Saturday, April 24, 2021

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind

This failure was surprising considering this nation loudly prides itself on its defense.  And how did the nation next door know to test it that time?  This very large nation has engineered a device that can shut down/block certain systems and has in fact got one on the ground in the nation next door. It is doing this because the nation that prides itself on its defense has been active in a country that borders the very large country. This was a warning.

Blind Item #7

Our favorite foreign born B+ list singer/former actress/current reality judge loves that her current benefactor has much more money than her last. The director she is sleeping with can't even keep track of all the women he is sleeping with which is why his marriage collapsed.

Blind Item #6

Because roaches never really go away, the cameras were front and center when the celebrity offspring of an A+ lister left a yoga class because the celebrity offspring of not A+ listers was also there. They share the fact they both have slept with a too old for them alcoholic reality star just to increase their fame.

Blind Item #5

At least a couple of the rehab facilities caught up in the sting are owned/controlled by this cult all of you know.

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 17, 2021

Missing from the new book written by the former brat packer is how he got that first big break. The same way that Brad Renfro did with that same director. Brad didn't talk about it either.

Andrew McCarthy/"St. Elmo’s Fire"/Joel Schumacher

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 17, 2021

Has the reality star who just came out done some awful things for which he should be called out? Yes. All the time. However, this former reality star really should look at her best friend and say a few words. You know, the best friend that is in jail for raping underage girls. 

Colton Underwood/Carole Radziwill/Ghislaine Maxwell

Blind Items Revealed #2

 April 16, 2021

This A+ list singer got some hair plugs/transplant so she wouldn't look so bare on television. 

Ariana Grande

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 17, 2021

This flowering financial institution knows what she is saying and knows what the response will be. Some people take thirst photos, she posts thirst messages. If she and the former A+ list rapper did make babies like she said, first it would be a miracle baby and second, I guarantee they would come up with a crazier name than Elon and Grimes.

Azealia Banks/Kanye West

Blind Item #4

The alliterate one has been told if she wants any shot at that dream appointment, she needs to vocally support the state leader and also vocalize that a recall is wrong.

Blind Item #3

This streaming show had a very long hiatus because the star/creator of it had his own #MeToo moment. Now, he is directing and his former co-star is the lead. If you thought James Toback was casting couch horrific, the co-star set the bar way higher.

Blind Item #2

Even members of Congress know the celebrity CEO would gladly manipulate the data to show that his car company was not at fault in the death of two people this past week. Congress can send all the letters they want, he will do what he wants to do because there are zero repercussions.

Blind Item #1

This streaming giant already purchased one iconic property in this complex. Their plan prior to the Oscars this year was to purchase the movie theatre everyone knows, the naming rights to the Oscars venue, change the name of the rock cafĂ© to their own name and rename the entire complex __________land in a throwback to the the days of Hollywoodland. They even want either a Ferris Wheel or roller coaster. They will have this done by the next Oscars. 

Friday, April 23, 2021

Blind Item #10

 This A list almost network actress in a show shot north of the border, is being cheated on by her husband.

Blind Item #9

This fruit company is planning an ad that focuses on this insanely popular K-pop band. They already get paid millions to endorse a company from their home country, but the fruit company has photos and videos of them actually using their own phones which are all from the fruit company.

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 16, 2021

He already was the biggest farm land owner in the US. He is currently third north of the border and this past week became the largest land owner in the country that straddles Europe and Asia. 

Bill Gates/Turkey

Four For Friday - Bad Drug Behavior

#1 - This former A list actress all of you know starred on multiple hit television shows. During the run on her first hit show, she was spending more on coke than she was earning, so started selling it on set and in clubs. 

#2 - This could also fall under the strange hookup category. This former A/A- list singer/possible murder suspect would take turns with this A+ list comic actor doing lines of coke off their naked bodies.

#3 - This former A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner would do lines of coke and get blitzed drunk before beating and raping his Oscar winning partner.

#4 - This former nighttime soap star was probably A- list at her peak. She has been in the news the past couple of years and was never on Melrose Place. She says that prior to her first marriage, she and this former A++ list wannabe who is super boring and super pretentious used to do mushrooms and coke and have sex. A lot more people probably would have voted for him if they knew that.

Your Turn

 What, if any was your allowance as a kid?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 16, 2021

It turns out three weeks is how long it takes for this A- list celebrity to get so thirsty for attention she has to return to social media. I'm sure the first thing she will do is issue long overdue apologies. Oh, wait, the world owes her an apology for her quitting social media. Got it.

Chrissy Teigen

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 16, 2021

You know what is even more ridiculous than the nightclub lit tunnel that was built? Paying a washed up reality star $500K to post about it. 

Boring Company tunnel in Las Vegas/Kylie Jenner

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 15, 2021

Recently I talked about this one name DJ and his penchant for underage women. He is not the only one. This former A list DJ/singer/musician who had his heyday a couple decades ago and had some issues with another celebrity he used to hit on. When he was famous he used to make out with underage girls at high school events. Wonder if that will be in the film about him.

Bassnectar/ Moby/ Natalie Portman/ Moby Doc

Blind Item #8

This network not only cut their rates by up to 60% for a television event this Sunday, they also gave bonus spots for NFL football on their cable partner in the fall. That was the only way they were able to sell all the ads available for this Sunday.

Blind Item #7

Why yes, this political run is a cash grab for the former reality star and her live in mooch is already figuring out how many different shell companies she can set up to get paid. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 15, 2021

This tool of an A/A- list alliterate director has had a couple recent good years and would have been a solid A list if his films made money. At an industry event, he ran into his ex-girlfriend, and while he was friendly at first, once he found out she was getting married abruptly stopped talking to her in front of others and pretended to not know her the rest of the party.

Ari Aster

Blind Item #6

This former coke addict who is an A list writer/director and up for some not deserved Oscars this weekend for his crap film, is portraying himself as this noble man for not filming at a hotel this week. The thing is, he wanted to film and finally buckled under the pressure.

Blind Item #5

She isn't paid for it, but this A list celebrity who is back on social media is happy to promote narratives for those celebrities she deems worthy of her support. So, if that means trashing the former A+ list rapper and promoting his ex, then so be it. I think she forgets that the former A+ list rapper knows all those little secrets about the husband of the celebrity that need to always stay out of the spotlight. It will be funny when they end up in a rhyme by the rapper or one of his proteges. 

Blind Item #4

Bani says the pandemic has change the way people do business in Dubai. Instead of flying in people from all over the world which has been next to impossible, they came up with a new way of having yachters at their disposal. The government gives the yachters visas, and "employers" pay the yachters as much as $100K per month plus housing and a car and driver. This is why almost all of the single women from one reality show based in the UK have moved to Dubai. 

Blind Item #3

One thing this A- list actor/host has not been shy about while living outside the country are fillers. He has done a lot of work to his face, and it doesn't look good. 

Blind Item #2

A few times a year an escort that specializes in BDSM and dominating men would come visit Los Angeles. She had a lot of high profile clients such as actors and executives that she would meet when they traveled to Europe for work. So, in the winter months, she would often show up here in town. With the pandemic, shutting down her line of work, she was in need of some cash. A lot of cash. She was going to name names. One of those names was this married politician from Southern California who has bigger things in his future. It isn't a shocker that she ended up dead, but I found it ironic where she ended up being killed.

Blind Item #1

This A+ list mogul is married, but everybody knows that he is closeted.  Over 2 decades ago, he threatened the life of a reporter who planned to out him in an article, pulled a few strings, and the article was never written.  A couple years later, the mogul finally got married.   More recently, the mogul was planning to acquire a property in Palm Beach.  He changed his mind, and is now focused on Miami, with its supply of barely legal male model companions.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Blind Item #10

Apparently this former reality star/celebrity who is neither of those at the moment, has been living off the proceeds of a sex tape he sold nearly a decade ago that featured his one and only ever client who is a former A- list reality star and someone all of you know. The man in the video is someone everyone on Earth knows. The tape is old and was made in the 90's. The tape was actually purchased as favor so that it never would see the light of day. I have never seen the tape. The former reality star/celebrity who does work, but his pay doesn't match how he lives, told this story to some friends in a Zoom cocktail party last October.

Blind Item #9

At this point, I don't think anything that comes out of the mouth of this ALL CAPS singer/songwriter is true. Whenever she gets on social media she just makes up stuff about her life, and her latest foray is no different.

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 15, 2021

There was talk of a reality series or a documentary about this offspring, but with his abysmal book sales, that is completely off the table now. 

Hunter Biden

Today's Blind Items - Deception

This one time flash in the pan A- lister has been hiding a bunch of income from this former A list actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee. The A list actor is the one who financed a company that has been hugely successful in the pandemic, but the flash in the pan told the actor that it hasn't made any money. Considering all the dirt the actor has on the flash in the pan regarding other finances and his procurement of individuals for the actor, and drug use and other things, you would think the flash in the pan would be more forthcoming. The flash in the pan thinks the former A list actor doesn't want to bring more attention to himself. I think he would love to have the focus be on something like a money dispute. 

Your Turn

 A celebrity you think is a decent person.

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 15, 2021

The manager wants money. There has been so much promotion and the record sales suck, but he wants that foreign born former A+ list tweener on the road. Arenas have been waiting for the word the shows are going to be canceled, and the promoter is going to lose out on a bunch of money if the decision to cancel is not made soon. The manager keeps holding out that they can play some shows, especially in certain states. 

Scooter Braun/Justin Bieber

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 15, 2021

This A- list actress/director is really missing the crush of attention she got a couple of months ago and is trying to convince the foreign born A list singer to do it again.

Olivia Wilde/Harry Styles

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 15, 2021

This former A- list athlete in her corner of the sports world is missing the limelight and attention. She thought she would get some of it back in her last "relationship," but not so much. So, now that her ex is in the news this week for some television duties, she took the opportunity to get the cameras on her by talking about him. Next week, no one will care about her again.

Danica Patrick/Aaron Rodgers

Blind Item #8

This former A list mostly movie actress all of you know, doesn't really work much any longer. She has a slightly famous child and a really famous ex. She was threatened with being fired after she kept complaining that this permanent A+ list mostly movie actor kept groping her when they were filming a movie back in the day. She was told to get over it and he was just having fun.

Blind Item #7

This was recorded, but may not air on his streaming show. This former one season wonder who got two shots, outed this west coast NFL quarterback. 

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 15, 2021

This foreign born UFC fighter just wrote a really big check to make one sexual assault case go away. Five more payoffs to go.

Conor McGregor

Blind Item #6

This national fast casual chain will do anything to keep its inflated stock price at its peak. The CEO and other executives have a big bonus headed their way if it stays at its current level. This is probably why there is a massive coverup going on about the number of people worldwide who have got sick from the chain's food over the past few weeks. After all of their past troubles, the stock would crater and the bonuses would go bye bye. 

Blind Item #5 - Reader Blind

This not so superhero and his PR girlfriend are pulling out all the stops to be seen/recognized.

Last weekend a completely random person just happened to spot the pair hiking around Griffith Park. They posted a photo to their Twitter account. Not long after posting the photo they got called out for it all being set up by the "couples" PR teams.

In the past 24 hours a production assistant on the set of his new cringe show reported on her Tumblr blog that our actor took his gf to the set. Interestingly, no photos. And taking Someone to a set who isn't cast or crew during COVID?? And oh yeah, the Tumblr person just happens to run a fanfic blog (ironic). But the blogger's story got ripped apart pretty quickly as being a set up by other social media users. (The story kept changing and becoming more elaborate with each telling). 

So having not gained the attention the "gf" was hoping for her team sent an item to Deuxmoi. 

Guessing the girlfriend wants to get her money's worth from the "bf" and his team before the contract is over in June.

And maybe they are having to resort to the above-mentioned attention seeking methods because their pap walks look as though the pair want to stab each other. And their beach shots in Tulum late last year? He seriously looked like he was going to throw up when he had to kiss her and play the much in love boyfriend for the paps. 

And the girlfriend has just arrived from Mexico in the last few days after a two week loophole holiday to get into the States from Spain. No quarantine upon arrival into America.

Blind Item #4

An offspring of a former A+ list rapper who was a founding father of a sort, is doing a documentary about her parental unit. In the documentary she implies she is the only offspring. Huh? Last I checked, he had about a dozen. She also actually states that her mom was the rapper's one true love. Huh? He hated her with a passion. He tried to kill her and shot up her car and even rapped about how much he hated her. It could be this self delusion which is causing the rapper turned movie star to decline being interviewed by her.

Blind Item #3

The foreign born permanent A list model got featured in a monthly home magazine. She wasn't asked who purchased the home for her or about all of her connections to the dead pedophile and the jailed madam. Why would you ever give her space in your magazine and not discuss those topics and more. 

Blind Item #2

It was an overdose, but this A-/B+ list actress doesn't want that out there to the world because then whatever shot she has at that old network reboot would be out the window.

Blind Item #1

It is interesting that this foreign born A list mostly movie actor who used to be a superhero had something to say about the Broadway guy, but has yet to utter a peep about his great buddy the disgraced director.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Blind Item #10

A feud that no one remembers or that no one cared about even when the two were at their peak, has been put to rest. This former A list singing fruit and the comic/actress who may or may not wear a wig and just got a new role have made up. 

Blind Item #9

Of course the online tabloid/television show took some jabs today at the actress/former talk show host/reality star. They are in the pockets of the celebrity cult. The story was not about her, but they took the shots anyway. 

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Reader Blind

February 5, 2021

When this B+ list actor joined the cast of this late night show, his hair was thinning and he had a bald spot in the back of his head, so he started wearing a toupee in the back. The one and only time he didn't wear it was when he played a now deceased movie critic. 

Our actor likes to play basketball and was part of the permanent group that played with this deceased A list comic actor. One time, our actor was wearing a ball cap. Someone misses their shot, and the actor goes up for a rebound. When he comes down, everybody screams. While going for the ball his baseball cap came off and with it his toupee, which by this point covered most of his head. He simply shrugged his shoulders, put the toupee and cap back on and left the gym.

Kevin Nealon/"Saturday Night Live"/Gene Siskel/Garry Shandling

Today's Blind Items - Outbid - Old Hollywood

 This might be the hardest Old Hollywood blind item I have written. I could give you one clue and all of you would get it. The subject of our blind received a gold record for a song all of you know. Every single one of you. She wasn't quite the first to sing the song and wasn't the last. She also had some other hits and was extremely popular in the early days of television. She was signed to a record label when she was barely a teen. It was during that time that she was molested on an almost daily basis by this three named singer who had multiple number one songs and also was a well known television host. The subject of the blind regularly appeared on his show. She couldn't say no or she would lose out and she supported her entire family. One time, when she was not quite old enough to drive, she was in Las Vegas performing and this permanent A++ list singer offered her many thousands of dollars for sex. She wanted to accept, but couldn't because of her contract with the three named singer. Sex with other men was considered "performing" under her contract and she was only allowed to "perform" with who the three named singer approved.

Your Turn

 Do you own any cryptocurrency? 

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 14, 2021

The original plan for the one named talk show host was to turn the show over to the celebrity mentioned previously in this space. Things have become so bad, there might not be a show worth saving. It is going downhill more quickly than imagined and there is talk about ending it her own way and doing farewell episodes.

Ellen/Stephen "tWitch" Boss

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 14, 2021

This west coast Housewife has been cold calling people from her husband's client list. If they are rich, she has been asking the men if they would like to have dinner or drinks. Trolling for that money. Wow. Guess she doesn't have as much stashed as everyone thought.

Erika Jayne Girardi/Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 14, 2021

Speaking of cold hard cash, that is what the handlers of the permanent A list "singer" are doing. They are monetizing her social media and don't care if she is on board or not.

Britney Spears

Blind Item #8

They had the information five years ago, but never needed to use it because the wannabe A++ list candidate never made it far enough to need to use it. They decided to hang on to the information in case they needed it down the road. Now, the candidate is making noise about running. The question being asked about the information which is proof of multiple infidelities, is if anyone will even care about it. Things have changed. 

Blind Item #7

The celebrity CEO is cooking the books again. No, not about money, but instead, lying to the government about how close two objects were to colliding. He sold the government on one set of protocols but they don't really exist. Hey, a lot like some of the things he promised in cars. Apparently a payoff to the other company is coming to keep everything hush hush.

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 14, 2021

It turns out all it took for the one season wonder to come out as gay was cold hard cash. That should be part of speaking your truth.

Colton Underwood

Blind Item #6

This former Teen Mom star not named Kieffer or Courtland is dealing drugs and guns and if I know about it, then the cops know about it too. What the police probably don't know is about a man who was killed a little north of where the former reality star lives. The former reality star was present for that killing.

Blind Item #5

This very outspoken talk show guest is married. She is happy to discuss that. She is also the first woman he dated or slept with which she does not enjoy discussing.

Blind Item #4

 It doesn't come as a surprise, but I'm shocked this A- list actress put it in her autobiography. She talks to no former female castmates from any of her hit shows. Yeah, because our actress a diva who pushed away every other actress and was always working an angle to get them to quit or be fired.

Blind Item #3

Things are not looking good for the marriage of this permanent A++ list athlete. She has talked to a divorce attorney.

Blind Item #2

The tabloid that is essentially a mouthpiece for publicists confirmed what I have been saying for years in regards to the former A list athlete/steroid abuser and his cheating ways. They also hinted at his financial shadiness too, which is what the A list everything in her mind only discovered when they were going to jointly make a massive purchase.

Blind Item #1

You know how an out of work actor gets work? Cheat on your girlfriend with a teen A list singer who gets you noticed and suddenly you get work.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Blind Item #10

The A- list actor/television host lost his minder/sober coach for a bit because the Svengali wants her to do some yachting next month in the Med. 

Blind Item #9

This foreign born A list singer is really hooked on meth. Maybe in a few years he and Aaron Carter can do meth together while making porn.

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 5, 2021

"Unless you are here to lick my p***y, I don't have any use for you or your family."

Foreign born A+ list singer who was eating dinner and didn't want to be disturbed by this A- list reality star.

Rihanna/Kendall Jenner

Today's Blind Items - Almost Dead

Thinking about that earlier blind about the offspring, got me to thinking about a story I don't believe I ever have spoken about or written about previously. It involved a then A list mostly movie actor who was warned off and is now an A list mostly television actor who has starred in multiple hit television shows and is someone all of you know. Once the actor was warned off, this at the time A list tabloid celebrity was paired off with various men who were then blackmailed. This went on for several years until the tabloid celebrity had lost her celebrity and they had no use for her. So, she ends up marrying someone who wrote one of the best music books of all time. The thing is though, her previous masters decided she knew too much and decided to kill her. They almost succeeded. After that near death experience, they considered her to be warned off, and she has kept her head down for decades.

Your Turn

 It is 4/20. Will you be participating?

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 13, 2021

The fake coder alliterate model has been trying to get the foreign born professional beard interested in a threesome. So far, the answer has been no.

Karlie Kloss/Irina Shayk

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 13, 2021

I have been calling out both YouTube brothers for years about their sexual assaults. Even when victims come forward like this past weekend, nothing ever happens to the brothers. At this point they must feel they can get away with drug sales, arm sales, rapes and whatever else, because no one has done nothing to stop them.

Logan & Jake Paul/Justine Paradise

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 13, 2021

This former wannabe A++ lister is going to be the fall guy for the vaccine passport. Here is how it is going to work. The airlines hate there is no one system to use. They each have their own different setups. Plus, they are getting forged vaccination cards. The airlines want a vaccine passport and are bugging the guy who regulates them. He won't want to do it though because he won't ever get to be the A++ lister.

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg/President of the United States

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind

If he keeps taking those chemicals that a doctor says are supplements but instead are HGH and testosterone, mixed with some other even more unsafe toxins, this controversial talk show host will be the next one to die. The hallucinations and visions would probably go away too once he goes cold turkey.

Blind Item #7

The death of that wannabe A++ lister brought back memories of that offspring of his who had affairs with an A++ lister and a state A++ lister. The first of those affairs was secret until his most famous mistress got angry she was being two timed and leaked the information.

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 13, 2021

The former A+ list rapper doesn't know what is in store for him. He is in for a world of hurt and a wall of propaganda that is headed his way from that family. If he has any stuff he removed from his own documentary to be nice, he should put all that stuff back in, especially all the scenes with "candy."

Kanye West/Kardashians

Blind Item #6

This foreign born A/A- list mostly movie actor introduced his wife to heroin. He can go days or even weeks without using, but his wife is hooked and is using multiple times each day.

Blind Item #5

This A+/A list mostly movie actor/general all around a-hole, went ballistic that he was photographed in the wild without his Spanx on.

Blind Item #4

The former A+ list celebrity/reality star continues to talk about her past and is rewriting a lot of it. She seems to have totally forgotten the release she signed and the paperwork to set up a LLC she signed so that the millions of dollars she was paid for the sex tape could be deposited. She didn't have to do those things. No one would have ever seen the tape otherwise. 

Blind Item #3

Until her management told her how unpopular her opinion was, the former tweener turned A- list singer who won't ever stop using, wanted to sue the place she was complaining about. 

Blind Item #2

This A- list singer who is also a new mom, is having a tough time finding people to work with because she is so outspoken in her beliefs, which can be very controversial at times. While other artists have cranked out music during COVID, she hasn't been able to and is fading from the public's memory.

Blind Item #1

This state politician is up for a big promotion to the national level, in her corner of the political world, despite totally failing to enforce the main law to protect child actors in Hollywood from convicted pedophiles. 

Monday, April 19, 2021

Blind Item #10

This former A++ list wannabe has changed her speech rider. Not only does her private jet now need to be a Gulfstream 650 or higher, her staff also need their own private jet and no longer fly commercial.

Blind Item #9

This three named actress who all of you know, despite her not being peak famous right now says that she now realizes the relationship she had with an actor in his mid twenties when she wasn't old enough to drive, was really grooming and rape. Considering he was convicted of something similar later, this is spot on.

Blind Items Revealed #5

April 12, 2021

As soon as his on again off again partner/mother to kids got sick, this A list producer took out a massive life insurance policy on her without even telling her.

Sean Combs/Kim Porter

Today's Blind Items - Nope, Not Ours

It is super rare for this organization to just let one of their former members go without some sort of compensation or to go after them for all eternity should there be a bad break. This is especially true with their most prominent members. Now, many of you might not think of this celebrity as prominent, and you would not be wrong. But several decades ago he was an A list singer who also acted in a variety of roles mostly chosen for their ability to show off his looks and get young people to watch. At the time he joined the organization they were thrilled to have him and the founder of the organization himself took great interest in our singer/actor. They became super close. Because of their closeness, the founder created a project that would feature our singer/actor. You would then think this guy must be a pillar of the organization. Nope. You see, our singer/actor enjoyed coke and heroin and any other drug he could get his hands on. He was also at the time very popular with women and he was sleeping his way through the organization and also introducing/enabling/participating in drug use with them, including others who were pillars and the faces of the organization. They couldn't do anything to stop him and it took a long time to convince the founder to part ways with the singer/actor. They were happy to see him leave and really try their hardest to not claim him as ever being a member.

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 12, 2021

I have hinted at this before, but apparently there really should be a paternity test given when this disgraced tech CEO gives birth. My guess for the father would be that lawyer she spends so much time with.

Elizabeth Holmes/Theranos

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 12, 2021

This foreign born A list activist who is barely old enough to vote, is bailing on a conference because she doesn't want to have to answer public questions about her correspondence with the killer.

Greta Thunberg/Cop 26 Climate Summit/Ted Kaczynski

Blind Items Revealed #2

 April 12, 2021

It is remarkable what the threat of losing billions of Euros in arms sales can accomplish. Even the authentication of a painting. 

Leonardo da Vinci’s "Salvator Mundi" (disputed authenticity until the threat of no more arms buying, then it is suddenly authentic)

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind

It is no secret that members of this reality family had sex with male porn stars. It is no secret this deceased A+ list person made porn and ran in the same circles as boyfriends of the reality family. It does make one wonder whether any member of the reality family hooked up with the dead A+ lister.

Blind Item #7 - Reader Blind - Old Hollywood

One person that MeToo has not gotten too yet is this beloved in his time entertainer. He was a comic, a singer and was in films, radio, and early TV shows. He was known for a visible part of his anatomy that was large.

He was a compulsive rapist. If left alone with a wardrobe girl or the like, he would immediately jump on her.  HIs favorite thing was forcing them into sodomy. Several of the women say that while he was anally raping them, he began singing his trademark song which was a gibberish phrase.

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 12, 2021

This guitarist for a foreign band which is A-list in their corner of the music world barely got any jail time for sexually abusing a little girl and possessing child porn.

Rikard Sundén/Sabaton

Blind Item #6

This "businessman" thinks he will finally hit it big time thanks to a massive judgement. Nope. The government isn't going to let him play, and all this news is just bringing to light his sketchy past including what has been called a Ponzi scheme.

Blind Item #4

This back in the day A- list mostly movie actor who starred in one of the biggest movie franchises of all times, doesn't want to go through the whole bearding thing again. He has been out of the spotlight and enjoying being himself. With the new huge role he is set to play, the pressure is on for him to get a beard. His ex is a maybe. Why not just come out?

Blind Item #3

Lost in the crapfest that was this broadcast over the weekend was the late night actor wasted out of his mind too and that the permanent A+ list rapper is being shown cooked books by the YouTube star so the rapper will invest even more.

Blind Item #2

This professional sports league had a COVID breakout in Southern California this weekend. Maybe, it would be beneficial if the league's OWN employees would wear masks at the hotel where they are based in Southern California. Instead, they don't even bother even carrying them and employees, afraid to lose the league's business are scared to confront the employees. The only guests that don't wear masks are the league's employees.

Blind Item #1

Taking a tip from his wife at their wedding, the ginger haired one updated his IMDb page to include his appearance at the funeral. He listed the funeral as a television special, much like his wife categorized their wedding. 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Blind Item #8 - Reader Blind

A new biography of this person who has held this A++ position on two separate occasions including right now has a biography coming out which confirms the details of a story that has long been rumored.

When he was a young man, the person's close family member was put on trial along with 13 other young men for the week long rape and imprisonment of two young girls.  Another close family member held an A+ position where they lived. He was in the courtroom every day staring down the jury and the judge. At the end of the trial, 12 out of the 13 men were found guilty. The one who wasn't? The close family member.   

Of course strings were pulled. Two things to consider - 1.) The regular bodyguards assigned to the close family member couldn't confirm an alibi for him that week 2.) Some of the other young men as well as the two victims confirmed his attendance.

When the biographer confronted the person during an interview for the book, the person laughed and said the two girls made the whole thing up.  

Blind Item #7 - Reader Blind - Old Hollywood

Many years ago, this foreign leader who was in exile by the end of his life and this actress had a relationship. The actress was in a lot of films but is more famous for a TV series later in life wherein she played a variation on a fictional creature.  The very tall actor who played her husband on the show was also a fictional creature.

The relationship with the leader was not a secret. The actress wrote about it in her autobiography.  She had a lot of relationships with famous men and was known to ride the casting couch when she was younger.

After his death, found among the effects of the leader were a lot of photos. He was sex obsessed and would sleep with almost anyone.  There were many photos of the actress - not just nude photos but her having sex with the leader's servants as well as animals and the leader using her mouth as a toilet.  

Blind Item #6

The reason we all know the little detail about the alliterate one from the funeral is that her PR team made sure the world knew. Had to make it about herself.

Blind Item #5 - Reader Blind

Many years ago, these two actors had a fight on the set of a movie they were both in. Both are deceased now .

Actor #1, who was foreign born and Oscar winning Oscar nominated,  would have a A+ career but this would be the movie that would launch him. It was the first in a very long franchise that is still ongoing today.  Actor #2 had a secondary role in the film.  He would become much more successful later in the decade when he starred in a long running tv series which he also produced and that had a popular remake that just went off the air recently.  The character he played in this film would appear in other episodes of the franchise but different actor would be playing the role.

One night after drinking the two actor got into a bragging contest which led to a discussion of manhood size. Actor #1 was angered when he saw actor #2 was much more well endowed than him and a fist fight ensued. Actor #2 won that as well as he briefly knocked actor#1 unconscious.

Blind Items Revealed #4

April 11, 2021

This B list actress with A+ list name recognition isn't allowed to get married or it voids her massive payout. The thing is though, she might have just secretly done just that.

Katie Holmes

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 11, 2021

Going back to my alliance blind item, it is pretty telling that, at least according to the two cousins, they were the first people the ginger haired one reached out to after news of the family death. 

Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice/Prince Harry

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 11, 2021

This A list producer/wannabe rapper is having money problems. All those years of exploiting everyone on his roster and he doesn't have much left to show for it.

Sean Combs

Blind Items Revealed #1

April 10, 2021

So far, this foreign born A+/A list comic actor has been way off on the side as his frequent co-star/best friend/A- list disgraced actor from an acting family has been slammed in the media and by actresses for the past few years. That is about to change. The foreign born comic actor is complicit and enabled a lot of the behavior of the disgraced actor. He thought a lot of the actions were funny. Don't forget, this is the actor who got a pass after saying rape could be funny. 

Seth Rogen/James Franco

Blind Item #4

The barely a celebrity offspring of a foreign born permanent A list singer got involved in a get rich quick scheme and blew threw every penny she has. Her dad is not giving her any money so she has been trolling for rich men to marry.

Blind Item #3

Speaking of former A list athletes, this one talks a lot about her sex life, or lack thereof. Yes, there is one aspect of her sex life that is no go until marriage, but the rest is wide open. She always neglects to mention that part.

Blind Item #2

Judging by the outbursts as of late, I think the former tweener turned A- list adult singer has moved beyond California sober and is back to hard drugs.

Blind Item #1

All that was missing last night from something we saw a decade ago from the former A+ list athlete was the coke in front of us while pictures of him were being taken by naked hookers whipping him as he wore their lingerie.