Sunday, February 23, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 13, 2020

This west coast Housewife hosted an event and no one came. It was embarrassing and awkward for all those involved, especially since she got paid quite a bit of money to host it.

Kyle Richards


  1. Well, the check cleared, didn't it?

  2. +1 do tell getting paid is all that matters.

  3. She didn’t care at all, the money is all that matters to Kyle

  4. Everyone must've been too busy drinking their sanity away that they forgot to send the invitations out

  5. That's because getting an invitation from "Kim who" is not worth anyone's time to show up for.

  6. BTW, Bravo, Kim who doesn't have a story line either, so get rid of her and get someone who does.

    What happened to Lisa happens all the time on the Bravo shows: She was mean girls ganged up on and bullied off the show. Then the main bully girl, Kim, Vicki, becomes the most obnoxious. They they are booted, and the next mean girl that was the main bully, Tamara becomes unbearable, she is booted. It's like Survivor on these mean girl shows.

  7. Studio54-Lisa Vander pump is as manipulative as they come. Don't feel sorry for this bitch! I hate that word but it really applies to Lisa. She was the first "character" on these shows to really plot out story lines and manipulate people and situations to make other people look bad whilst propping up herself. The other women were pissed because they were trusting and got used over and over. It was time they said something. Lisa's victim tears were bullshit.
    She and her husband are NOT well respected in the restaurant community where they have been sued (and lost) numerous times by workers. Just two years ago they lost again and had to pay workers over $200k when the restaurant is only worth a million and they have partners.
    Her husband has been found guilty of sexually harassing workers.She is no friggin angel and he had a mistress in another state for YEARS. I could go on but I'm high and this is boring. I hate that I know this stuff, it crowds out so much useful info!
