy is 71 with multiple medical conditions, he shouldn't be on tour earning money for leeches.

  14. Perhaps they should have all gotten together and swapped gold records until they got theirs!

  15. That must've been Awkward!

  16. So I guess that means Elvis had a John Denver gold record.

  17. I did not realize they could be played. I had Denver on my flights several times and he was one of the nice ones. Not all famous people were 😐

  18. Ozzy's got Parkinsons.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Denver's 1st wife's family were friends with my mom's family. They would get together around the holidays in MN. I sorta remember him, nice guy, would go run around and play with the kids at family events.

    But, seriously this is just an idiot move, gold records are just for show.

  21. I was just travelling in the US last week and saw that there was a John Denver tribute act playing nearby.

    I wonder if John Denver is ripe for rediscovery. He's so out he's in. Younger people have no idea who he is, but the goody-two-shoes image versus his decline and death might be good fuel for a film.

    He was an environmental activist too, so there's that.

  22. It's impossible to play those gold records. They are literally spray painted so all the tracks get destroyed from the paint.

    So I call BS.
