Thursday, February 27, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 17, 2020

The former alliterate royal wants an honorary doctorate. That is part of the deal she is trying to swing in addition to some type of honorarium.

Meghan Markle/Stanford


Max Power said...


But fuck it, why not? They hand that shit out like candy to anyone famous. They're about as valid as the Nobel Peace prize.

Zebra Seasoning said...

So many trashy people have honorary doctorates, what's one more?

Anonymous said...

Doctor of Hootchieology

IndieRaga said...

Yay!!Meghan Blind.....
How I missed her,she has just disappeared from the news lately!
Pulling a Garbo huh?!

Freed Weave said...

Youu have to admire how masterfully Meghan transformed the very conservative, dignified Royal Household into a "Real Housewives of England" trashfire spinoff. That could be her dissertation papers right???

IndieRaga said...

Can I apply?

gauloise said...

The Harvard of the West

nmnibor said...

Why not two doctorates? One of doctoring and the other of yachting!

daria morgendorffer said...

I think the Harvard of the West is Stansbury, where recruiters will court you madly solely on the basis of a 1502 SAT score, and despite horrible grades and a long disciplinary record.

Rosie riveter said...


Max Power said...

So she would get a Yachtorate?

IndieRaga said...

You should get that registered!

E said...

"The Harvard of the (insert region here)"

I laugh whenever I see this. I supposedly went to the Harvard of the Southwest. I don't know about that, but according to the 'rents it must have been

gauloise said...

Harvard of the West I guess has become a bit of meme, but originally it was stanford, back in the day when education actually meant something

MeliticusBee said...

Well...she is "whip smart" after all.

This woman makes me ill. Who put her up to this....

Trapped said...

Go buy one like a lot of lazy ass people who doesn’t earn one..

molly said...

Delusions of Grandeur = Meghan + Hillary.

michys1 said...

What for? Being the only person to kiss a prince and turn him into a frog. Seriously tho would she even have bothered if he wasnt a royal. The guys a dimwit.

J said...

Doctorate in Fatassery.

Unknown said...

According to its website, "Stanford University awards no honorary degrees."

Girl with a Hat said...

ha ha . they must have laughed her out the door. Stanford doesn't give honourary doctorates and if they did, it would be to much more distinguished people, not ex-prostitutes with yak scalp wigs and sweaty armpits.

Henriette said...

Sparkles must be behind these blinds 'cause Stanford will not touch her with a barge pole, especially after all the scrutiny from the pay to play of parents paying for their kids to get in. Stanford does not want that publicity which is why they never talked about her being on campus.

PhillyWilly said...

Some funny ass replies to this blind. good work. take a few hundy out of petty cash...

Sylvia said...

😂 😂 😂

Monkeyweather said...

Yactor Markle

Monkeyweather said...

What, are Stanford professors selling out to Chinese spies and getting arrested too?

A.Claire said...

What a f--king hoe bag.

J said...

She should endow a Chair in Hoceanography. Or a Bed.

hunter said...

According to our community on NuttyFlavor's blog (WHICH IS AWESOME), at (shout-out), they said Stanford does not issue "honorary" anythings and it would be unprecedented if granted.

Anyone else know if Stanford has given any before?

Amartel said...

Colleges are already ripping off students with inflated and constantly rising tuition because they know it's all "free money" from loans that may or may not be paid back. Plus they're selling degrees that have no application in the real world. So why not continue on down this whore road and sell honorary doctorates not worth the paper their printed on?

DogsMatter said...

OMG J! Fatassery! I look forward to your meghan comments!! That was a classic!!!

DJS NOLA said...

anything that helps tarnish even further the value of supposed college education im all for .. its been mostly bullshit for years so might as well make it more well known that it is

Miss Smith said...

Yep. This is how dim she is. Angling for a honorary degree from a place that doesn't do that.

This is exactly the type of dimwitted garbage that she has been trying to sell about royal matters. This though, is more familiar to the American crowd, but it is the same type of ignorant greedy PR nonsense that is now a Markle calling card.

Aquagirl said...

I don’t believe she even visited Stanford, heck with the honorary degree crap.

CJ said...

She should absolutely NOT receive a doctorate or any other glory she hasn't earned. She and her BFF Jessica Mulroney are insufferable.

Good news today she and Harry will NOT be receiving paid for security services while in Canada.

Inger said...


Cerebral Kotex said...
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Alana said...

@Mischi Does she wear a wig? I thought that was her real hair.

.robert said...

@E, so Sam Houston State?

KittensRUs said...

I haven't been this eager for someone's 15 minutes to be up since Paris Hilton.

Unknown said...

For heaven's sakes everyone knows that Stanford is considered the lowest level/least prestigious Ivy League school you can attend. MM is bad at try harding.

dtfan said...


Bella said...

But why???

Count Jerkula said...

She should do a shot with WWE in John Cena's corner, so he could give her an honorary doctorate in thuganomics.

Studio54 said...

I'm sure she can get on from defunct, corrupt Trump University...

incrediblegecko said...

Sure, Dr. Sparkles of Yachtology and Snortology.

Clark Green said...
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Clark Green said...

come on everybody....she went from a mediocre tv show as a C lister, to landing herself a real prince and a royal title. surely she deserves a >fake< diploma for that.

Anonymous said...

If she get it we'll know she buy it

Habibti said...

Meghan drink a chill pill. You already popped out a royal baby so you are sorted for life regardless.

NoMoreBullshit said...

LOL This made my day. Thanks

Terika said...

Like NoBallsAppeasePrize for apology tours...


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