Friday, April 03, 2020

Blind Item #12

It's pretty telling that this studio didn't try to sign the alliterate former actress for any additional projects. 


  1. Disney and poor Meghan

  2. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Disney, Markle, the nature doc she narrated for Disney+

  3. Markle and Disneys Elephant

  4. Markle flew to close to the sun and too fast. Now no one's gonna catch her cause Harry is an idiot who doesn't know how to live in the real world.

  5. Disney--Meghan Markle

  6. Replies
    1. You are why I read obvious MM blinds.

  7. Disney? Meghan? Heard the elephant thing went over like a lead balloon.

  8. Why? Because she can't even do a voice over or because she's demanding things like she's still someone?

  9. Press And People Who Support The Royal Family Are Trying To Guilt Others Into Not Hiring Meghan Markle As An Actress
    April 3. 2020

    1. No one wants to hire her because she is not a good actress. She did a truly terrible acting the role of a royal.

    2. Look, all of Hollywood is shuttered because of COVID-19, and theaters -- already hit by Netflix and streaming -- might never make a full comeback. Those productions that do start back up aren't going to be giving freebies to a D-list actress who can't even at least curry them goid favor with royalty. It's like she burned every golden bridge.

  10. Their brand is toxic. Who would want to be associated with those shady, disrespectful grifters, no matter how hard Harry hustles?

  11. She is widely rumored to be extremely unpleasant. Dumb dumb dumb.

  12. Well, it was a mercy hiring, and an attempt to mitigate Hollywood Harry's cringiness at begging a job for his wife.

  13. God, the snippet I heard of her on the youtube trailer was unbelievably bad; like nails on chalkboard, make your ears bleed, BAD. You'd think if producers can autotune a numbed-out Britney Spears into an album, they could somehow have made this cringe fest more palatable--unless they did, and this was the best they could come up with? Makes one wonder whether Me2 really is the souless narc everyone claims. Cuz that girl couldn't vocally emote worth shit, and it's with fucking DISNEY of all people.

    1. I’d love to hear the version by the actor who got thrown under the bus.

    2. It was Meryl Streep. Markle got the Out of Africa elephant gig and Meryl was tossed.

  14. I want to know who got pushed out of the project in the first place to make room for her...

    1. Rumor is Sigourney Weaver was pushed out.

  15. Sorry to burst your bubble, but no studio is actually making "additional projects" now.

    With the current coronavirus situation, nobody makes plans beyond what was already in production. Everything else is, logically, on hold. A few of this year's releases, which were completed, are even delayed until 2021. When it's time to resume production, it will be a slow operation, and the studios will be seating on a backlog of films and projects, either completed or close to completion, that they'll try to release first, preferably at a time when there's no three other major releases and when theaters everywhere can operate at full capacity.
    Also, pilot season was cancelled, seasons for some TV shows are getting shortened, and nobody even knows what will air this fall. So, "additional projects"...

  16. Disney has it's own problems to deal with, bein entirely led by and infested at the higher ranks by Satanist pedophiles about to get busted.
    They really don't need to import more Cabal minions who are ALSO in trouble.

  17. I would like to know who the A+ celebrity was who had already done the voice over which was scrubbed for MM to do it. Anyone interested in the Sussex duo can go to the Harry Markled web site for the very best and extremely well written blog of data backed information of them.

    1. I have read elsewhere as though it were fact that it was Meryl Streep, but now I don't know, it seems it actually hasn't been reported who it was.

  18. Harry should have done it himself. He has a nice voice.

  19. She got what she wanted; her royal title is on it considering they've stepped back. So much for not cashing in on the royal brand.

  20. In a post coronavirus world, celebrities we only just tolerated before will become completely irrelevant at best. There is going to be little if any appetite for the very rich and privileged.

  21. So he’s “just Harry” but she wanted Meghan (one name) Duchess of Sussex as her official handle when her acting career has been as Meghan Markle. Got it.

    She thinks cutthroat Hollywood is gonna curtsey to let her in when people have been working their way to success? And that anything she does is not going to mocked mercilessly by all the discontents? She’s really tone deaf in every way.

  22. Of course it is Meghan Markle and Disney. Didn't the new CEO say that she was a controversial figure and that She needs Disney more than Disney needs her?

    MM is indeed polarizing. Companies take a major risk hiring someone whom so many people detest.

  23. @Unknown asked: "I would like to know who the A+ celebrity was who had already done the voice over which was scrubbed for MM to do it"

    My guess is Oprah. She willingly let Meghan have the gig since she and Gayle enable her and got her the JP Morgan gig.

  24. Anonymous3:52 PM

    It's bad, really bad. Listen for yourself but make sure not to be drinking anything.

  25. Of course, all of the reviewers are racists....

    The only person surprised the voiceover bombed is civilian Harry.

  26. Rumours of Sigourney Weaver being the original narrator

  27. Rumors of Meryl Streep being the original narrator. If true, that’s a huge travesty for the elephants. Hope it isn’t true.

  28. She is spreading the rumors about William and Rose again, too. Wouldnt want him to get good press for calling hospitals to thank them for their work.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.


  30. The original voice was a male A or A+ list actor. My guesses: 1. Edward Norton (Heavily involved in Maasai Conservation trust and has done PSAs against ivory trade), 2. Leo (donates supposedly to elephant crisis fund), 3. Christian Bale (Dad is South African)... but, my favorite would be: 4. James Earl Jones, who provided best voices of both The Lion King (original and recent).

    Since the gossip as to whom it was that was booted for Meghan, (would NEVAH use title for financial gain and royalties don’t count somehow) Duchess of Sux is NOT making rounds yet, I’d say that nixes Leo. I hope whomever it was or someone in know spills it soon, because if the voice over was complete, you’d think it would have been on someone’s resume, scrubbed from internet much like Meg and Doria’s pasts...

  31. She'll end up on the spew.

  32. Farkle, everything she touches is poisoned.

  33. And “Ms. Independant, empowered woman, brought her toy hubby to WORK with her? Way to make yourself a bigger joke than your SoHo gifs

  34. Natalie Portmann was the actress who did the original voice-over. Disney redid it with Markle. It was cringeworthy.

    Markle may end up being something. Just look at what Goop posted today. That was extremely cringeworthy.

  35. How to win acting friends and influence people who can hire you for a job (NOT!!) : Meghan Markle plans to return to acting but will only work with A-list directors like Ava DuVernay in a 'breakout role' because current offers are too 'cheesy and beneath' former Suits actress...she just doesn't get the hint that she's hated, she can't act worth a shit, and nobody will hire hire as she's toxic, untalented and more trouble than she's worth...

  36. Anonymous7:56 PM

    What else can Markle really do for Disney? It's not as if she's a brilliant actress. She's not a singer. She doesn't bring much to the table.

  37. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Well I'm not surprised by this considering She only The Disney Voice Over Gig due to Her Husband.

    My Sister though was telling Me about this Today:

    And this what I don't understand about Meghan is that She want's to be This A List Movie Star but what doesn't seem to understand or doesn't want to understand is that not many people in Hollywood is itching for Her to be one of them.

  38. she is at once cunning as a fox and dumb as a rock

  39. Telling because they don't like her, or telling because they're teetering on the edge of bankruptcy?

  40. Lol, so who was the original Aliater?! Quite a few names being attached there 😬

  41. So Angela says that she doesn't;t get any offers because nobody is working right now. Ok.

    That doesn't explain the lack of offers she got before corona though. Didn't think that through too deeply, did you Angela?

    She's shit. She's a shit actress, a shit daughter, a shit sister, a shit royal, a shit humanitarian, a shit speaker, a shit woman and a shit human being.

    She's a turd whom Harry tried to polish, instead, the turd succeeded in turning a Prince into a frog.

    1. This. All of this x 100

      Elephant completed production in 2019 - if Disney thought she was lucrative, they would have hedged their bets and likely signed her onto a multi-project deal... in 2019. Her popularity at that point was still relatively "half full," yet she was still never asked to sign onto additional projects.

      Like you said, this was before Corona virus touched down, so Disney was still churning out content and developing ideas at full steam at that point. They could have offered her a post megxit deal, but no dice.

      I wonder if Meghan Marie Antoinette tried to pitch her and Hazza's escape plan to Disney as a way to show their availability for future projects?

      Maybe Disney knew this would blow up in their faces and that's why they distanced once she finished her voice over .

  42. ME-Gain or ME-Again Markle. She is not a good actress - so not sure how she will get a job as an "actress" Harry in the meantime has no marketable skills. They will be back as Royals in less than a year -now that they cannot sell t-shirts online.

  43. I listened to Markle's narration in this snippet from the documentary. Anyone with a modicum of objectivity would agree that her narration truly is awful -- monotonous, lifeless, and grating. I'm so sorry for the elephants, who deserve better.

  44. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA A-list directors only? She SUCKS! Meghan couldn't even pull off a little role in a Castle episode without sucking. Get real.

  45. Nobody will sign Meghan Merkle. She is basically Cruella Devil from 101 Dalmations. You would shoot yourself in the foot casting her even for a guest appearance. Also her acting in Suits was very basic acting so....Hope Harry at least is happy with the former yacht girl living in Los Angeles. He is going to regret this decision big time.

  46. Hahahah! @Zilla 🎯

  47. Natalie Portman was not supposed to narrate Elephant. There are two films, Elephant and Dolphin (I think) Portman is narrating dolphin. It was a man who was supposed to do Elephant.

    Now that we have real problems, people giving money to charities simply to have access to wealthy people will stop. There are real needs now.

    Once the Markles cut ties with the BRF, they have no influence. No one has anything to gain by cosying up to them..

  48. Her voiceover in Elephant is like something out of the Barry TV show, like acting students who are keeping it at 100

  49. 🎶Now the king told the boogie men
    You gotta let that raga drop
    The oil down the desert way
    Has been sheikin' to the top🎶

  50. Add MM to the list of people Enty loves to hate on. This is just another opportunity to take a swipe at her. This couple vastly overestimated their value and if they don't realize it by now, they soon will. Meghan will unravel as things might not be happening for her and Harry. Them moving to LA is the kiss of death as people begin to simply ignore them. They will ride the red carpet and people will avoid Harry because he's not above begging for jobs in public. No one ever bought into the illusion of their brand. Even the Beckham brand is not what they use to be. I can't imagine how things will turn out for H & M.

  51. Fat Markle is to life, what Alicia Silverstone is to a hit TV show.

  52. Why is Enty so late today? It's 10:23 PST and I see nothing new.

  53. I didn't know it was MM who was narrating when I listened but wondered who the hell was this? It was awful.

  54. @Angela nobody is shooting. Plenty of deals and discussions happening. Business as usual in that aspect. Nobody will hire Megan Markle for the same reason no one has before. She is not a talented actress.

  55. I found Superfly's post to be funny.

    If you don't like what someone said, don't attack Superfly.

    Rather, it's time for you to self-medicate by watching cat videos.

  56. I often wondered if Hollywood money people would really invest in a film with Markle in a starring role. She is not a good actress. Would they invest millions just because she snagged a prince? I kinda doubt it. It's funny because every here seems to detest her, but if you go to, you are not allowed to say anything negative about H or M and if you do they will not post your comment!

  57. I believe so. The DNA will be the basis of the divorce.

  58. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Looking at the vitriol people are posting on Facebook for Skinesis (her latest paid shilling project) I wouldn't count on Hollywood hiring MM. The bad publicity wouldn't be worth including her in a project considering her poor acting skills.
