Saturday, December 26, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 19, 2020

I don't feel sorry for the DC Housewife. She knew her significant other was messy. Now, in addition to all of his other girlfriends, she also has to live with the knowledge he hooked up with the alliterate former Housewife from another city.

Gizelle Bryant/Jamal Bryant/Phaedra Parks

Blind Item #8

This foreign born C- list actress/celebrity who is really only famous for who she once dated in the past and whose name seems completely made up, got a Christmas card from her ex. She also got the most expensive thing in her wedding registry from him too. I bet his former A- list actress wife doesn't have a clue about either.

Blind Item #7

The recent revelation from the "boyfriend" of the permanent A list singer shows he only spends time with her for the cameras.

Blind Item #6

There is nothing illegal about this, but it is odd that this permanent A list mostly movie actor is hooking up this holiday season with his most recent co-star who is just barely old enough to drink while he is nearly three times her age.

Blind Item #5

The murderer / admitted pedophile who was grooming the way underage (under 10) notorious B-list celebrity died of a drug OD.

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 18, 2020

A bottle waitress is accusing this A+ list singer/bad actor of spitting on her.

Justin Timberlake

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 18, 2020

This way way back in the day A+ list singer turned spokesperson turned Twitter newbie who everyone seems to love. People seem to forget that charity scam she ran three decades ago that bilked people out of millions of dollars.

Dionne Warwick

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 18, 2020

This designer has been making creepy commercials for three decades. Right after Halloween he found hundreds of hours of audition tapes from those early ads. If you thought the banned ad videos were creepy, you can see he was using the audition tapes as his personal porn/hookup service. The auditions were not that much different from porn.

Calvin Klein

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 18, 2020

Don't believe the hype. This A+ list ranting actor isn't dating his co-star. She also doesn't have the thirst to get sucked into that career sucker.

Tom Cruise/Hayley Atwell/Mission: Impossible 7

Blind Item #4

The remaining members of this permanent A+ list group, pay a lot of money each month to scrubbers to keep people from sharing their stories on the internet of how the deceased singer of the group had sex with them when they were underage. 

Blind Item #3

Today marks the beginning of returning pets season. Whether it is the alliterate foreign born singer/bad actress or the B+ list country singer or the A- list mostly television actress from a hit network show. All three have already made arrangements to return the dogs they adopted.

Blind Item #2

It is not admitting sleeping with her sibling yet, but this multiple network reality star has admitted to sleeping with a cousin.

Blind Item #1

If you thought the days of Triads killing people in the Chinese movie business was long ago stuff, you would be wrong. Just ask the Chinese producer who didn't pay his percentage after landing that huge streaming deal.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 18, 2020

If you Google the name of this actress who went from everywhere to nowhere, CDAN comes up first. Through multiple posts on the site, the actress was found. She wanted to be left alone. Because of the connection to the site, I get emails weekly from people who have all manner of scam want to get in touch with the actress. It has recently increased to multiple emails a day. 

Emily Longstreth

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 18, 2020

This A- list mostly television actress has starred on multiple hit shows. Her latest is the streaming show that has really ticked off a high profile family. After her recent split, she thought she had a safe landing place with her alliterate actor ex, but he is into much much younger women now.

Gillian Anderson/"The X-Files"/"The Crown"/Peter Morgan/David Duchovny

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 18, 2020

This foreign born actor has taken off in 2020. The show in which he starred has a very basic name. He became a huge heartthrob and it isn't just because his name sounds like a kind of tequila has been outed as a homophobic bully.

Paul Mescal/"Normal People"

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 17, 2020

I find it interesting that for the second time in two weeks that the family who financed the sex cult is involved once again in political theatre. The father to the daughter mentioned last time, personally guaranteed he would purchase multiple works of art in an upcoming gallery exhibit in 2021. One that is getting a lot of press right now. The father is the gallery's biggest customer and is always given private showings involving the gallerist and the artists.

Edgar Bronfman/Hannah Bronfman/Georges Berges Gallery/Hunter Biden

Blind Item #4

Don't believe the hype. This serial abuser who is also an A- list actor is not seeking any kind of inpatient help. At all.

Blind Item #3

Although this back in the day A list talk show host has never come out, he got married to his boyfriend last week.

Blind Item #2

Let me see if I have this straight. This B+ list YouTuber is pregnant by the guy who doesn't have a job and who she gives money too each month. Meanwhile, she also hooks up with the A+ list NFL player from the Super Bowl champ. Is it a throuple or just poly?

Blind Item #1

The former A+ list rapper said he wasn't going to make any new music. He did. He also did so with the drug addicted deadbeat dad who loves Satan which seems at odds with the image the former A+ list rapper portrays.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Harrison Ford not being all that secretive about what gifts he bought everyone.

Chrissy Teigen and John Legend out grocery shopping in the Caribbean. 
Kate Mara and her daughter yesterday afternoon.
Kelly Brook wants everyone to see her sweater.
Kyle Richards is about to lose control of her dog.
Leonardo DiCaprio looking fit.
Rita Ora advertising her services.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5


Blind Item #13

The books have been cooked since he bought the streaming service five years ago. The question for the permanent A list rapper is how badly does he want to sell it. Bad enough where he will let the books speak for themselves or is he going to try and pull a fast one with the bird CEO.

Blind Item #12

The amount of cash this network is throwing at the three named actress just for a past its prime reboot is astonishing. It is also about ten times the amount being offered to the other leads, minus the one who the three named actress wants killed off in the show.

Blind Item #11

The lawyers for this A list mostly movie actor are just taking his money from at this point. He has no chance to win, but they want those fees and he is paying them.

Blind Item #10

The disgraced A list actor did his annual woe is me thing. You would think it would remind people why he is an a-hole. His team, and he still has a team love that he does it and they can feel the tide turning. He should never work again, but the general public are now thinking of his screeds as a holiday tradition. Uggh.

Blind Item #9

This weekly kneepadding tabloid is on lockdown. No, not because of COVID. They have something they are protecting. Something big. My guess would be something to do with the alliterate one like a pregnancy announcement or something. They wouldn't lockdown over just a regular interview. 

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 17, 2020

The residents of the Breaking Bad state should be asking their leaders how they could have let the streaming service swindle taxpayers out of so much money there will be a budget shortfall for a decade.

New Mexico/Netflix

Today's Blind Items - Collared

Back in the day this actress who would go on to win multiple Emmy awards, was brand new and landed a part in a movie opposite this permanent A+ list mostly movie actor. He was A list back then, but not the huge star he is today. The pair hit it off and our actor discovered that the actress had some major Daddy issues and he played with that and by the end of the movie she was totally devoted to our actor and considered herself owned by the actor. Well, our actor was ready to move on to someone else, so he gave the actress to one half of this sibling team who had their own television show. The actress went with him without question. The sibling who was in between marriages at the time got our actress a collar that said Hollywood and she had to wear it everywhere she went. She also had to wear a necklace that said her heart belonged to Daddy. In return, he gave her a role on the show which then launched her career.

Your Turn

 Do you open any presents Christmas Eve?

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 17, 2020

You can't possibly reboot this daytime show and not invite the face of the show for decades. But, that is the plan right now because the actors/producers/hosts who are rebooting the show hate the actress for some imagined slight from years ago. 

All My Children/Susan Lucci/Kelly Ripa & Mark Conseulos

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 17, 2020

Despite this celebrity offspring being an Oscar winner/nominee and being thisclose to being a multiple Oscar winner/nominee, he keeps losing out on parts to the mediocre pretentious one who has anger issues and lots of memes. Our offspring hasn't realized that it is because of the memes and the attention the publicists get for the mediocre actor, that he loses roles. Our offspring doesn't like promoting himself and loses.

Lucas Hedges/Timothée Chalamet

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 17, 2020

This A+ list government official is going to have to give a much better explanation as to why he was listed as the point of contact on the legal documents for a modeling company used for prostitution and trafficking. The company was started by the person arrested earlier today.

Steve Mnuchin/Next Management Corporation/Jean Luc Brunel

Blind Item #8

This barely old enough to drink actress/singer has been in this space before. She has done a lot of work for Disney and is currently doing a little showmance for them with one of their upcoming stars. I am still trying to establish if she has been corrupted into joining the cult a relative of her supports to the tune of millions of dollars a year.

Blind Item #7

 This A list comic/writer can't afford rehab so this A list talk show host is paying for it. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 16, 2020

This south of the border A+ list social media star is apparently dead from a surgery gone wrong. No one has seen the body though and there was a post to her social media that was uploaded after her death. Someone quickly yanked it down, but it was there for a few minutes. 

Joselyn Cano

Blind Item #6

This modeling agency owner recently died. A couple of decades ago he used to tell the story that he was the secret lover to this permanent A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee and would provide the actor models to be used as cover.

Blind Item #5

After not seeing them in forever, this cleaning product actor was supposed to be focusing on his kids this holiday season. Instead, he just can't stop trying to find new women to hook up with.

Blind Item #4

This flowering financial institution rapper is really stressing about her role in the investigation and is really overdoing the drug use to the point, she might end up dead before she spills everything about the celebrity CEO.

Blind Item #3

Want to have a tour of the underground "recording studio" the permanent A+ lister used to molest kids? Well, if you belong to this private club, you will soon have a chance. They are also going to make the bedroom where he molested children into a suite where members can stay.

Blind Item #2 - Mr. X

What soon to be divorced actress who got her start in a franchise has gotten even more plastic surgery done on her face that it looks immobile?

Blind Item #1 - Mr. X

Which former A-list actor with A+ list name recognition is contemplating on whether to come out as bisexual next year? Even though he has always preferred men, it would be a big deal although no one will be shocked. But what about that not so gay friendly cult he has been a part of for decades and funneled money into? Allegedly he has been slowly drifting away from the cult since the death of a close family member and he has had several confrontations with the sect's leader who he has always disliked. I'm not getting my hopes up for either event to happen soon, but stranger things have happened...

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Do you want to go grocery shopping with Colin Farrell? There are only five more days of Reader Photos until Reveal Day so email your photo to

Dua Lipa has a very strong typewriter on the wall game going.
When your choices as a pap are Sasha Kerbel and Rico Anderson at The Grove or
Bella Hadid in NYC, the numbers speak for themselves. Do we need four photographers covering Bella Hadid?????
Mason Morfit and Jordana Brewster out and about yesterday.
Jennifer Lopez getting her workout on in Miami.
Jillian Michaels finds a staff so she can finish her costume and cosplay as one of the Three Wise Men.
Kirk Cameron and his Christmas carols.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Margaret Qualley will soon become a domestic violence victim.


Blind Item #13

One of the midwestern mayors who had an affair with that Chinese spy was busted by his wife for having the affair. He was a crazy popular mayor who was the mayor of a large city and served multiple terms. It was expected he would run for another, but abruptly decided not to seek an additional term to fix his marriage.

Blind Item #12 - More Fish

I saw this A+ list mostly movie actor in Boston in 2009.  I do not read your blog but my friend does and I am writing to you on her advice.  I worked in the North End (basically Boston's Little Italy) at the time and the actor came into my store and asked if we sold whole fish.  I told him no (we were a small shop), we only had a limited selection of fillets and he became agitated and asked if I knew where he could buy a whole fish.  I directed him to a store around the corner and he left in a huff.  It was weird and happened so quickly I didn't have time to process it.

Blind Item #11

There is a lot of tension in the marriage right now between this A- list mostly television actor with the massive ego and his wife who used to be an A- list actress who destroys everything she touches acting wise. Divorce has been in the air which was then paused when the actress thought she was pregnant and now it appears divorce is back on the table. It just feels toxic.

Blind Item #10

For two years a reporter worked on a story about the cult that has been in the news frequently the past few weeks. The story had interviews with people who had been reluctant to speak because they feared the cult. He pressed on and got the scoop. Two days after publication this tabloid stole his already published story and claimed it as their exclusive. 

Blind Item #9

The celebrity CEO was asked to respond to the blind item I ran yesterday and confirmed there had been talks, but gave some drug addled response that he was doing it as revenge for the way he was treated by that company.

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 16, 2020

Speaking of rituals and such, this one named Italian high end designer sent out complimentary sunglasses to the biggest stars on the planet with a note. The note essentially said for them to wear the glasses if they want all their followers to think they are in the Illuminati. They are definitely some odd looking sunglasses.

Gucci/Inverted Cat Eye sunglasses

Today's Blind Items - The Contract

This foreign born actor was A+ list in his corner of the television world. He is lower than that now, but everyone in that corner of the world knows who he is. A couple decades ago or so, our actor had a nice little setup going. He was A+ list and, despite being married, regularly hooked up with co-stars, walk ons, and anyone else he could find. He was known as someone who didn't care about the age of the women he hit on or had sex with. Everything was great. Our actor was so popular that a rival network paid well over $1M to buy him out of his contract and bring his services to them. They paid several other millions of dollars in court fighting off his old network. 

Almost immediately after bringing him over, he started filming a new show and went back to his familiar patterns of finding anyone to hit on and to have sex with. The only problem he faced now was he was filming in the US instead of his home country. So, when he hooked up with his 16 year old co-star, he probably thought everything would be the same as it was at home. Nope. This 16 year old had a famous father and when he heard about it, he called the cops and they arrested the actor. The actor faced a decade in jail. So, what happened? The network suspended the actor for a couple of weeks until they could smooth things over with the family and then it was back to work for the actor and he has never stopped working. The actress is probably B/B- list now. The network had invested so much time and money into the actor, they were not going to let a little statutory rape get in the way.

Your Turn

I always get asked this, so want to know what you think. Rank them from best to worst.

Chris Pratt, Chris Evans, Chris Pine, Chris Hemsworth

Blind Items Revealed #4

December 16, 2020

Continuing her long and storied tradition of promoting/enabling/supporting sex traffickers/rapists and child sex traffickers, this permanent A+ list host did the same for the recently arrested foreign born sex trafficker.

Oprah/Peter Nygard

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 15, 2020

This foreign born B list actress starred in a hit foreign based show which is also a movie franchise. She managed to get cast into a new show with some big names. She has struggled to find work because no one likes to work with her and her diva demands.

Michelle Dockery

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 15, 2020

The news coming out from this streaming service today isn't true. They are just trying to appease this A/A- list comic actor/comedian.

Netflix/Kevin Hart/Most watched comedy special of 2020

Blind Item #8

It's no wonder this A list big city politician hasn't done anything about his groping/harassing employee. The politician is known in town for taking those photos politicians do, but always making sure he gets a little more hands on, especially with actresses and models. He is famous for saying, "I didn't realize that was your breast. Sorry."

Blind Item #7

The producers of this pay cable hit, have taken the opportunity in their second season to trash the alliterate one whenever they are afforded the opportunity. It is crazy when the trash talk comes from the mouth of the biggest religious leader in the world.

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 15, 2020

Just because this multiple reality star with a meh side job isn't dating the southern reality star doesn't mean they haven't hooked up. 

Kristin Cavallari/Austen Kroll

Blind Item #6

The first time could be written off as someone who was going through a very serious addiction crisis and wasted. The second time the former child star accused the A list host/radio host/actor/former spouse of a permanent A+ lister of orally servicing him when he was young, and dressed as a woman while doing it, then you kind of have to at least ponder the accusation and no denial this time from the A lister.

Blind Item #5

The main reason why the foreign born one hit wonder split with the father of her baby is he was openly talking about sacrificing their baby for Satan.

Blind Item #4

The back in the day A+ list singer who did release a crazy good record recently that didn't get a lot of traction and has the BEST stories about a director and his coke problems showed everyone another example of why #MeToo is over. No one in the industry cares any longer. They gave it 15 minutes and have moved on. The victims care, but the powers that be and the predators have moved on. When you are nominating accused rapists for awards, let alone giving them work, what is the point of it all.

Blind Item #3

This A+ list rapper is convinced she can get 100 people a day to be willing to spend $1000 on Tarot card readings from her. The next thing you know she will have her own little network much like the permanent A lister did back in the day.

Blind Item #2

I have spoken about this before, but no one ever says anything or does anything about it because this guy gets some kind of media pass. Apparently even if you are an absentee dad and have been grooming 15 year old fans for sex, you get a pass if you are this foreign born former A+ list boy bander. 

Blind Item #1

Despite the strict lockdown that has shut down the island nation and kept its residents from traveling to other countries, the wife of this foreign born dual threat A list actor is still going on with her in person Christmas theatre production. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

Yep. It is the kid from A Christmas Story who got his tongue stuck to a pole and now makes a living signing off that role. If you would like to be alongside Scott, email your Reader Photo to

Craig Ferguson returns to television doing another game show.
The KFC heiress, Kaila Methven, gets into the holiday spirit.
Katie Holmes loves her art.
Just when I didn't think Bai Ling could surpass her thirstiness from yesterday. I was wrong.
Twenty years ago today, Madonna and Guy Ritchie got married.
Ron Perlman out and about.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3 (normally the reader has to be in the photo, but this is a cool tree.)
Reader Photo #4
Tori Kelly performing in Anaheim.
Donnie Wahlberg and Marisa Ramirez filming Blue Bloods.


Blind Item #13

The second in line, who is vicious, vetoed the idea of the two siblings being paid for their work for the family. They had been promised money, but were cast aside for two of the siblings of the second in line. He loves digging the knife in deep of his brother.

Blind Item #12

I don't know if the guy is an arms dealer or drug trafficker. What I do know is the guy who is hooking up with the celebrity offspring of a permanent A lister and who is a third his age, has been seen before. The last time I saw his photo was several years ago headed to a different Caribbean country with a group of strippers who boarded the plane belonging to the billionaire pedophile. The pedophile stopped in Miami after being in Vegas and the goon and the strippers boarded.

Blind Item #11

This organization which hands out awards is doing their version of a shadow ban of artists and others who complain about the system. With the current situation, it is easy to not invite people or not ask them to perform. 

Blind Item #10

 This A- list singer is going to get busted if she keeps threatening the soon to be wife of her actor ex.

Blind Item #9

The buzz is the second child's father of the actress is the person everyone assumes is the right answer. However, the first child is actually the offspring of the disgraced A- list actor which is why that was kept quiet from the beginning.

Blind Items Revealed #5

December 15, 2020

A few years back, the CEO of a big star phenomenon was in New Orleans for a huge conference. Also there, headlining the event, was the person in charge of PC and mobile security for this massive software company. Both were also attendees at a party thrown at the house. Of course they both took the bait.


Today's Blind Items - The Fanboy Con

In a nutshell, this B+ list actor (#1) who was so mad he got cut out of this superhero movie (#2) and his career didn't take off afterwards, that he started his twitter war.

So back in June, when he started his twitter tirade, he attacked the director (#3), he attacked the films two EPs #4 & #5 who were the presidents of #6 at the time. 

Also of note, #1 was being manipulated by director #7 behind the scenes because #7 wanted revenge against #4 & #5 for being fired off the movie.

#7 wanted both their names off the movie once this streaming service (#8) got involved to do his damn  cut at a cost of $70 million. 

#5 received a call from #7's agent a week before #5's new project #9 was announced.

The agent asked #5 to remove his name off #7's cut. A week later, #1 lashed out at #4 & #5.

#1 then attacked the current president of #10, who is #11, and even attacked this A+ list producer (#12).

Now here is the kicker: You know who #1 didn't attack?

The film's producer #13, who was on set EVERY DAY for the reshoots of #14, according to multiple insiders.

#13 spayed and neutered #1 dead in his tracks. MENTION ME ONCE AND I SUE #1 was told. How convenient you attack the director, the studio, the executives, but not the film's lead producer who was on set every day when #3's so called bad behavior was ongoing.

Your Turn

 The best sport that is not really played in North America but is popular in other parts of the world.

Blind Items Revealed #4

 December 15, 2020

This foreign born permanent A+ list soccer player loves to watch his significant other with other men.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Blind Items Revealed #3

December 15, 2020

Our favorite foreign born B+ list actress/singer isn't even pretending any longer that she isn't yachting. She has really got in deep with the Eastern European crime bosses who seem to really like her.

Rita Ora

Blind Items Revealed #2

December 15, 2020

This foreign born former A+ list boy bander turned drug lover didn't skip the relative's life event because of the past. He skipped it because he knows there was a radicalization done in prison and is staying far far away from any association with that.

Zayn Malik

Blind Item #8

He got out of jail six months ago, and this California politician turned illegal arms dealer is all set to reveal a bunch of secrets in return for a bunch of cash. He knows where all the bodies are buried. He already gave up one to get a lighter sentence, but now he is going to expose all the cash for favors schemes. Oh, and also the politicians who pay actresses for "consulting," from their campaign donations. 

Blind Item #7

The long and storied sexual fetish of this back in the day A- list singer of an 80's hair band has come to an end. The singer, who has a name that sounds like he would be foreign born, but isn't, said he suffered internal bleeding that nearly killed him when he last tried the fetish. I will just say it involved a traffic cone and let you use your own imagination.

Blind Items Revealed #1

December 15, 2020

Don't believe the hype. This A- list rapper who isn't allowed to see his kid, has never had sex, let alone had a baby with this former A list tweener star who is about to reboot her show on the perv network. 

Lil Pump/Miranda Cosgrove

Blind Item #6

For the longest time, this makeup artist to celebrities, would yacht with her bff. A few months ago, the bff got married to an A list singer, but with a really strict prenup. Now, the pair do online makeup tutorials, but charge a crazy amount of money. A ridiculous sum. The reason? They can say they are doing legit work, when really it is their version of OnlyFans. Guys send over the money and in return get a bunch of videos and pictures from the two women.

Blind Item #5

This A list wedding dress designer/influencer recently discovered what a lot of influencers are going to learn the hard way down the road. When someone or some company comes along and hands you a bunch of money or promises a bunch of money, you often are required to give up everything you have worked for and also the use of your name to do any kind of business for the rest of your life. 

Blind Item #4

This married A list host/comic/former talk show host is out of the country in the yachting capitol of the world and has certainly been taking advantage of it. His wife doesn't even care.

Blind Item #3

This racist tattoo artist who used to be a reality star and also sells makeup just bought a massive house in the middle of nowhere. She wanted a haunted look, which she definitely got. She is pitching a reality show about living in a haunted house.

Blind Item #2

The children's network with the rampant abuse problems over the years, has reached out to at least two members of The Club. They did so because they are casting a kid's show featuring children who are trans or nonbinary. They are offering lead roles to the children of The Club.

Blind Item #1

More wasted ramblings or is there more to it? While partying with his new best friend, the alliterate A+/A list mostly movie actor who does bad car commercials, the CEO says he was in talks to buy the fruit company.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos

If you would like to see yourself alongside Emma Slater and Josh Farber at a farmer's market, then email your Reader Photo to

Last week was Fan Bingbing with a mask, and this week, without.
No one can match the level of thirst of Porscha Coleman other than
the long time friend of the site, Bai Ling. I mean, this is next level. Porscha did strip for the paps, but Bai didn't even try and pretend this was nothing other than straight up thirst.
A lot of people excited about seeing some numbers in Times Square.
Prince Jackson helping to pass out toys.
50 years ago today, this photo happened.
Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
T.I. offers complimentary hymen checks for the holidays.
I have no words for the hair of Tim Tebow.