Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Today's Blind Items - The Money Or The Girlfriend

This foreign born rocker is old. He was once A list in his group but that was 40-50 years ago. No one knows who he is. He misses all the attention. He misses all the young women that threw themselves at him. He misses all the easy money and the drugs. Then, one day he met a very young women. She is over 50 years younger than our singer. She was even younger than his wife and paid attention to him and didn't ask him for money. She made sure he had everything he wanted. She also had money which he could have without going out an earning it on tour. All he had to do was make some speeches and give some interviews. He was game because he doesn't actually care what people think of him, but because of his name he gets all the attention in the world and can spew the talking points the girlfriend/minder has given him. At this point though, she has moved on to her next person but our singer has a new minder and a bigger schedule of interviews which he loves because they always find someone to take such good care of him every time.

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