Friday, March 13, 2020

Blind Item #9

I should emphasize that she did not say this directly to the person, but the former alliterate actress turned celebrity said to someone to tell this royal higher on the hierarchy to "f**k off". Apparently the one higher on the hierarchy was upset at something the former actress had done and promised not to do, but did anyway.


  1. Replies
    1. No, I think she said it to the cow. What's-her-bucket. Chuck's wife.

  2. I read this somewhere else I think she said it about Queen Lizzy.

    1. It’s Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth thank you!!

  3. That bitch is so delusional that she probably thinks that she's the queen.

  4. Megan to camilla. She upstaged her by having the press cover her event.

  5. Have they finally detached from the gravy train?!
    I've stopped reading about them...

  6. Hoping she fades into obscurity.

  7. I think it's about not bringing Archie to the last visit as royals for the great grandparents to visit with.

  8. The nubian hooker has the cohones to tell kate to sod off?

    1. I think what they meant was that MM had the guts to tell kate to fuck off

  9. Fatass Markle, shrew wife to Hapless Halfwit Harry Hewitt.

  10. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Is there a dummies guide to the art of war? First rule is to know your enemy. In this case the British Royal Family.

    Some serious mental deficiency is being demonstrated.

  11. MM to Will.

    To me they are the two assholes in this situation.

  12. Harry could have had any woman willing to accept a dunce... and that leaves plenty to choose from.

    Lol @ the wrinkled, sagging harridan he chose.

  13. Meghan the delusional. And most likely Camilla.

  14. Its MM and Camilla. Camilla was giving an event on domestic violence and MM promised she wouldn't do anything at that time and then did, so the press didn't cover Camilla's cause because they were after MM

  15. The only Royal I can think of which isn't higher on the hierarchy than Fat Markle is a rusty urinal faucet.

  16. Yeah, definitely Fat Markle to Camilla. That DFC forgot that Camilla’s husband holds the purse strings and happy wife, happy life.

  17. Good for Megan -- we all know they need to hear it. Also, I don't think Harry said anything bad/untrue in this (it just sux that he was duped) -- if anything, reading the full transcript makes me like Harry more, he seems far less emotionally constipated than the rest of his family:

  18. Lol @ idiot Harry taking that call without checking first. No wonder he still thinks Archie is a real baby.

  19. @J, It was ridiculous. Like I thought he was naive, Forest Gump in love before, but that was just f*cking stupid. It's scary that Markle is the smartest one in that couple.

    But he doesn't f*ck minors like pedo Andrew so he's still far from the worst royal.

  20. here here jon. there was an obvious determination to not make things work and to detach harry from his family. he must be legit stupid to be moved around the way he has been.

  21. Markle about Princess Perfect "I'm not anorexic and my husband never cheated", Kate.

  22. Never realized "Enty" was so close to someone close to the BRF. This is some real insider stuff.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


  24. Def Megsy to Camilla. She got a paper to publish pictures of her 'Private' visit to National Theatre on same day as Cammy gave a speech supporting victims of domestic violence. And OF COURSE Megsy didn't say it directly to her, coward that she is. At the Abbey for commonwealth day Megsy suddenly got very interested in her order of service when Camilla arrived and stood staring at her. I'm not a supporter of the monarchy but I cannot abide women who bitch and diss other women to make themselves look or feel good and that is all this self involved mediocre wart of a human being has done since she won the lottery of life. I hope she lives in interesting times.....

  25. @serleena, you think that's a conversation any normal adult male should have with a 13 year old girl that they don't even know?

    People say he's a self entitled dimwit and this kind of thing proves it.

  26. The pompous fathead would do well to heed her own advice.

  27. Yes, this is definitely Markle to Camilla regarding Camilla's important speech about domestic violence. A memo was sent to the media asking them to focus on this speech because the RF felt it was a worthy cause that deserve recognition. Markle then usurped the news with her National Theatre visit and that lame school visit. Her fans don't seem bothered that she basically used a bunch of school children for PR purposes, to the point that children who didn't have proper ID were turned away and could not attend school because this narcissistic blowhard wanted to have a day of attention. Meghan also gave a flirtatious smile to Charles at the Commonwealth ceremony and ignored Camilla, who gave her a long stare down and Meghan looked away. Fucking coward. If you're going to tell your husband's step mother to "fuck off!" at least own it.
    Supposedly Markle also said the Queen can "drop dead" after they threw a tantrum because they were excluded from the procession into Westminster Abbey due to stepping back from royal duties. They felt they were too important to be seated with the "little people" and William and Kate had to appease their strop by bowing out of the processional. Did anyone notice how Duchess Tiny Tears broke protocol (again) by squeezing herself through the chairs to get behind William and Kate ASAP before Edward and Sophie could take that position?

    1. Seating is strictly by protocol. If you notice, it never, ever waivers. The wives mirror their husband's position. There is no "squeezing" to get ahead of someone higher in the food chain.

      That is something you do not fuck around with. It is not musical chairs. Don't let the Queen find someone out of protocol position and watch the royal brow send daggers.

  28. TorontoPaper1 on twitter says that FatMarkle set up the phone call from the phonyRussians to HarryHewitt. WallisMarkle is pure evil

  29. Megain Markle to Camilla.

  30. === victims of domestic violence

    Like Harry? Having his fam split for starters?


  31. Harry is the palace idiot. During his call with "Greta" he offered to help her get a ship to go to Belarus to rescue the penguins she was worried about and needed to get back to the North Pole. I guessed he missed the day at Eton where he should have learned that Belarus is landlocked and penguins live at the South Pole.

  32. My initial reaction to this story, once they decided to fork off, was "just leave." Months later and they're still leaving, and it would not have been difficult to do that. She just loves all this drama.

  33. Also, noted that she's too much of a wuss to tell off whoever it is to his/her face. Sad!

  34. Who has to tell a climber they need to eat a little shit and sit back and wait for their money in silence?

  35. Well MM won't be making any public appearances in Canada for 14 days after returning from overseas. Anyone doing so is asked to stay home for two weeks it was announced today. I can see those two screwing that up.

  36. @unknown. No he meant she had the “gall” to do it. He called her a Nubian hooker... He meant black whore.

  37. Anonymous6:01 PM

    @Hushhush Markle is in LA she's not in Canada. The house in Canada where they are supposed to be staying is as deserted as Frogmore Cottage. After all this idiot has put his grandmother through he has the nerve to call her personally and beg for help. I didn't miss Buckingham Palace issuing a denial did I?

  38. The Royal family are archaic and loathed in the UK. MM didn't get a palace when she married the cuckoo and her child didn't get a HRH title. Their role within the firm was to be servants to wonky willy and his servile wife. I don't blame Markle for pissing off out of it. She must have realised pretty quick that the ladder she was social climbing only had one step. Imagine having to bow down to that abortion of a family. Willy dipped his wick in his pal the marquess of Cholmondeley's wife and Kate is staying stoic and silent even though she is seething inside. Repugnant odious scumbags the lot of them.

    1. You're as spiteful as Cuntess Dumbarton.

  39. @Ann: Thanks for your accurate & succinct comment!

  40. @maryann Then perhaps the Soho House girl should have read up about the Royal hierarchy before marrying Mr. Low Hanging Fruit.

  41. Hahahahaha Meghan Sussex, I hope she did say it to one of those RF women (Camilla, the adulteress, Kate... and her mother, social climbers from birth), good for her. The "Greta" phone call has RF written all over it, btw.

  42. @Parade: Nah. It has MM written all over it. Did you also happen to see the photo of them where he looks like a drugged out, drunken idiot?
    That’s all MM.

  43. MM promised she wouldn’t overshadow Camilla’s event news.

  44. The trainspotting toilet that is MM.

    The only people who still defend her seem to be mentally ill as well. There is absolutely no excuse not to see through her at this point. She has shown her deranged sociopathic character countless times to the world.

  45. I agree with @ Zeroh Tollrants...Notice that Chuck is being very quiet re: all these Megxit shenanigans. As of late, normally he’s handling matters, mostly, especially when it comes to family/Palace. But for some strange reason, even though it’s his own son, the Queen is hands on this one. Is it because Chuck doesn’t want the blame for the destruction of another most important woman relationship in his son’s life? Maybe so. It’s a very delicate situation. The Queen is in no rush to damage her own relationship with her much loved grandson. MM beware because this is an experienced and powerful woman that can smile at you in public and to your face while cutting your throat, if she decides to do just that. Think about what MM has shown us over the last couple of years and imagine what she’s shown others behind the scenes. She’s not dealing with a dummy in HM. The Queen did an awful lot for Markle beyond what she’s done for the others. MM I’m afraid may well have mistaken kindness for weakness.

  46. Right @trapped. Hate the hag..bullied Diana. Betcha Harry secretly hates her.

  47. It was said about the Queen.
    The dispute may have been about Camilla - but she said what she said about the Queen of fucking England.

    1. The Enquirer? For insider information on the royals? Yikes.

  48. Oh ffs at the disguised Sugars here. MM is a selfish narcissist whore. Period. Her camp is the one that started the William affair rumors which was proven untrue, even though many here seem to believe it as gospel.
    When you see William and Catherine together you see a couple who are truly connected and in love with each other. William above anyone knows the costs and effects of cheating and did not cheat on her, in spite of Meagain trying to make it true.
    Meagain was not happy she was not given a castle, she didnt realize just how low on the totem she would truly be,I mean she was given a servants cottage, though they never loved there.
    As for Camilla, the comments and hate here a sickening. Charles cheated on Diana with her, yes, but there was never anything saying Camilla did anything to Diana other than try at 1st to accept the marriage.
    Fact is Charles always loved Camilla but was not going to be allowed to marry her as he had to produce offspring. He has not cheated on Camilla because she was always hos great love. I hated her myself, but she did her best to step in as a loving step mom when needed.
    Men and women fall in and out of love. It happens, but when you are forced into a marriage,it is obviously going to implode.

    MM is in LA Harry is in the UK as is Archie. MM is free to continue her intake of Addys to extreme and get even more plastic surgery.

  49. Sparkles of course. I am team Kate 100%. Sparkles can go crawl back under that rock she came from, or back to the yachts in the south of france to do her thing with middle eastern clients.

  50. I feel like there’s one person posting under multiple names here.

  51. Yacht girl needs to disappear.

  52. +Bazillion to why Truthseeker said. The hired MM flunkies need to tone it down if they don’t want to appear so obvious. Their love of hate is psychotic.

  53. But what's with Meghan's undergarments?

  54. You mean Markle is posting here defending herself and continuing to slam the RF? Sounds about right.

  55. @Superfly God Save the Queen ;)

  56. Sparkles is a hoe

  57. I like Meghan Markle, and I feel like people are being racist at her for no reason, and it makes me sad.
