Monday, March 20, 2023

Today's Blind Items - Pay The Piper - Old Hollywood

This singer at his peak was A list. His peak was during his teen years. He comes from a very famous entertainment family that spans generations and runs the gamut from singing to acting. Our singer died in a very notable way, long before he would have from natural causes. Back when he was a teen heartthrob, our singer was pursued by thousands of teen girls. It was a fandom that was crazy. Growing tired of just having sex with whatever teen came along, our singer used to find teens through his fan club and write them letters. Actual letters. He had two guys who worked for him who would find girls in whatever towns he was visiting that would do whatever he wanted. He always was looking for threesomes and virgins and because he had so many teens to choose from, he never had problems. His greatest joy was on a crew member's birthday, passing a teen off to the crew member after our singer had sex with the girl. That would invariably lead to several crew members then having sex with the girl while our singer watched and cheered it on. It was usually non consensual and our singer loved it more depending on how non consensual and depraved the scene would become.

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