Thursday, April 09, 2020

Blind Item #11

There is a lot of "outrage" going on right now, but it probably won't be six months before everyone will have a QR code on their phone they need to use to enter a business or an office building or a factory. If they don't, they won't be allowed to gain entrance. It is "Minority Report" coming to life. It is already being done in multiple countries. 


  1. haven't beem following it much or Apple/iPhone?

  2. what part of this is commentary and what part of this is a BI?

  3. People are tripping about 5G

  4. What happened to the good old days of "No ID No Entry"

  5. QR codes have been used for decades in Japan for specific reasons.

  6. It will never happen in the US

  7. In Italy we are talking about tracking apps due to COVID emergency and people are freaking out about 5G conspiracy theory too! lol

  8. Well, I call BS on this one because we have badges that allow us entry to first the building and then specific parts of the building. This is not how security works.

  9. China: using the QR code (code is green or red - allows you to travel on train/leave home etc) funded by Alibaba

    UK: discussing eCertificate (to prove you are COVID19 free) and can travel

    Google: also discussing openly the COVID19 eCertification (QR Codes)

    These codes are color coded and determine if you can enter buildings go to work etc.

    Soon Vaccinations will be required in order to travel (as per WordHealthOrganzation directives)

    Nothing to do with 5G right now - everything to do with mandatory vaccination program

  10. Yeah, that nerd super villain Gates is trying to force the Covid 19 vaccine on everyone.

  11. nerd super villian lol!!
    Good call MDS

  12. This is Covid tracking like they are using in South Korea.

  13. Whelp, time to go back to a old analog style phone.. Wonder where my old Razor is?

  14. Ok....don't scare me!
    I'm already on the edge with this Curfew!

  15. "This is why we can't have nice things..."

  16. It’s nice to see some people here are “woke.”

    The film “Contagion” is topping the charts on streaming services.

    I pray The Mass Awakening happens & we actually do something to make reality better.

  17. @T.W. you are so right. A few years ago this would have been sent to the conspiracy theory garbage pile. People need to get their heads out of the sand. It will become commonplace. While ID's were OK for some thinks like driving, work badge, etc. you will now need it to have a life. That's what people don't get. And attached to that ID will be identifiers no one will want but ultimately accept, such as vaccinations, etc. No vaccination, no soup for you. People think this is some kinda a joke. Why is Gates with his mittens into everything? Dude has gone off the reservation.

  18. This should never be normalized. The internet of things, 5g all no bueno.

  19. That mark of the beast thing? Since most know about it already, they have flipped the script. The mark will happen slowly. No mark, no commerce for you. Pure and simple. Give it time.

  20. In china they were using QR codes to track the virus. you'd go to a restaurant, Scan. And if anyone who was at that restaurant at about the same time you were came down with the Virus, those who had scanned in received a notification so they could quarantine themselves and monitor their symptoms. I heard this about a month ago on NPR during an interview with someone living in China. It wasn't meant to be big brother, but of course it has that potential.

  21. Horrible stuff...they get you to comply for a crisis, then use it in increasingly controlling and tracking manners. No, no, no.

  22. @Blaise is right. The Mark of the Beast can be delayed but it cannot be prevented. There are too many people currently on this Earth who know about it. Even people who aren’t Christians know about it.

  23. Bill Gates is behind all of this. Is he The AntiChrist?

    THEY are using Quantum Ink delivered via vaccines to track people in Bangladesh. Here are several links:

    1) An Invisible Quantum Dot 'Tattoo' Could Be Used to ID Vaccinated Kids

    2) Biocompatible near-infrared quantum dots delivered to the skin by microneedle patches record vaccination

    3) The Need for Good Digital ID is Universal

    4) Event 201 A Global Pandemic Exercise

    5) Bill Gates Calls for a “Digital Certificate” to Identify Who Received COVID-19 Vaccine

    6) Te (sic) Great War Cometh & The One You Call Antichrist

    1. Very interesting. Thank you for the links.

  24. Bill Gates is trying to improve his image since we all know he was friendly with Epstein, been on the island, and who knows what else they did together. When did Gates become the world's authority on pandemics and vaccines?

  25. There is a rational reason to not like 5g. Here is a a great article with some hard science examples. Its not mumbo jumbo. If you slowly heat up the water, a fish doesn't know what is happening, but it feels the effects. We have been feeling the effects of ever growning electromagnetic pollution.

  26. Yeah but we have a constitution and those other countries are repressive, authoritarian regimes. Unless that is what we are becoming...

  27. Didn't Hitler give people code numbers back in the 40's? That really worked out well.

  28. My God, these right-wingers are nuts. It's the Beast! The end of days! Maybe it's just common sense to prevent more deaths? JFC - within three months the US went from one case to 430k cases. PEOPLE ARE DYING. Doctors, nurses, police, soldiers. What's the alternative?

  29. Beware of the right wing making fascist moves that will be ignored during a pandemic. Hitler used the pretext of Reichstag fire to dismantle Germany's Democracy.

    Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán has unlimited power and proclaims:

    • State of emergency time limit
    • No Elections
    • Rule by decree
    • Parliament suspended
    • Any false news spread leads to 5 years in prison
    • Anyone leaving quarantine can face up to 8 years in prison Flag of Hungary
    Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán has unlimited power and proclaims:
    • State of emergency time limit
    • No Elections
    • Rule by decree
    • Parliament suspended
    • Any false news spread leads to 5 years in prison
    • Anyone leaving quarantine can face up to 8 years in prison

    Kushner’s team seeks national coronavirus surveillance system

    Amid coronavirus, Trump seizes chance to carry out a long-desired purge of government watchdogs

  30. Lmaoooo I can assume ya’ll China doesn’t have 5G

    This sounds virus -related obviously . There’s been one of concern over politicians/dictators exploiting everything including privacy in the name of keeping the public healthy/‘safe’

    Philippines, some So America countries, obv China, etc.

    Lol I get it, the 5G conspiracy is fun. Sadly, reality isn’t as fun (or creative)

  31. studio54

    Whats really super funny... The fact that the State didn't have an IG during Hildwags entire term as SoS.. Imagine that?

  32. LULZ at people linking ANYTHING from Politico or CNN.

  33. A: It will never happen in America lol
    B: I do not have a cell phone so I don't count :)

  34. This is life in China, everyone has to have a cell phone, everything is on it,
    in fact it is almost impossible to survive without a cell phone in China.

    You can only deal with the government via cellphone for pensions, social security, buying train and air tickets, theatre/concert/theme park tickets, paying for shopping,salon appointments, even brothels, no matter what a person wants to do they have to use their cellphone to do it. You now need a health code as well to travel. You bank accounts and tax accounts are bundled in the phone as well.

    To buy a cell phone you have to register for a phone with your real identification address, work place, birthday, tax number etc. Finger print identification was common. Ther is no such things as an anonymous burner phone in China, you can be imprisoned if the find one on you or in your home. This system has been in place since 2010. Since December 2019, manditory facial recognition for phone is is also required. Which means everyone in China now has their finger prints and face on record at the central data bank.

    You can be tracked 24/7 via your phone and every thing you send or recieve can be monitored, the state controls speech via it's large scale monitoring system say the wrong thing and you disappear.

    It is impossible for a person to cancel a cell phone, once they have one.

    Now a very interesting fact which as just surfaced in HK is that there are 21 million less cellphones in use now then there were 3months ago. Considering you cannot cancel your cell once you have one, what happened to those 21 million phones?

  35. Anonymous5:35 PM

    thank you for sharing @emeraldcity. scary for all proponents of democracy/ free market everywhere.

  36. This is all a precursor to legalized prostitution. They will chip whores, then tricks scan em w/ their phones to see their testing history and menu of services. When he selects his package of events, his testing history and desires will be sent to her phone. If she clicks Accept, money transfers to her acct, minus income & whore taxes, and the contact is logged incase outbreaks need to be traced.

    1. For an extra fee, pimps will have access to a whore tracker add on to be able to see if a bitch earnin or where she hiding.

    2. Damnnnn 🤣😭⚰️

  37. They can keep their businesses, office buildings and factories then

  38. Christ there's a lot of dumb out there. Gates warned us and we collectively ignored him. Technology can be deployed to help hasten the recovery. Yes, you should be required to have the vaccine, if and when it comes, if you want to fully participate in society. No, 5G has nothing to do with any of this. At all. Lunatics. And none of this is a blind item. At all!

  39. This tech stuff is way over my head. ..all I know is no new phone for me.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. My body my rights. Forcing people to vaccinate is fascist. To all those pro vaccinators why the hell do you care if someone doesn’t take the vaccine. If you are in such belief that you are now immune by your so called vaccine then what the hell matters to you if someone chooses not to as the no vaxer are choosing to put themselves in “danger”. If you are truely confidant in your vaccine than why do you care if other people don’t take it. If the disease spreads you are hypothetically saved, right? Perhaps deep down you are not that confidant or maybe you just want to control how other people live thier life.

    Also why do you trust gates on his opinion on vaccines, he does not have one iota of experience in medicine. The guy is not a doctor for crying out loud.

    1. I am all for anti vaxxers. Culling the herd of dummies is a great thing. They should be marked though, so people know not to allow newborns around em.

      And insurance companies should not have to treat diseases that can be vaccinated against. If you dont get yer kid vaccinated and it gets measles, mumps, etc, yer outta pocket on that.

  42. The mark of the beast

  43. I completely agree there is a lot of stupid out there. The anti-vaxxers are a idiots, and dangerous.

    Measles was irradiated in 2000, but it has come roaring back, thanks to the anti-vaxxers. All kinds of children died of the regular flu that were not vaccinated this year, thanks to their stupid parents. They do not understand science. Vaccinations produce antibodies that provide protection against the virus. I can't wait to see these complete idiots refuse a COVID-19 vaccine.

  44. What's next? Yellow stars?

  45. It will never happen here. This is a good description of the options: Our path is likely going to be mass testing and continued rounds of social isolation until the vaccine comes out. And if you don't want to get the vaccine, you can home school your kids and stay the hell away from the rest of us.

    @Melissa: Vaccines are not effective for everyone, and there are some people who aren't able to take them because of allergies or poor health. They are the ones who need to be protected from the ignorant. And you need to have a high percentage of vaccination compliance to protect them. I'm sure you've heard of "herd immunity." It's simple - if you're unwilling to protect society, you don't get to be a part of it.

  46. MeliticusBee said to me: Measles hasn't come roaring back. There are a few dozens of infections every year...mostly brought and spread by illegals who are not vaccinated to start with. Hard to track disease origins when the people who bring them...sneak in.

    Totally FALSE: CDC Media Statement: Measles cases in the U.S. are highest since measles was eliminated in 2000
    Media Statement

  47. I think testing will be combined with optional covid-pass of some kind, QR code or ID card type thing.

    I believe this will happen soon.

    If it is true that 20-40% of covid infections have little to no symptoms - and they are testing for antibodies to know if you've caught and recovered from covid already...

    Then it's entirely possible a number of people (like me) could possibly have already been infected and "recovered" without knowing it - I like to joke I'd be a super-spreader during that time as well which is ha ha but also entirely possible and a scary thought.

    My point is, there's a 1.5% chance of death and apparently a ~10% chance you could catch it and never even know it and now be immune. Boo-yaa!

  48. Leftists will support the need for a covid-19 passport but recoil at the idea of voter ID. Welcome to communism, folks.

  49. How not to handle/respond to a pandemic, the global edition. The media is surely loving the hysterics its created, and of course, such a thing is something some will try to do as a result.
