Saturday, September 19, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 12, 2020

It wasn't scheduling conflicts that forced this A/A- list mostly movie actor from a soon to be filmed movie directed by an actress/director. It was the actor's actions that got him fired.

Shia LaBeouf/Olivia Wilde

Blind Item #8

The planted story in Kneepads does mean the marriage is in trouble. The thing is though, if there is a split, there will be hundreds of Tweets exposing the reality family for everything under the sun and you can't put that back in the closet. Every last secret. Plus, with recent events, I think there would be a very good chance of another suicide attempt.

Blind Item #7

The Housewife is going to look pretty foolish when the person who did the cheating with the husband gives an interview and shows the receipts.

Blind Item #6

The A list singer/sometime actress is just using film to justify her huge pill habit.

Blind Item #5

It turns out the Rosetta Stone for escort trafficking who is super wealthy and even had a coffee table book about it also has secret recordings. She has one of the female A- list reality star all of you know with another woman. Oh, in bed and having sex.

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 12, 2020

The back in the day late night actor turned A+ list mostly movie actor turned musician has forced himself into the news and social media conversation the past day or two after not being anywhere for a year, because he is about to promote a rebooted project of sorts. So, yeah, he wanted attention.

Steve Martin/Father Of The Bride

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 12, 2020

The singer turned talk show host wants to tell everything about her divorce, but is going to figure out a way to monetize it first. Just go back and read my reveals and you don't have to wait.

Kelly Clarkson

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 12, 2020

The initialed rapper saved himself another trip to jail with his settlement with the government. The government will be less kind to the crypto Ponzi guy running for President who also likes to participate in rape parties. Oh, and the one named rapper who is helping him take all the money.

T.I./Brock Pierce/Akon

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 17, 2020

This foreign born alliterate celebrity is A+ list in his country, maybe even A++ list. In this country, he has popped up on a few reality shows, including the one starring his new wife. That husband/wife thing is on shaky ground to the point where they are not living together at this point, he unfollowed all of her friends on social media and she is back to posting thirst trap selfies trolling for a new guy.

Ant Anstead/Christina Anstead (the power of a blind item because the next day they announced their split)

Blind Item #4

Still no takers for the alliterate one to come speak and tell you things she knows after being on a low rated cable television show for a few seasons. Still no reduction in price either. She should try Cameo. 

Blind Item #3

This big anti-trafficking former A+ list actor should be asked about those two very early 20's "employees" at his home and how they came to be there.

Blind Item #2

This A- list mostly movie actress who hooked and crooked her way to an Oscar nomination/win isn't telling anyone that she actually owns a huge stake in a company where she is claiming to just be a spokesperson.

Blind Item #1

Behind the scenes, a separate third party is attempting to silence witnesses against this former A- list actor by purchasing their silence.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Blind Item #10

Once again this country singer is cheating on his A list crossover singer wife.

Blind Item #9

This former Housewife is going to have her drug dealer on her podcast. Apparently he is also the drug dealer to a talk show host she would like to embarrass.

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 11, 2020

This B/B- list celebrity from a celebrity family where she is just middling is being passed around by several different rappers, including her ex who treated her horribly before.

Noah Cyrus

Four For Friday - Bad Emmy Behavior

These all happened at the same Emmy show/after parties. It was an Emmy show between 2000-2010

#1 - This alliterate actress who has starred in several shows all of you know failed to tell the at the time co-star she was dating that she had hooked up with their other co-star who is A+ list now and the A+ lister had dumped her after sex.

#2 - This celebrity chef wouldn't take no from this then and current A+ list dual threat actress and she literally had to leave early because he was so annoying. Her significant other at the time was there, but hitting on any woman he could.

#3 - Coke mom did lines of coke at an after party with this at the time A list mostly television actor all of you know because of his iconic television role. He is no longer alive.

#4 - This red carpet host who still is around with her own show was groped by this A list actor who at the time was on two network shows and is still on one. He told her he would ruin her career if she told anyone. 

Your Turn

How old were you when you first had sex?

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 11, 2020

This permanent A+ list model made it clear she didn't want a co-host for her new show. Even if the ratings tank, the producers are not allowed to bring in a co-host.

Tyra Banks/Dancing With The Stars

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 11, 2020

I keep waiting for this still hated former A+ list reality star to finally make public the news there is a sex tape between herself and the permanent A list "singer." She is in control of it. It exists.

Paris Hilton/Britney Spears

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 11, 2020

This foreign born former A- list syndicated actress has been on a years long crusade to stop people watching porn. Well, when the check got big enough, she partnered with a porn company. Hypocrite much?

Pamela Anderson

Blind Item #8

I think the celebrity offspring is lashing out against the A- list singer because the offspring knows that her husband hooked up with an actress on his music video and has never deleted all the nude photos he took of the A- list singer. 

Blind Item #7

No one actually watched a show that won an Emmy award this week. Literally it was measured at about 2,000 people who watched it, but somehow it won an award. The reason? This brand new service wanted to be able to advertise the fact it has Emmy winners on its platform. It was an award no one notices and the owner of the platform has a lot of money which exchanged hands with some people who could help.

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 10, 2020

Look for a massive PR effort for this B list actress who doesn't want to be known as a homewrecker even though they guy was cheating with others before her.

Katie Holmes

Blind Item #6

As I told you would happen, this reality franchise is integrating in every city. Apparently though, the biggest star in one of the cities says she will quit if her franchise is integrated. 

Blind Item #5

The articles being written about the streaming giant are asking the wrong questions. They keep asking questions such as, "Was the deal worth it?" They need to ask the questions like "How come the number of dollars they actually paid doesn't match the numbers they used for tax purposes?" I have been telling you for years they are a money laundering option and it is time the media focus on that. That recent deal they just made on the black and white movie?? The producers were asking for 10% of what they were actually paid. The streamer said, "No, we want to pay you ten times your asking price for a movie no one will watch."

Blind Item #4

Not only did the A list actress/writer go through her pregnancy without anyone really knowing, she also already had the baby. 

Blind Item #3

New management at the Hollywood trade magazine and they start taking shots at the disgraced director and the mogul and now the mouth piece for the reality family, the "singer's" dad. They are going all in to take away the safe place for a-holes in Hollywood.

Blind Item #2

Apparently this former A+ list rapper threatened to kill himself last weekend and had to be talked down so to speak.

Blind Item #1

It wasn't so much the celebrity wife of the A+ lister quitting her role as it was the A+ lister's actions which forced the wife to quit.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Blind Item #11

This former A- list television actress from a hit network show turned C lister turned reality star turned fired reality star is strung out on drugs again.

Blind Item #10

This former Pretty Little Liars actress is on vacation with a guy who is paying her.

Blind Item #9

The offspring of an A+ list director is also in the business and has been exposed in this space and others for just how awful he is. Apparently it gets worse as he has been trolling for new victims by posing as a teen on social media.

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 10, 2020

I think the alliterate former almost A- list actress turned escort was just happy to earn a paycheck without having to sleep with someone. Yes, it is an endorsement deal 99% of the world will never see, but good for her.

Lindsay Lohan/UAE company spokesperson

Today's Blind Items - In Charge

It turns out this foreign born A- list mostly move actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee and was the other woman in an A list marriage that split soon after, has been the financial backing behind several documentaries and websites promoting controversial views she has always held but wanted to share to the masses, especially in her own country and throughout Europe. Many of the conspiracy theories she espouses have been primarily US based because of where they took place and who they involve.

Your Turn

Who is one celebrity you would never want to meet?

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 10, 2020

Just when you think this A- list actor was out of the clutches of the Svengali who has controlled much of his life, then you realize that sober coach was sent by the Svengali. She has been used for several projects by him.

Zac Efron/Mohammed Al Turki/Vanessa Valladares

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 10, 2020

If she can stay sober, and that is a big if, look for this former A list mostly television actress from multiple hit network shows, to join the cast of a reality franchise. She wants to say some things. Mostly it will be about the marriage ruined by the now former cast member, but she also wants to discuss the things that happened with the permanent A list actor and his fondness for children.

Heather Locklear/"Real Housewives of Beverly Hills"/Richie Sambora/Denise Richards/Charlie Sheen 

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 9, 2020

Still no takers for the alliterate one and her ginger boy toy to speak at an event. They were already over priced, but apparently even for virtual speaking they wanted the same fee as in person. Oh, and you have to double their fee for in person if there is any form of meet and greet.

Meghan Markle/Prince Harry

Blind Item #8

Apparently this brand brand brand new talk show entrant could give the alliterate talk show host a run for her money about who boozes more on set.

Blind Item #7

Kneepads is trying to normalize and put on a pedestal this former A+ list mostly movie actor who is one of the worst celebrity dads of all time. In their adulation they mention none of his heinous offenses.

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 9, 2020

It is disappointing, especially considering her own past as it relates to being a victim of domestic violence and sexual assault, that this permanent A list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee is publicly defending and supporting the disgraced director.

Halle Berry/Bryan Singer

Blind Item #6

Upset with the recent article and photo spread and the resulting attention received for this A- list singer, her arch enemy is willing to get married to her boyfriend if she can get a spread in a monthly magazine. A weekly tabloid won't do it.

Blind Item #5

Apparently there was a two hour back and forth meeting between the foreign born A-/B+ list actress and her people about what to post to social media about her husband's birthday. Two hours for nine words and three emojis. 

Blind Item #4

All the tabloids and monthly magazines are celebrating the wedding of this A-/B+ list former teen actress turned A-/B+ list adult actress to her husband. They totally ignore the fact she was groomed by her husband from the time she was 16 and her husband was nearing 40.

Blind Item #3

The getting divorced rapper who is going to be asking for some child support money from his much more famous wife, has some new questions he needs to answer to authorities about the death of a man that knew some very intimate secrets about the rapper.

Blind Item #2

This A list singer wants to do the acting thing again. Good luck passing the drug test for the insurance. She has her people saying she is in negotiations for a movie franchise. No. She wants to be in negotiations. 

Blind Item #1

This foreign born alliterate celebrity is A+ list in his country, maybe even A++ list. In this country, he has popped up on a few reality shows, including the one starring his new wife. That husband/wife thing is on shaky ground to the point where they are not living together at this point, he unfollowed all of her friends on social media and she is back to posting thirst trap selfies trolling for a new guy.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Blind Item #11 - Mr. X

It's in the early planning stages, but that controversial flame haired comedienne is being eyed by the cable network who fired her a few years ago to host a reboot of that show which made fun of TV shows. She's a perfect fit because she hosted a similar but short lived show about 20 years ago on that channel which used to air music videos.

Blind Item #10 - Mr. X

Which porn star turned reality star's mother was spotted smoking crack in south central LA on multiple occasions? The daughter has tried to get her mother into rehab several times but the mother has refused. At this rate, she'll probably be in jail or dead by the end of the year.

Blind Item #9 - Mr. X

It's finally happening. The A+ list singer/diva is finally sitting down with the alliterate talk show host for a (possibly pre taped) interview to promote her latest project. She's been interviewed quite a few times  on the host's previous show on another format but this will be the first time for TV. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 5, 2020

In the midst of constant openings of distribution centers and last mile facilities, this online furniture manufacturer quietly closed a center for "cleaning," at the beginning of last month, but hasn't reopened it. Very curious timing for all the conspiracy theorists out there.


Today's Blind Items - 20 Minutes

When you poke and poke things come out. There is a long time friend of this A+ list singer who just so happens to be married to an actress. Long ago, the friend said he was thinking about watching a movie that had sex scenes involving the wife of the singer. The singer then said the scenes were pretty tame but there was about ten minutes that were missing from a love scene involving his wife and the actor that played her husband. Also, there was a more dark scene involving the young actress who doesn't act any longer which was about five minutes. Finally, in a scene at the end of the movie, there was about five minutes missing where it was made much more clear that some of the people in the scene were underage.

Your Turn

How often do you replace your cell phone?

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 4, 2020

This A- list singer/actress is going to have to find another person to convince to donate an organ. This is not a would be nice to have, but rather a must have. Dialysis is already ongoing.

Selena Gomez

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 8, 2020

The A list celebrity/host/author who often plays the victim card has a very very very close friend who leaks information about her to tabloids.

Chrissy Teigen

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 29, 2020

I have previously told you about the film collection of this A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee and comes from an entertainment family. Recently added to his collection were films taken of atomic bomb tests that wanted to see the effects on humans. The humans chosen were recently deceased children. No adults.

Nicolas Cage

Blind Item #8

Shots fired by the madam/procurer/serial sexual assaulter. Those pictures she leaked are just the teeny teeny tip of the iceberg. She just wanted people to know she has the receipts. 

Blind Item #7

This A list singer from a permanent A list group got a groupie to take the virginity of one of his children.

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 9, 2020

The reality family is pulling an Arielle from Something Navy. The reality family likes to pretend their product lines are sold out and they are rushing to make more. The actual truth is that this major retailer is tired of negative product reviews/returns and nothing has ever sold out. They don't even sell well and won't be placing another order.


Blind Item #6

This tween actress quit a really good gig because the complaints filed against an older actor were never acted on by producers or the network. 

Blind Item #5

This long time reporter/network host has a PR team that hired a bot army to slam the new replacement for a job the host lost.

Blind Item #4

This A list daytime actress claims she's taking a break from acting to keep her family safe from COVID. Everyone knows the real reason she's leaving is because of the backlash over her not so politically correct Instagram activities. The last time she "took a break" was when her husband found out she got a little too method with her co-star.

Blind Item #3

This A list dual threat actress likes to pretend she is totally a hands on parent, but she has tutors supervising her kids during online school. 

Blind Item #2

Considering they pushed fake financials to a magazine and to a corporation, it shouldn't surprise anyone they would do the same thing so child support wouldn't have to be paid.

Blind Item #1

This one named permanent A+ list singer is going to face the same issues that the last incarnation of her biopic faced. A total gloss over of everything she did before she became famous and how she got her big break. It is the good stuff. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Blind Item #11

This studio really wanted to film their new streaming show for their own stream. They want nothing to shut it down so are covering up positive COVID tests of the cast and crew. Not Netflix. Not Amazon.

Blind Item #10

This former A- list actress who is best known for faking a relationship and having a character in a movie based on her thirst for fame, once smashed the car windows of what she thought was a car belonging to the woman having an affair with her then boyfriend. Turns out it was the wrong car.

Blind Item #9

This former actress who gave up the business was found dead in her bed this past week. It is always the people who set up the GoFundMe within 24 hours who should be looked at as the prime suspect. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 8, 2020

This permanent A+ list singer/songwriter has spent a lot of money over the past four or five decades funding research into whether this 27 Club blues legend really did sell his soul to the Devil in exchange for musical talent.

Bob Dylan/Robert Johnson

Today's Blind Items - Murdered - Old Hollywood

This will be a hard one to solve. This actor was A list for a very brief period when he starred in a network television show for several seasons. Other than that, there were more lows than highs. For a couple generations before his, the family was in movies. Our actor's father's best friend was Old Hollywood Harvey. That will come in handy later. Apparently our actor did some work for Old Hollywood Harvey which landed our actor his sole starring role. That favor was supposed to be just roughing someone up, but it accidentally led to death. Old Hollywood Harvey covered it up and made sure the actor got the television role to keep him quiet. Well, apparently everyone in the family knew what happened. They also knew not to say anything when our actor was murdered. No police were called. No cause of death released. Just a quiet funeral, sparsely attended. 

Your Turn

Best action movie that can't be a superhero movie.

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 8, 2020

The celebrity sibling of the permanent A list "singer" is just out there posting money shots to the world on social media. Money she only has because the family lives off the singer.

Jamie Lynn Spears

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 7, 2020

This former child bride turned porn star is talking about her own experience with her ex, but wait until she talks about the situations involving her ex and others and it will make your stomach turn.

Courtney Stodden

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 7, 2020

The child raping rapper is learning two things. If you don't payola, things can be difficult for you in the recording industry, and second, his new release sucks which is another reason no one is downloading it.

Tekashi 6ix9ine

Blind Item #8

I give the latest marriage of this B+ list actress six months. During lockdown, the boyfriend hasn't been able to cheat like he had been for years. 

Blind Item #7

There are about two dozen people now living at the compound of the former A+ list rapper. They are not employees. Apparently this is now some type of cult.

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 7, 2020

This A+ list mostly movie actor likes to have everyone think he does all of his own stunts. The things is, there has been a stunt double for at least the previous three movies for at least some of the stunts.

Tom Cruise

Blind Item #6

This A list mostly movie actor is hiding all the money that is paid to his LLC in his never ending attempt to screw over his ex for exposing many of his misdeeds. Not the big one though. Yet.

Blind Item #5

Ginnifer Goodwin blind item.

Ginnifer was on Whitney Cummings' podcast and said an actor who she was in a movie with and how he treated her would be considered sexual assault and that he was abusing an underage stand-in. Whitney said is was early 2005 and after Ginnifer did "Mona Lisa Smile" and "Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!."

Blind Item #4

This publicist for the porn turned reality family is back sending out fake tips again to gossip mongers that are so over the top in praise of him and how the public is clamoring for more of him now that the reality family is ending their run.

"Since the announcement that __________will end, _______ has been surprised at the number of media companies and online platforms that have reached out to him in hopes of keeping him and his hugely influential and popular _________ persona in the spotlight. He's very flattered and said he hopes to have some announcements soon."

Blind Item #3

This A- list singer has wanted an acting career for the longest time. It has been one step forward and two steps back. The reviews for her latest movie and the bomb it is headed to be will set her back for several years.

Blind Item #2

Not only did dad have to have to kick in money for the new home on the coast, apparently grandma also had to kick in money. So much for being financially independent. Oh, and there were promises made they would pay back dad and grandma. Ha. The alliterate one is going to hoard it for the inevitable divorce.

Blind Item #1

This A list pop star has a strange habit of being far too invested in what young children are saying about them on the internet. They often enjoy throwing heavy shade at other artists via direct messages and private group chats. Quite recently, they publicly supported a contemporary’s single release but privately dissed the same artist in such behind closed door circumstances. Possible reasons for this behavior are competitiveness, egocentricity, and most likely loneliness.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Blind Item #11

This married permanent A+ list mostly movie actor, with the help of his ex has really managed to keep a lid on his affair.

Blind Item #10

The closeted bar star is going to start an OnlyFans page. Hey, maybe it will finally get him to come out of the closet.

Blind Item #9

This A- list mostly television actress who kept trying to get herself paired with an A+ lister lost a ton of money in a pot dispensary investment scam.

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 7, 2020

This disgraced A- list mostly movie actor from an acting family has a bot army that harasses everyone who has accused him of sexual assault or harassment.

James Franco

Today's Blind Items - Golden Triangle

A few months ago there was an arrest in a Southeast Asian country. It caused a little ruckus because one of the people arrested is the offspring of an actor from that same country. It was a drug related offense. Over the past two months as police investigated further, going higher up the ladder, they stumbled across a name. A name of an A+ list mostly movie actor who was in regular contact with the group of drug dealers. Not the ones arrested, but those higher up the food chain. It also appears the actor met with them in person at least twice. It is still early in the investigation, but it appears the actor is one of the financial backers of the organization and met with the group when he filmed there.

Your Turn

Did the NFL games feel the same or different compared to last year?

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 6, 2020

Apparently our favorite foreign born B+ list singer/actress who frequently yachts, took a tumble in the sack with the wealthy ex of the foreign born A+ list singer who was not happy about the situation.

Rita Ora/Hassan Jameel/Rihanna 

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 6, 2020

As I told you many months ago, this former A- list teen singer had an OnlyFans site and is now going to try and make a ton of money by interacting with fans while starring in a porn.

Aaron Carter

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 6, 2020

The former A- list actress was really close to getting a fairly high paying television gig. The comments yesterday kind of blew that out of the water.

Rose McGowan

Blind Item #8

There is no chance it will ever happen in a million years, but the fact the alliterate former actress thought her name should be in the pool of replacements in case a Senator from California needed to be replaced after the election, shows the level of out of touch in which she is currently living.

Blind Item #7

I am sure it is no coincidence that a manager of one of the most famous K-pop bands of all time was the recipient of a shipment from China that was intercepted by authorities in South Korea nearly a decade ago. 2012 to be exact. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 6, 2020

Unless someone steps in soon, the sports charity for wounded military is going to disappear. Now that they have their bag, the alliterate one and her ginger play toy have left the charity in their rear window.

Invictus Games/Meghan Markle/Prince Harry

Blind Item #6

The former A+ list rapper is pleading ignorance/surprise at the revelation that all the employees he listed on his PPP application don't actually exist.

Blind Item #5

This married former NBA player who is HIV+ and not named Magic Johnson says he shared several of the same partners as this part-time talking head on the news who just gave a big interview.

Blind Item #4

I'm not sure why this former tween/teen singer turned A- list adult singer with the addiction issues is trying to pass off her future husband's past tweets as fake. From day one of dating him, I told the world he was a stalker of her arch enemy to the point there was a restraining order issued. 

Blind Item #3

At this point, the former teen actress who was impregnated by a producer is just trolling her more famous sibling and showing no respect. I do wonder if there will be a "suicide" soon.

Blind Item #2

This A+ list mostly movie actor who sometimes directs has taken a two hour drive north of the city several times in the past month to try and woo his ex who became famous for getting naked. Never mind she is in a relationship and not interested.

Blind Item #1

This former one year wonder turned yachter is supposed to be following a set of protocols to be with her A+ list athlete boyfriend. She isn't. She isn't just slightly breaking the rules, she is shattering them.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 6, 2020

It is really easy to have a companion/sober coach when you are halfway around the world like this A- list actor. No one there to really ask any questions.

Zac Efron

Blind Item #8

The ginger one has agreed to give up his military titles. Who will get to make the announcement and issue the statement and spin it their own way. Oh, and that rental money/payback money isn't being paid.

Blind Item #7

The actor dating the celebrity offspring of a permanent A lister is doing it all for show. He has a long time boyfriend.

Blind Item #6

This A list acting couple needed some positive publicity which is why the A+ list mostly movie actor set up a television reunion.

Blind Item #5

This former A- list mostly movie actress who has appeared in one huge franchise is hooking up with this married A+ list horror author.

Blind Items Revealed #4

September 5, 2020

With the assistance of several dozen guards and her attorneys on standby in case of the worst, the procurer/serial sexual assaulter/madam made it through the second of two possible execution nights last night. At this point, she has probably been pushed over the edge due to the 24/7 checks and no privacy.

Ghislaine Maxwell

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 5, 2020

Speaking of talk shows, this sometime model/host wants her own talk show, but her Q score is kind of middling right now.

Chrissy Teigen

Blind Items Revealed #2

September 5, 2020

The employee/boyfriend must have got a raise for how much he has joined in with the company line. It is full on war right now and anyone with a social media following who supports the "singer" is attacked.

Britney Spears

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 5, 2020

This A- list stand up comic/showrunner/actress knows she has been complicit in the behavior of several male comics being accused of all types of bad acts. In many cases she encouraged their behavior. So, now she is doing a full on publicity run with tabloids and monthly magazines trying to pretend none of her complicity exists.

Whitney Cummings

Blind Item #4

A fact checking site is known to take money. No, not to lie, but to be super fuzzy and use qualifiers in situations where the results would be really negative against those who pay them.

Blind Item #3

At this point, the foreign born B+ list actress and her singing husband are staying together to not have to deal with the press of splitting. These kinds of arrangements really start to fall apart when the couple begins to hate each other and resent each other. 

Blind Item #2

The family of this recently deceased actress have hired their own investigator because they are not convinced it was an accident. There are just too many things not making sense about the B lister's death.

Blind Item #1

It wasn't a specific person the A+ list superhero had taken the photo for. The actor known for his sex dungeon has sent the photo to many of the women he has hooked up with. Plus others. The comic actress had seen it before so he has been sending it out at least that long.