Saturday, March 28, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 21, 2020

In addition to ongoing substance abuse issues, this permanent A++ list singer really needs to cut back on lip fillers and other poor plastic surgery decisions.



  1. GUYS....100,000 Infected!
    Plz...plz take care of yourself and your family!
    My prayers are with you!

  2. Sending you love and prayers @Indie. ❤️🙏🏻❤️ Are people actually self-isolating?

    1. Most are...but migrant labours are leaving metros in Mass Exodus! Iam kinda really worried!

    2. Yeah, me too 😞.

  3. She's starting to look like the Bride of Wilderstein.

  4. Anonymous11:56 AM

    I think she's addicted to opioids.

  5. Ah, poor Madge. She has a strong aversion to aging. Unfortunately she is using those fillers in places in addition to her lips.

  6. I’m on day 15 or so. I left one day last week to get food and cash. Food deliveries are scheduled for tomorrow and Thursday. I’m not freaking out about it (even though I’m in NYC) but I’m protecting myself as much as others should I get infected somehow. Everyone I know is strictly limiting contact.

    1. U WILL NOT GET're gonna come back here for gossip!

  7. She looks horrible that fake lopsided ass was a sight to see
    Her cheeks and lip are overdone and the Botox is out of control
    She’s addicted to everything

  8. We're in week three in Colorado. It's fine.

  9. Madonna could have been a role model for her generation on how to age gracefully, as Marlene Dietrich was to her generation (until the end, but that's another story.)

    Instead, she's become the anti-role model. Hey ladies (and gay men) - this is what you *shouldn't* do!

    Plastic surgery has progressed to the point where Madonna might be able to get some of her old face back. Renée Zellweger did.

  10. Thanks ;-) I figure It’s not hurting me and I’m not hurting anyone to be cautious, but it could if I’m not. I’m in an apt building, though, and don’t have a yard I can isolate in.

  11. Tired old crazy hag.

    Just pathetic.

    In other words, I'm loving the show.

  12. Madonna never grew up. She's extremely immature for someone her age. She never planned on how to age gracefully.

  13. Her face doesn’t look human anymore.

  14. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I hope the Luciferian cunt dies

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Pretty sure they don't do plastic surgery procedures where she is going.

  17. She can't accept she's in her 60's and the young-uns need to have others explain to them who she is. She will catify her face with the botox and weaken her body with substances that don't belong in it. Her health is especially at risk considering this corona thing.

  18. Remember that pretty face with the gap front teeth? Gorgeous skin? Crazy laugh? Lourdes today is her Mama 40 years ago. It won't last long with her smoking but today she is her Mom.

    Opioids cause severe constipation. How do people stand it? At her age the use of opioids can permanently paralyze the intestines.

    Dear Madonna, If you want to age more quickly, be full of shit. Stop now. It's getting late in the day. Stop messing your face around. We can see the grotesqueness that you can't.

  19. Praying for all, especially all of you in cities. Stay safe.

  20. You go, Madonna! Superstar! Icon!

    Put your grill on pleeeeeeze!

  21. Yes, prayers for good health and protection for all! Hang in there.

  22. The crazy fake dumper and geriatric legs are looking worse than her bad face work—and her face work is back alley bad. She looks way older than her actual age these days.

  23. Since she can't handle reality, I'm sure Madonna is surrounded by yes people, who lie and tell her what she wants to hear, she looks younger with every filler, procedure, when the opposite is true.

    @RJ Anderson: Yes, opioids do produce severe constipation. Keith Richards spent all day for years, sitting on the toilet with his guitar. Drugs are a bondage.

  24. With all of her money, I thought she'd have gotten decent work done on her. She should call Christie Brinkley's doc before it's too late...or maybe it is

  25. Anonymous7:07 PM

    She used the old trick of copying from obscure artists and musicians who could not call her out for it. That's no longer possible to do so she really has to deal with having very little real talent. She did come out with some great stuff over the years. I loved Bedtime Stories and Ray of Light...that era of her and even a lot of the early and later stuff. I know she's not a nice person but it's still kind of sad to see her in that bathtub batshit crazy.

  26. Everyone with money goes nuts eventually. Stop acting like Madonna is the first. She isn't and she won't be the last. A new illness infecting a lot of people is a big deal but let's keep it together. You don't lose your mind over the flu, cold, HPV, etc. You try to avoid it, you try not to give it to other people.

  27. You know, I was an aspiring musician in NYC just a couple years behind her. I used to hear the stories from folks she used and abused - people who helped her before she was famous, that she then turned her back on. She was on top of the heap for many years, and now starts the inevitable slide. It's sad. I don't envy her. I'm 60 now, I still play music in a genre much more kind to those my age - Folk/Americana - and I'm super glad I never got into that plastic surgery shit. I still look OK, would love to look younger, but it's a slippery slope. In the end, I think my regular face is fine. I met my husband in the East Village, we've been married over 30 years, and he says "don't do anything to your face."
    Money can't buy youth. Or wisdom, it seems!

  28. @moonmaid trust me madonna would probably give everything now to have your life. But, the choices we make...

  29. @moonmaid: lovely comment especially during these scary times ❤️

  30. With her bone structure I thought Madonna would look beautiful forever (think Sophia Loren), but Madge has always had a low BMI. Thin legs, skinny arms. Her hands are literally skin on bone and now with her aging skin losing collagen they look like claws. I’m surprised to hear that she’s an opioid user. I’d always heard she was a health nut.

  31. Anonymous5:18 AM

    The plastic surgery is one thing but the the substance abuse is something that surprises me.
    I always thought she was too much of a control freak to succumb to drugs.

  32. Poor thing - she just can't seem to grow old gracefully.

  33. shes def on something and that is shocking to me because she was always such a control freak... still love her but she def looks like someone trying to look like Marlene Dietrich

  34. Hey anyone remember her paedo fantasies in her Sex book?
    No I've never seen them even mentioned since since...strange that..

  35. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Does this mean that we are going to have to be subjected to Madonna goes to rehab and Madonna better than ever and Madonna beats opioid addiction and blah blah blah? Maybe instead she will just fade away?

  36. Madonna reckons she's never had a small penis
    But Sean Penn isnt that tall is he?

  37. @IndieRaga Some chats are downplaying the virus. I am trying to tell them it is bad. It sounds like you agree with me?

  38. @moonmaid and it definitely can't buy happiness

  39. I actually loved this last Madame X album, even though her previous two albums were not my thing. And seeing her at BAM last September was really cool. She puts on a great stage show.

    But yes, the recent videos are crazy. I think she might be on pain killers for an accident she had while on tour.
