Saturday, December 12, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 5, 2020

This week, this former A++ list politician publicly showed just how close his ties are to the family that financially supported/supports the busted up sex cult that saw its leader be sentenced to a very long time in jail. On a side note, it is also interesting that this member of the family who was befriended for years by the alliterate one when it benefited the alliterate one, no longer speaks to the family member at all. 

Barack Obama/Bronfman/NXIVM/Keith Raniere/Hannah Bronfman/Meghan Markle

Blind Item #8

The $10K a month rent thing demanded by the alliterate one and her husband didn't go over well. It got to the point where the family war was going to spill out in the open. So, the newlyweds were forced to move out or have family secrets exposed.

Blind Item #7

This drama is head spinning. From time to time here I have mentioned the very large reality family. I recently wrote about a soon to be addition to the family who was previously in a relationship with a family member who is not her betrothed. A younger sibling of the soon to be addition is currently in a secret sexual relationship with a member of a similar reality family.

Blind Item #6

This A list Disney actress was talking marriage, but that pushed the creepy perv director over the edge and threatened her career. So, the actress split with the boyfriend.

Blind Item #5

This streaming cartoon has always been problematic, but now it is just glorifying child sex abuse. The streaming service thinks it is great for business.

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 5, 2020

This alliterate A-/B+ list singer is giving up music. She says that now, but when her pro athlete finally leaves her for one of the porn stars they both sleep with, she may change her mind. 

Teyana Taylor/Iman Shumpert

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 5, 2020

This A- list mostly movie actress was told by her people there was no way she was going to be able to apologize her way out of this and she should just remove herself from social media and the public eye immediately if she wanted to be able to save her career, especially in her universe. Oh, she would get paid whether she was in it or not, but you don't want to be known as the person who was fired from a universe.

Letitia Wright

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 4, 2020

Speaking of the feds, they are being kept at bay by a local police force looking again into the death of this Silicon Valley genius who was one of the founders of that big message board. The feds really stalled the initial investigation and faked some information. 

Aaron Swartz/"Reddit"

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 4, 2020

This family usually buys, but never sells property. An A lister in the family is selling property purchased after marriage. There have been pretty steady sales for the past two months.

Kim Kardashian

Blind Item #4

This A+ list producer/mogul/host spends a good 10-12 hours a week receiving medical treatment. 

Blind Item #3

This celebrity offspring of a barely there celebrity had a not socially distanced Thanksgiving party and at that party she said she actually did start her sexual relationship with the north of the border one named rapper when she was just old enough to drive. 

Blind Item #2

This foreign born actress is out promoting her streaming documentary. She talked about sex with an A lister, but forgot to mention the time she had an affair with a co-star who then ended up getting divorced from his wife to be with the actress, who wanted no part of him once he was single.

Blind Item #1

The new biopic being made about a permanent A+ list Old Hollywood duo is going to whitewash the good stuff. The couple were never lovers in real life, just good friends. Sounds like bad fan fiction. I wonder if this will cover his bisexuality and his relationship with his longtime choreographer; his gold digging second wife who rewrote his will so his kid should could get no inheritance money; Her pre fame years when her stage mother from hell pimped her out to older producers so she could land parts on Broadway; her back alley abortion which made her unable to have kids; Her relationships with the rich alliterate industrialist/producer, the founder of the mouse house, the alliterate permanent A+ list pianist/songwriter; her alcoholism which she cloaked with her Christian Science beliefs.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Blind Item #10

This married mom blogger/influencer who has a name I can't pronounce and approaching a million social media followers had an affair with this statewide politician who has been in the news from a Housewife state.

Blind Item #9

This foreign born A list singer who is extra popular during the holidays gave his wife a bloody lip when he slapped her this week.

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 4, 2020

It is because the show is so spot on that this next in line has been having celebrities and actors and actresses say nice things about him in public.

The Crown/Prince Charles

Four For Friday - Crazy

It is that time of year. Beginning on Monday and through Reveal Day on January 1st, I will be posting Reader Photos in Random Photos. If you would like yours to be included, email it to

#1 - For over eight decades this studio has not released extended footage of this permanent A+ list movie, because it does show a death that has long been speculated, but never proven.

#2 - The theory is that this A+ list movie character predated an iconic television character. The truth is that they occurred simultaneously when the writer of a movie and the creator of this five decade long television show got drunk together and talked about their craziest ideas.

#3 - This alliterate flash in the pan A list actress had her bathtub used as a toilet by crew on a movie because they hated her so much.

#4 - This three named actor recently showed off the tattoo he has like all other actors that have slept with the mogul to get parts and to show loyalty to the mogul. It is two letters. GB.

Your Turn

 A dead singer you wish was still making music.

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 4, 2020

It is one thing for this NBA player to step out on his wife with one person, but when there are four others in addition to your wife, you are just asking for your embarrassed/humiliated/betrayed wife to start dropping truth bombs about the drug arrest and what really is going on. Put that whole career in jeopardy. 

Malik Beasley/Larsa Pippen/Montana Yao 

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 4, 2020

This former A+ list singer is still probably A- list just because all of you know her. In order to make her new product launch a success, she is having people say bad things about her biggest competition, this foreign born A+ list singer.

Alicia Keys/Rihanna

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 4, 2020

This foreign born A list singer who has a lot of secrets and plays a lot of games with the media, won't let anyone ask him those questions. While he is promoting his new stuff, he has made it clear there can be no questions asked other than those from an approved list. 

Harry Styles

Blind Item #8

This northern politician who everyone assumed wrongly was a foreign born politician, hooked up last month with this permanent A+ list comedian.

Blind Item #7

A pharmacist is spilling about some of the medications prescribed to the permanent A list singer and the pharmacist says it is not so much the medications prescribed as it is, the doses. They are enough to screw up people three times her weight.

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 3, 2020

This older permanent A+ list celebrity has learned how to do filters on her photos and has sent hundreds of photos to her friends over the past few days. It has been really hilarious to see how happy the filters make her.

Martha Stewart

Blind Item #6

This foreign born insanely wealthy married celebrity who is married to an A lister got a 16 year old girl pregnant and she is keeping the baby.

Blind Item #5

This foreign born permanent A++ list soccer player wanted a place where men and women could fulfill their yachting needs in a central location. No need to go to a different country or be on a yacht. It was so successful that he is opening a second location. He makes it especially easy for same sex yachting hookups which have always proved troublesome in the past.

Blind Item #4

This Bad Girls Club cast member who likes to fight and was on a season 8 or 9 years ago is now in a cult and it is scary how she is recruiting other women to join her so they can serve the leader.

Blind Item #3

This former B list actress turned celebrity thought her online support was lacking. It wasn't. So, through her PR agency, a troll farm was hired to support her everywhere online.

Blind Item #2

This foreign born former A+ list boy bander/absentee dad is working with the alliterate Tik Tok star because he is trying to sleep with her.

Blind Item #1

If you will recall, I told you six months ago that AKA sticks would publicly go after the A- list former teen actor turned method nightmare for his behavior. She has now done so.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Blind Item #10

This A-/B+ list alliterate mostly television actor hosted a holiday party for the disgraced director and a dozen barely legal guys while the actor's wife spent some time with her boyfriend.

Blind Item #9

With the show in crash and burn mode, and no love from the general public, what does the A list talk show host have to lose by claiming she has COVID. Maybe someone will empathize. Meanwhile it gives her a month long break where she can wallow around in her new house and pick which household staff she can fire during the holidays.

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 3, 2020

A slip of the tongue or something more? This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who had a reveal this week, gave a recent interview where he referred to his wife as his ex-wife. Projection? Dreaming? Fact?

Jamie Dornan/Amelia Warner

Today's Blind Items - On The Road

***It is that time of the year again. Beginning next Monday and continuing through until Reveal Day on January 1st, I will be posting reader photos. If you would like your photo included in Random Photos, email it to***

I have known this musician a long time. He is in a band that reached its peak (A/A- list) a couple of decades ago. Some hits for sure and all of you would know the songs if you heard them played. Marriages and long term relationships are hard for him because he is always looking for someone new and someone exciting. As he has got older, the women he is attracted to have become younger and younger. When he is on the road, he is known for not asking how old someone is and because he is in and out of a town so fast and has a common name and is hard to pull out of a lineup because he looks like any aging guitarist who used to be kind of famous. The only question he ever asks is do you know how to drive. Not, if you are old enough to drive, but if you know how. He then branches off from that question, depending on the answer received. He either gives a lesson or asks them to prove it. In either case he gets them alone and he doesn't usually listen to no. 

Since the pandemic, and he has been forced to be near home, his only way of meeting new women who will be attracted to him is through a weekly event he hosts. He lives in a state that allows that type of thing and over the past couple of months he has started to become even more aggressive with women he meets and there was even a police report taken about a sexual assault in the parking lots of the club where he was working. The woman decided to drop the charges. About ten days ago, he sexually assaulted another girl when he groped her and tried to force her to perform oral sex on him. That got him kicked out of the gig he had been hosting for years and the father of the girl threatening to kill the musician. No police report for that one. 

Your Turn

TIME Magazine is set to name their person of the year, later tonight. Who would be your person of the year?

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 3, 2020

This foreign born alliterate A+ list mostly movie actor has been working at home and behind the scenes to try and make it as difficult as possible for his significant other to be able to work. He likes her at home and not working.

Ryan Reynolds/Blake Lively

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 3, 2020

There has been a lot of online chatter over the past 48 hours about the alliterate one and whether she hazed two pledges to her sorority so badly they got the alliterate one suspended from the school and the sorority put on probation for four years. It is true the sorority wanted no part of celebrating her wedding and made that clear on the record to reporters. They just would not say why. 

Meghan Markle

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 3, 2020

This foreign born former A+ list rapper is about to be sued by the woman raped by the rapper's convict husband. The rapper and her team regularly pressure the victim to take money so she stops talking about the rape. The rapper's supporters also regularly target the victim for harassment. The victim is going to sure for tens of millions of dollars and has a very very strong case.

Nicki Minaj/Kenneth Petty

Blind Item #8

Over the past several weeks, this A- list mostly television actor has been promising his girlfriend they will get married and he won't delay it too long. At the same time though, he did hook up with his A- list singer ex. Hmmm.

Blind Item #7

If there was any doubt that the keys to the kingdom were sold, the post earlier this week shows they were. I do wonder what the price will be per ad or link. The value of the first post to the advertiser looks to be worth about $10-$20K just in views and subscribers. To monetize though, you should use stock songs. Just saying. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 2, 2020

This permanent A- list musician/reality star/celebrity who went from group to group is implying that a male relative married an actor/famous murder victim long before gay marriage was legal, but took his name anyway.

Dave Navarro/grandfather Gabriel Navarro/Ramon Navarro

Blind Item #6

This former pink haired rapper/wasted feline said recently in order to keep her label bosses happy, she is on call 24/7 to go party or be a "friend."

Blind Item #5

The good news is it probably won't take a massive check from the celebrity CEO to keep the rapping flowering financial institution vague in her conversation with the feds, at least about finances. I do think she will definitely detail his drug use and some of his kinks just to watch the feds get all squirmy in their seats.

Blind Item #4

When the house this mountainous Housewife claims is hers, but isn't, and is on the market, finally sells, what excuse for a new home is she going to use.

Blind Item #3

As an almost throwaway implied aside in the massive hit piece on the A list actor, is that the A+ list talent agent takes on clients way below his grade if they sleep with him. 

Blind Item #2

The skeevy kids show producer might not be hands on involved with the reboot at his former network, but with his best friend running the show, he was able to keep one of the stars off it. You know, because she said things about him and didn't try hard enough to stay quiet about the 30 something producer essentially living with the actress when she was 16. So, the big star gets a comeback because she kept her breakdown to herself and didn't broadcast her life to the world and how she continues to struggle in the aftermath of the show.

Blind Item #1

After nearly a decade gone from the airwaves, the alliterate serial cheating racist who used to be a reality star is back at it with a new show. He will not be allowed to do press for it. The network is hoping people forget everything he did.

Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Blind Item #10

In a stunning parallel, this offspring of a barely there celebrity is pregnant by her criminal rapper boyfriend, much like her barely there celebrity mother who just gave birth to a child from her criminal rapper boyfriend. Not sure if the daughter gets beat up like mom does, but everything else is the same.

Blind Item #9

Dig a little deeper and you will discover this patient wasn't receiving a placebo. The next excuse will be the patient had allergies we were not advised of beforehand. What allergies can you have? How many of them?

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 2, 2020

It might have been an idiotic speech delivered by this foreign born A list celebrity, but at least it wasn't plagiarism like his A list celebrity significant other did in her most recent public pronouncement.

Prince Harry/Meghan Markle

Today's Blind Items - Wag The Tail

Ask this permanent A++ list golfer about any one of the women he hooked up with over the years ad he has an astonishing memory for details. Ask him about the woman he slept with in this SE Asian country and he doesn't remember a thing. You can even tell him the month and year it happened, and he can't recall. You can tell him the name of the woman and he will say his memory is foggy from that time in his life. The woman was murdered and our athlete had nothing to do with it. But he knows the story and knows what happened to her and her link to the Prime Minster of the country. He knows that her name is often brought up in association with not only shady deals she helped facilitate for the Prime Minister and his deputy, but also using those same skills to find investors for projects. She was a master at getting men to sleep with her. She is also a missing link between co-conspirators of the famous missing flight and the government that killed her. 

Your Turn

 Best potato chip flavor. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 2, 2020

After decades of abuse, rape, domestic violence, having your earnings stolen, and being pimped out, all at the hands of one man, it is no wonder that this one hit wonder has personal health issues. You would think the company that continues to make tens of millions of dollars annually because of her, would help her out, but nope.

Irene Bedard/Pocahontas/Disney

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 2, 2020

One of the enforcers for this permanent A+ list rapper is himself a rapper and is wanted by the feds. This is the kind of thing that could roll up the A+ lister too. Oh, and I know the enforcer will be caught when he is doing IG Live with his girlfriend from her place while there is a warrant. I mean, come on.

Jay Z/Casanova

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 2, 2020

You would think that with actual photos seemingly proving for once and for all there is an actual third child for the foreign born dual threat A lister, the photos would be splashed hither and nither. Nope. No one wants to publish them. Why? The third child has been the subject of much publicity and even magazine articles. Is it to keep the conversation going? 

Benedict Cumberbatch

Blind Item #8

This streaming star wasn't telling any lies about her thirsty co-star and the co-star's boyfriend who happens to also be a reality star and adjacent to an investment scam. The duo always has paps taking pictures.

Blind Item #7

This former star of a hard living reality show abruptly bailed on the show last minute. It was really strange. Now, he is being accused of molesting his children, which may have been the reason for bailing on the show.

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 1, 2020

The cleaning product actor has been on a bender and is getting aggressive to fans who don't seem to like him as much as the actor who has a thousand memes dedicated to him. I wonder if the cleaning product actor, out of spite, will drop some truth bombs about the other actor.

Armie Hammer/Timothee Chalamet

Blind Item #6

With this former reality star turned B+ list actress/singer a lock to get another Oscar nomination/win this year, the permanent A+ list singer who has been a co-star of the actress/singer yelled at her people about why she didn't get the offer to play the role. Well, she did, but her people turned it down without coming to her with it. Ruh oh.

Blind Item #5

The alliterate television superhero is splitting with his wife. The thing is though, it won't be to run off with his co-star like some shippers want. Nope. His co-star is hooking up with this married NBA player.

Blind Item #4

Changing the name of your company doesn't change the fact you sell and distribute booze while also now operating rehab centers for people to get clean and sober. I mean, this is like the alliterate weight loss company that can only make a profit if 90% of the people who use their product fail. 

Blind Item #3

This physician had two clients involved in a particular corner of the sports world. The doctor and his clients are all from the same country. The clients are both recently deceased, with their deaths coming in relatively quick succession. One was permanent A++ list in the sport with A+ name recognition outside it, while the other is far lesser known. The two were friends and have a "believe it or not" trivia connection involving a then B list team from another country.

The physician is now being investigated in connection with the permanent A++ lister's death. No doubt he will soon be investigated for the other athlete's death. He already served time a while back for killing another patient.

Blind Item #2

I guess the wife of this A+/A list country singer wants to feel independent, but charging fans $250 to watch you put makeup on someone and blocking those fans when they question the price, doesn't really seem the way to either be an entrepreneur or keep fans around.

Blind Item #1

While promoting this new streaming movie, the foreign born A- list lead actor of the movie has made it very clear he will not be discussing any of the legal drama that has recently touched his life. I wonder if we can ask questions about the swinger lifestyle he used to have with his actress wife. That is much more fun anyway.

Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Blind Item #10

This A-/B+ list actress who did the fake relationship thing for quite some time with a wannabe A++ lister did actually hook up with one of his staffers.

Blind Item #9

This reality family is the worst when it comes to having a tell. They are horrible bluffers. If they had stayed quiet about their annual Christmas party, which they are still having by the way, rather than broadcasting they were not having one so now everyone will be looking to call them out, they would have been fine. These constant self owns are ridiculous. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 1, 2020

This back in the day A list child/tween/teen actress who all of you know has a huge ambush planned for her ex when they face off in court. 

Mary Kate Olsen/Olivier Sarkozy

Today's Blind Items - The Sundown Town

This A list dual threat actor has a history of owning towns way back in his past. Well, owning towns adjacent. A couple of years ago he was at an event with the celebrity CEO and this foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee with whom she shares a long history with the celebrity CEO. They have hooked up a few times, but it was party/recreationally based. The CEO and the actress were discussing buying towns. The trick was not to buy some old ghost town just to say you owned a town. Instead, you had to buy one that had a designation that would allow it to have its own police force. Even if the town only had a handful of residents, you wanted a police force that could write tickets all day and night. So, you also were looking for some town that had a road that connected interstates or the like running through it or a town that had a gas station not far from an interstate. Well, the actor took their suggestions to heart, and despite his progressive leanings, he ended up purchasing a town with a few hundred residents and had several roads and highways leading to and from an interstate. It is also a notorious sundown town. The actor had to hire a police force and he brought in several police who actually worked in the town when it could afford a police department. A more brutal bunch you can't even imagine, but our actor makes a six figure a month profit from all the tickets written in the town.

Your Turn

 Favorite Beatles song, or do you think they were overrated?

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 1, 2020

As I told you just a short time after it was established, this fund with tons of cash was never going to be used for victims. It was all guilt trip money and as I told you, just used for fun and salaries. It was all a joke. They could have done good with it, but they would rather say no to helping a victim and yes, to a spa day for the office.

Time's Up Movement

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 30, 2020

This MTV star who was arrested last year and doesn't use her real name on her southern based reality show that was recently shut down for COVID, is pregnant. Oh, and the guy who had a guest test positive which got the show shut down also got into an actual punches thrown fight with another cast member.

Nilsa Prowant (Anderson)/Floribama Shore/Jeremiah/Gus

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 30, 2020

The awful showrunner who created that vampire show back in the day was forced to leave his current show because of what is turning up in an in depth studio investigation into his behavior over the years. He still got paid though to walk away.

Joss Whedon/Buffy/The Nevers

Blind Item #8

This current relationship borne out of a network reality show will last just long enough for the streaming reality star to stop being called a homewrecker. Interesting how she was suddenly in a relationship to cover for all that messiness. This time next year she will be with the guy she home wrecked with.

Blind Item #7

This one named foreign born A+ lister was doing better staying away from underage girls, especially after he was exposed right when the pandemic hit. The thing is, now he is hooking up with a 16 year old and has been trying to keep her a secret. Her parents don't care because he just throws money at them.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 30, 2020

Even this permanent A list singer is not above the current trend of having very limited inventory so it always is "sold out." It is why she pulled everything from stores because nothing was selling in stores, so the demand scam didn't work.


Blind Item #6

Speaking of celebrities and MLM scams, this former A/A- list actress who played the same role in television and then movies has about 30,000 people beneath her in a hair product MLM. Our actress, who doesn't really act any longer is making nearly $1M a month. Well, this former stripper/porn star/reality star who sounds like a country, although a different country than her mother, decided she wanted in on it. Last I checked, our former stripper/porn star/reality star had about 50 people beneath her and was breaking even.

Blind Item #5

Maybe because there are so many celebrity makeup brands, no one still talks about this permanent A list model turned show creator/network reality host and how she walked away with tens of millions of dollars from her MLM scam while leaving all her followers poor and desperate to sell off their remaining supplies. One of those followers has tried to recreate the MLM scam using all the extra supplies and has been pretty successful in their scam. 

Blind Item #4

Not everyone sued the former A+ list rapper turned celebrity. There are a couple of dozen "converts" who live on the property.  Despite his public disdain of premarital sex, throughout the winter, the converts have been assigned mating schedules to see which pairs can make the best babies/children.

Blind Item #3

This foreign born alliterate superhero posted something to social media where he pretended to care about social distancing and masks and washing hands etc. Meanwhile, his actions have shown the opposite and his girlfriend has been at multiple super spreader events at secret underground parties bragging about getting to be the girlfriend of the actor.

Blind Item #2 - Crazy Blind Item Continues

This tipster didn't identify if it was our actor or not, so this could be just some random person who has a fish fetish.

dear entlawyer.

i am reading your website for two years. excuse my english please as i am not native speaker. i am living in usa california for five years now but am from beijing. your 'blind item' made me remind me of what i saw in my beijing supermarket bhg many years ago.

i worked at fresh meat counter of bhg supermarket in beijing which was next to fresh seafood counter. one day maybe in 2013 or maybe 2014 i see man go to seafood fresh fish counter and order one fish. he had two black clothes men by his sides and had sunglasses over his eyes. he spend many minutes looking at fish selection and then he order one complete fish called pompano.

i did not see what he say to fish counter staff worker but i see him walking away from fish counter with fish not wrapped. but fish was raw so i do not think he would eat it then. at closing my superior says there is pompano in bathroom rubbish bin. i tell her what i see and superior says she see the same the day prior.

also my peer who works later shift inform me that strange man return to supermarket in the evening and purchase pig trotters (pig feet). he put every package of pig feet in shopping cart and then become distressed when my friend says there are no more.

Blind Item #1

In addition to dodging whatever punches the quick boxer rapper will throw her way, this foreign born permanent A+ list singer really needs to look out for his number one stalker. She has a very violent past and has punched those close to the quick boxer rapper and has also sexually assaulted the quick boxer rapper. 

Monday, December 07, 2020

Blind Item #10

This A- list singer/actor who we all know loves underage girls is trying to buy a website/message board from way back in the day that has first person accounts of dozens of underage girls and their experience with him.

Blind Item #9

This A list singer from an A+ list group comes from a very religious background. The story goes that he was a virgin on his wedding day. Not exactly right. The church provided him with a mentor who would have sex with him once per week. Being with the mentor was accepted because it kept the singer pure because the mentor was a vassal of God. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 29, 2020

The Susan Lucci of Oscar nominations is saying the quiet part out loud. The thing I have been telling you for years and years. The only reason this A- list mostly movie actress with the lucrative side gig won an Oscar is because of who she slept with. Oh, and not just the disgraced producer. It was also the foreign reporter who then championed her to his colleagues and gave her momentum for the Oscars.

Glenn Close/Gwyneth Paltrow/Harvey Weinstein

Today's Blind Items - The Crown Affair

This isn't very long, I just found it really curious and wonder if there is something or someone behind the scenes that made this happen. It definitely isn't the first time there was someone behind the scenes when it comes to this man. So, what we have is a foreign born celebrity. At her peak she was A- list, but it was a 15 minutes/flash in the pan A- list thing. She made her fame by being a mistress. She milked that 15 minutes for a good solid two-three years. Amazing what having an affair with a high profile celebrity will bring you. Fast forward a decade and she moved to a different country got married and somehow managed to finagle into the network/friends of a very important royal in that country. That royal is married and his choice of spouse was met with bewilderment at the time, but was the result of a honeypot scenario he fell into. Now, he is hooking up with this mistress of mistresses and one wonders if it is sex or way more. It could be oil interests like last time. Don't let that word oil send you in a crazy direction.

Your Turn

 If you could create a holiday, what would it be celebrating?

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 29, 2020

This back in the day A list pint sized rapper recently joined Cameo. She didn't do it to interact with fans. She did it because she is broke.

Lil' Kim

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 28, 2020

The pressure is building and when the studio sees that a minimum of 1.5M people are going to not just not go to your movie but will be actively encouraging others not to go, it is time to pull the plug on the A- list actress and her role in the sequel.

Warner Brothers/Aquaman 2/Amber Heard

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 10, 2020

A chef's kiss to the A list alliterate Instagram influencer/grifter who has really outdone herself this time. What she does is buy a painting on Etsy for $200, and then add a little line of paint and sell it as one of her own for $1000. 

Caroline Calloway

Blind Item #8

It is way easier for this foreign born A+ list couple to hide the separate bedrooms thing at home. It is much harder on the road, so you get the excuse. You could just mention the affair and that it has been hard to forgive.

Blind Item #7

This former A- list celebrity is really playing a dangerous game. He cheated on his last wife with this former A+ list singer and lives large off her income. Now, he is cheating on his wife with this alliterate A-/B+ list singer.

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 21, 2020

The alliterate one and her husband now want the husband's cousin to start paying $10K a month rent to the couple. Please.

Meghan Markle/Prince Harry/Princess Eugenie

Blind Item #6

This B- list celebrity/reality star/porn star/possible accessory to murder will never eclipse his more famous sibling. Our celebrity is married but was doing lines of the breasts of this reality star while also having sex with her in front of several people.

Blind Item #5

This back in the day A list dual threat teen actor has been working his way back to acting. His team went ballistic over the weekend when a fire rod figure wished the actor a happy birthday. The team spent hours trying to get in touch with the figure to get the social media post removed. 

Blind Item #4

Despite quarantine rules, this closeted permanent A+ list soccer star has been traveling everywhere internationally on his time off to see his long term boyfriend.

Blind Item #3

This A- list singer/actress spent much of last night's award show doing lines of coke, mask requirement be damned.

Blind Item #2

After a recent singing/yachting gig, our favorite foreign born B+ list singer/sometime actress lied to her nurse mom about what she had been doing and what she did for her birthday. Then, she got busted by the newspapers and the wrath of the public was nothing compared to that of her mom.

Blind Item #1

Back in the recent day a couple decades ago, this one-named rock band was probably A- list. Hit song, hit album, one of the big names of their movement and then nothing for a long time. Recently, they have gotten some attention for the first time in years, but not in a good way. To add to their list of recent embarrassments, they are getting called out for advocating for pedophilia on social media.

Sunday, December 06, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

November 20, 2020

This foreign born alliterate A- list superhero did a video supporting a charity. Great. The thing is though, he used the opportunity to call out everyone who has called him out and said that he is great because he is taking the time to make a charity video. Probably not the video the charity had in mind.

Sebastian Stan

Blind Item #8

Back in the day, this country singer was A+ list. He was everywhere. He couldn't be stopped. Lately, he has been in the spotlight for the first time in decades. Yes, he tours and what not, but actually front and center in the spotlight, it has been a long time. He actually got with his significant other many years ago when she blackmailed him into dating her. The dating and marriage thing were crazy fast because it is what she wanted. Not really how most love stories start out, but I guess it worked for them.

Blind Item #7

This country singer has several top ten songs to his name. Most of them were from his first couple of records. He was headed to A+ list and then got on the wrong side of some people in the industry after a wife of a guy said she thought our singer was cute. That was it for the singer for nearly a decade. He finally got back to the top this past year because that guy who hated him, died.

Blind Item #6

This A list country singer didn't get married all that long ago. His marriage is already crumbling though because he got sucked into the vortex that is the three named Instagram model who yachts. She is based in the same city as our singer and many others. She is the go to yachter when they are all home or if they are in Europe and want a travel companion. She does not do US tours. The past year or so she has really been trying to get one of her customers to marry her and she has the singer on the hook.

Blind Item #5

This A-/B+ list country singer/actress/host/reality star won't have children because she was sexually abused by her own father. She doesn't want anything to happen to any children she has, so refuses to have any.

Blind Items Revealed #4

November 20, 2020

So, this former A+ list singing tween who was part of a duo on his show, has a past of sexually assaulting underage girls that was catching up to him. So, what does he do? Moves to Mexico where the age of consent is super grey once you get above the age of 12. 

Drake Bell

Blind Items Revealed #3

November 19, 2020

The celebrity CEO spent some time in the southwest without his government grifting supposed significant other. Our CEO crashed at the home of this alliterate A+ list mostly movie actor and enjoyed some alone time with some female "friends" of the actor who also brought a lot of party favors.

Elon Musk/Grimes/Matthew McConaughey/Austin, TX

Blind Items Revealed #2

November 18, 2020

Because her publicity team is not corrupted this A- list singer who is a former one fifth is keeping her name front and center. Her issue is the permanent A+ list singer is blocking her from getting any new good songs to release. 

Normani/Fifth Harmony/Beyonce

Blind Items Revealed #1

November 17, 2020

The one named always broke A- list rapper is going to use his new management company as a way to meet women and connect them with men. If any person he signs does have actual talent, he will have to turn them over to any of the dozens of people he owes money to.


Blind Item #4

There is a married NASCAR driver who hooked up with a guy all last season who travels with all the teams to provide technical support. That guy was fired when the NASCAR driver broke it off. 

Blind Item #3

This former B list actress turned country singer turned permanent thirst trap has been married multiple times. They were all very short because of this and that but she makes sure to talk about them as much as possible. She also talks about her current marriage to the point the public just doesn't care any longer. That hasn't stopped her though from trying to land a reality show where she has cameras installed in her home 24/7. I think it is just a way she wants more in depth spying on her husband.

Blind Item #2

This banking starch country singer got a warning from his record label. They were not happy he used COVID symptoms as click bait to sell his latest record.

Blind Item #1

The former celebrity wife of this A list country singer keeps telling everyone about her career and that she is an entrepreneur. All she is doing is bugging all her friends and followers to buy that camera for your dog.