Saturday, February 11, 2023

Blind Item #8

After this record holding permanent A list singer ran into this initialed singer at the Grammy Awards and told her how much she enjoyed her most recent album, the initialed one is going to work with the record holder and show up at various tour stops to sing with the record holder.

Blind Item #7

Whenever this former A- list singer turned mostly actress starts doing problematic things again, one of the first things that happens is she starts getting obsessed with her ex again and comments all over social media about him. It has begun again.

Blind Item #6

 How is it that the obituary in one of the main trade magazines and all of the statements from celebrity clients failed to mention, the now dead publicist's long issues with child molesting and child p**n. Are we just going to pretend it didn't happen? I bet the former A+ list actor with the troubled history is probably breathing a sigh of relief that a bunch of their shared secrets are headed to the grave.

Blind Item #5

The management of the biggest K-pop boyband and this controversial A-list music manager have acquired yet another US label with the money earned by said boyband but want to keep its members under slave contracts. These two best-selling boy banders have been refusing to agree to unfair contract extension so the management has halted their album recordings and stopped contacting one of them. The guys will be watching their offers be given to other people until they surrender. If that doesn't work expect hate campaigns and more information about the guys and the two-colored K-pop girl band to be leaked to the press. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 29, 2023

This former A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Oscar winner/nominee and has slept with not only the disgraced producer, but multiple co-stars too, is not even trying to deny she is the "star" of a new music video about the cheating actor.

Jennifer Lawrence/Miley Cyrus/Flowers/Liam Hemsworth

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 4, 2023

The murderer will do or say anything to help himself and says his fellow co-defendant was abusing drugs on set which is why there was no training.

Alec Baldwin/Hannah Gutierrez-Reed

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 4, 2023

One way to get the alliterate talk show host out of the house is to write something negative about the way she looks or is acting. That happened this week and she emerged looking pretty darn good.

Wendy Williams

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 4, 2023

The former prime time cable news anchor with the two hour show has been demoted to mornings. Now, he is trying to get fired so he can take a prime morning gig at the alphabet network.

Don Lemon/CNN/ABC

Blind Item #4 - Old Hollywood

 The dead sitcom actor who went out in a haze of porn and drugs suddenly has a bunch of his old porn images online. It feels like someone is trying to get some interest from the public in his escapades so they can make a biopic about him.

Blind Item #3

The former wheelchair actor has been trying to make it seem like he had a rapper killed because he thinks it made him look tough. Now, in the ongoing legal proceeding he is going to backpedal from that so fast it will make your head spin.

Blind Item #2

The singing actress knows Broadway is one thing, but if she wants to move back up the ladder, she is going to have to get people on her side again. She is trying, but does not seem very genuine, especially when you hear stories about how she is currently acting now and it is all the same as it has ever been.

Blind Item #1

That year singer who got into trouble a few months ago, is doing his best to get into trouble again. He is really pushing the edge of fans turning against the group. Wait until fans of the year band realize how much the singer hates the A list foreign born former boy bander. 

Friday, February 10, 2023

Blind Item #13

 This Hollywood trade reporter exchanges sex for good reviews that is paid for by a production company.

Blind Item #12

This actress/director has been hooking up with her trainer.

Blind Item #11

Speaking of barely there celebrities, this offspring of an A+ lister was doing coke like crazy while out of the country this week.

Blind Item #10

This barely there celebrity offspring is in talks to marry a Sheikh. 

Blind Item #9

Apparently this former Disney actress/singer turned host is really hosting a show which will allow married couples to cheat.

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 29, 2023

This north of the border singer has not had a hit in quite some time. All he wants to do is party and be an "actor." He is also being dragged into a cult which will have him signing over royalties before long.

Shawn Mendes

Four For Friday - Strange Hookups

#1 - This foreign born former A- list tennis player known more for her looks than her tennis, and this foreign born A list mostly movie actor who you are guaranteed to see every Christmas.

#2 - This A- list deep and brooding actor who has worked often with an A list director. He once had a drunken hookup with this former A list actresses who was in between marriages. She has been acting since she was a teen. 

#3 - This foreign born former boy bander in a group that never hit in the US but was A+ list in many corners of the world and this former A- list actress who was in a teen comedy franchise.

#4 - This now dead A list singer and this A list director of the same sex.

Your Turn

 Pick your Super Bowl winner and tell me what food you will be eating during the game.

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 29, 2023

This barely there celebrity who is most well known for possibly being the other woman coming between the foreign born former NBA player and the reality family, is selling a bunch of cheap Chinese fashion and thinks it is haute couture. 

Jordyn Woods/Khloe Kardashian/Tristan Thompson

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 29, 2023

Back in the day, this television host was A list and hosted multiple television shows each week. He was everywhere. Now, he is a television mogul and wants to pay a very low price for conglomerate. A conglomerate that has already agreed to a very high price. So, what does our former host do? Has a party in his house for all the very top top top political leaders in the country who have been given nearly $1M in donations by the mogul. He also invited the people who make the final decision whether or not to approve the sale. He knows if the sale is rejected, the seller will take whatever price is offered and our host will swoop in.

Byron Allen/Tegna

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 29, 2023

This lottery rapper/singer has a boyfriend who doesn't want to be seen publicly with her. Maybe she should find someone who is not trying to hide their relationship.


Blind Item #8

Apparently this foreign born three named A/A- list actor is fine working with the director who sexually assaulted his underage relative. Did his actress wife applaud and say it was a great idea too? Also, after the bomb that was his last movie, why are studios giving him more chances? 

Blind Item #7

Sometimes the ambulance chasing lawyer just brings cases or people forward so she can have a press conference and pile on. She knows she has no case when it comes to the relatives of the killed cinematographer. She just wanted some attention.

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 3, 2023

With more people daily looking at at whatever true crime subjects they can discuss, it was inevitable that the former A+ list actor was looked at again and a discussion whether his lying allowed a serial killer to kill again. All because the actor didn't want anyone to know he was sleeping with someone.

Ashton Kutcher

Blind Item #6

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor who has been a superhero, recently had lunch and dinner with the disgraced director. I thought  the actor said they were not friends any longer?

Blind Item #5

This A/A- list former Disney singer/actress let the excesses of 2022 get to her. Apparently, there has been talk of rehab.

Blind Item #4

A battle is brewing between the three offspring. One of them doesn't want to sell the music catalog and the other two do. None of them can agree on the percentage or how much they should sell it for.

Blind Item #3

The former sitcom star turned game show host is being called out by his former friends/castmates on a show he hosted and produced because he screwed them all out of a lot of money. He made millions and left them with peanuts.

Blind Item #2

The team behind the closeted reality star will do anything to make it seem as if she has a boyfriend. They even send in fake items to tabloids and reporters, hoping someone will bite.

Blind Item #1

This foreign born former A- list actress who walked away from a hit show and has not had a career since, says she passed on the A+ list actor. That isn't true. He passed on her because she was doing too many drugs.

Thursday, February 09, 2023

Blind Item #12

The part that was missing from the reports on the "singer" were the cameras that were going to be there.

Blind Item #11

 This foreign born former A list boy bander turned stay at home hermit, has been clean and sober for nearly a year now. Good for him.

Blind Item #10

This could be the death knell of the marriage. The A list everything in her mind celebrity tries to make sure there are "healthier" coffees available for her husband because she doesn't like him making runs to his favorite coffee place. He usually ends up spending that extra dollar if you know what I mean.

Blind Item #9

This A- list dual threat actress who has starred on a very very hit network comedy and in a movie franchise, has a 24/7 life coach/therapist/sober coach who is never far from her side.

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 2, 2023

This EGOT winner doesn't even use his own skin care products, so that should tell you something.

John Legend

Today's Blind Items - Silenced

I didn't think I would be writing this blind item for another year, but one of the guys who was caught up in the death of the former singing actor, got off probation a year early. It was already crazy that a guy facing a decade in jail for possession of child p**n and also distributing it to various local and statewide elected officials and government employees, got zero jail time, but that he gets off probation early too? 

He was arrested shortly after the singing actor died. As I have said before, the singing actor had a lot of first time ever seen child p**n and then it showed up on the computer of the guy who just completed his probation. As far as I know, that was the only arrest made that was in any way connected to the singing actor. The guy arrested was using his government computer to send all of this out. None of the people he was sending it to were charged. Zero. Oh, did I mention this guy was in charge of finding good homes for children to be adopted? How many of the children ended up in the homes of celebrities or politicians? Were those same celebrities and politicians on his email distribution list? You know he didn't say anything which is why he had to serve zero jail time. None. The county wanted this closed and people to forget about it and forget about there were people on the other end of those emails and the other end of the server. 

Your Turn

 Would you go see a movie that was entirely AI created with no real actors?

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 2, 2023

It is crazy that this actress from north of the border only earns $4K a year from her most famous role, while her actor/boss still earns about $4K a day from the show.

Pamela Anderson/Baywatch/David Hasselhoff

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 2, 2023

Speaking of wasted, this barely there celebrity offspring of a dead permanent A+ lister, had to make herself throw up at a party because of some bad drugs she was given.

Paris Jackson/Michael Jackson

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 2, 2023

This failed country singer turned A list rapper/singer is out of the country and almost fell off the balcony of the place he is staying because of how wasted he was.

Post Malone

Blind Item #8

Speaking of rich, this actress, through her husband might be the richest actress who is A list. She is foreign born and yelled at her bodyguard for not opening a door fast enough. She said that the next time, he would be fired.

Blind Item #7

I'm not sure whether the alliterate one is trying to sleep with the old rich guy. That being said, she did sleep with the old rich guy's son back in the day before he killed himself.

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 30, 2023

As I have been telling you for months, the actress/director and the former late night actor will get back together.

Olivia Wilde/Jason Sudeikis

Blind Item #6

This closeted foreign born former A list singer is probably A- list and dropping because he hasn't made any new music. He also is becoming known around town for spitting on his partners.

Blind Item #5

The celebrity ex of a political pedophile was looking for a threesome partner while out at NYFW. Who was the third?

Blind Item #4

This foreign born A-/B+ list singer with initials in her name was told by her record company to lose weight or they will drop her.

Blind Item #3

 Because the cleaning product actor can't keep his timeline straight, people are going to doubt whether he was molested at a young age. He was, but now people will question it which will lead people to questioning other victims about their stories.

Blind Item #2

The three named celebrity who is past her peak fame wise and has a unique look, has hired a team of PR people to make her look good over the next few months. She knows she is going to be dragged into all the stories about her alliterate ex and is trying to look like some kind of angel, which she is not.

Blind Item #1

There are rumors making the rounds that this Grammy record holder and her husband were frequent guests of the billionaire pedophile. That is not true. No island and no flights.

Wednesday, February 08, 2023

Blind Item #13

This A+/A list mostly movie actor is filming two movies at once and taking a commensurate amount of stimulants to keep him going for both projects, which require a lot of late night shoots.

Blind Item #12

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actor from multiple movie franchises was supposed to be out of state supporting his "girlfriend" while she performed. He was not in attendance though.

Blind Item #11

Speaking of foreign born, this north of the border former A+ list singer wants one more shot at glory, even if it means reuniting with her star maker ex which is going to happen on her current trip.

Blind Item #10

As he continues his transformation from actor to guru, this foreign born former A list actor is selling his home here to buy a retreat outside the country.

Blind Item #9

This former A- list actress all of you know, lives south of the border now. She also runs a brothel.

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 30, 2023

We know what happened to $3M belonging to the charity of the alliterate one, but what happened to the other $10M?

Meghan Markle/Archewell

Today's Blind Items - The Experiments

It used to be a place where people were sent to recover from their substance abuse issues. It was a bustling facility that definitely used unconventional techniques, but at least did try and get people sober. There was some nobility in it. It is a sprawling facility cut off from the rest of the Hydra that is this organization. It is on a quiet intersection that is separated from apartments by several blocks. There it stands, all alone, with its impressive gates and hidden security. What used to have dozens of cars in the parking lot 24/7, now sees but a handful there on a daily basis. 

It almost looks abandoned. This almost new looking facility, wants to give that impression. During the day though, there are a half dozen cars belonging to scientists and doctors they have recruited from within their ranks around the world and shuttled to this facility. In the facility, they are working on new drugs to rid people of their substance abuse issues. The plan is to find a drug that is marketable and can be sold throughout the world. They see billions of dollars in revenue in their future to make up for their revenue shortfalls they now regularly face. 

The issue is they have no one from the government looking over their shoulders as they try new drugs on patients also recruited from their ranks. Some show effectiveness while others do nothing and many are often harmful. No one will say anything though. There is no one to say anything to. It is all hush hush and if you do try and say something you will be sent somewhere and never heard from again. There have been several patients who have died or permanently harmed, but they keep trying. They keep experimenting. 

Your Turn

Are the Academy Awards even relevant any longer? Should they just go away?

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 30, 2023

The alliterate reality star has been talking to surrogates again. Really? With the philandering former NBA player again?

Khloe Kardashian/Tristan Thompson

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 31, 2023

This A- list actress is hooking up with a bodyguard while filming in Eastern Europe. The three named rapper is apparently not on her mind either.

Megan Fox/Machine Gun Kelly

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 31, 2023

Apparently, if you are the illegitimate child of this foreign born former A+ list actor you get financially cut off at a certain age. His legitimate children faced no such obstacles.

Joseph Baena/Arnold Schwarzenegger

Blind Item #8

A top five headliner in the big Spring festival is going to have to pull out because of vocal issues.

Blind Item #7

This singer/actress who is set to star in a Disney live action movie, cheated on her celebrity boyfriend, which is why they recently split.

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 2, 2023

Once again, the wealthy farmer tried to downplay his ties to the dead billionaire pedophile. Once again, his ex contradicted him. 

Bill Gates/Jeffrey Epstein/Melinda Gates

Blind Item #6

Speaking of the party in #5, a sibling much higher on the list than the honoree, got hammered. I didn't think the sibling did that kind of thing any longer. A friend of the family even higher on the list than the sibling, stayed sober which has been a struggle since the teen years.

Blind Item #5

After sleeping with several boyfriends of her best friends and having her ex sleep with most of her old girlfriends, this barely there celebrity offspring had to rely on her family to invite most of the invitees to a life event. 

Blind Item #4

This religious organization discovered who leaked information to a radio host for his death pool prediction about the actress who subsequently died a short time later. The organization sent some relatives of the leaker off to a base across the country from their home. 

Blind Item #3

 At this point, even rehab is probably not going to save this comic/action television/movie celebrity. 

Blind Item #2

It is pretty interesting that this one named singer with the see thru outfit from Grammy night, left the home of an A+ list singer via a service elevator the morning after. Something we should know?

Blind Item #1

 This celebrity/reality star is trying to keep that career exam she is taking later this month, very hush hush.

Tuesday, February 07, 2023

Blind Item #13

This A/A- list mostly television actress has been cheating on her long long time girlfriend.

Blind Item #12

There are people just as, if not more famous than this A+ list NBA legend and they go to Target and Starbucks all the time and don't whine about it.

Blind Item #11

I don't know how desperate the ginger haired one is for money, but it must be desperate enough where he won't dump this awful social media app he shills for until his next payment comes due which is sometime in March. The app is going down hard and he should bail now.

Blind Item #10

An ex of this alliterate A- list actor is set to out the actor.

Blind Item #9

 No one tries harder than this foreign born A-/B+ list actress to find a famous guy who wants to be her "boyfriend." Gay or straight, she doesn't care. She just wants that attention. It is shocking how hard she tries.

Blind Items Revealed #5

January 31, 2023

Do I think this dead permanent A list singer was molested and groomed as a child? Yes. Do I think her mom offered her up to a pastor for sex? No, but I do think the family of the alliterate singer doesn't care what they say as long as there is a check.

Whitney Houston/Bobby Brown

Today's Blind Items - The Sex

Our actor was A list. He was a crazy party animal who did a lot of drugs and died because of drugs. Everyone knows about his drug use, but his sexual habits are just now coming to light. He was recently mentioned in a recent scandalous documentary, where a valet revealed that he was into his blood being drawn during sex and transgender prostitutes. He was also friends with this A list singer/musician from the same hometown as the actor, and they would regularly have threesomes with prostitutes and/or groupies he would pick up. To make things more strange, every so often, that crazy writer/author/movie subject would join them on their sex journeys.

Your Turn

 Super Bowl party or watch it on your own?

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 31, 2023

The wife of this A/A- list actor buys breast milk from women so it looks like she is lactating when she isn't.

Hilaria Baldwin/Alec Baldwin

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 31, 2023

Is it a lifestyle choice from the muse/actress or is it an I spent all my money on drugs, so it is all I can afford thing.

Julia Fox/small apartment

Blind Items Revealed #2

February 1, 2023

Speaking of former A++ listers, this one from an island foreign country paid $500K to sleep with this foreign born model who is in a very strange relationship with this A+ list mostly movie actor.

Tony Blair/Irina Shayk/Bradley Cooper

Blind Item #8

This A list producer who accepted an award the other night on behalf of a late arriver, basically confirmed what I wrote yesterday about recording members conspiring to make sure the one named permanent A lister doesn't win one of the big awards.

Blind Item #7

 Just when the public starts to forget how miserable this former A- list singer turned A- list actress can be, she goes after the person who saved her life again. Her handlers go crazy every time she does it. No one will ever be on her side about this.

Blind Items Revealed #1

February 1, 2023

This alliterate A- list actor from a very hit network show is telling everyone his dramatic weight loss is from exercise and a change of diet, instead of the shot every celebrity takes.

Anthony Anderson

Blind Item #6

Speaking of concerts, I hope that everyone has had a chance to see the foreign born legendary group because with its two key members fighting, there won't ever be any other concerts from the group.

Blind Item #5

This one note A list music producer is not going to bite the hands that feed him, especially that big A+ list hand, but what he said about concert pricing is absolute garbage and artists actually can and do set their prices and can and do decide whether or not to use dynamic pricing. 

Blind Item #4

He can claim whatever he wants, but this former rapper turned kept husband did get into a fight at the Grammy Awards with his former group member. 

Blind Item #3

One of the largest publishing houses in the US doesn't advertise it, but they have a policy to reject any manuscripts that have a main character with they/them pronouns. 

Blind Item #2

Law enforcement has a person of interest they are going to speak to about the death of an actress who was the real life inspiration for a role in a very famous comedy movie.

Blind Item #1

People are worried that the meme actor is back doing heavy drugs again. He has been acting very off as of late.

Monday, February 06, 2023

Blind Item #24 - Grammy Awards

Speaking of country singers, this A list singer who was a nominee/winner last night wins the going to the bathroom award the most to do coke. It was every ten minutes at an after party.

Blind Item #23 - Grammy Awards

This B+ list country singer beat up a hooker this weekend and was kicked out of his hotel for doing so, but was not arrested.

Blind Item #22 - Grammy Awards

This B+ list actress/singer was sucking face with this married former A- list rapper turned mostly A- list actor/host. They really needed to get a room.

Blind Item #21 - Grammy Awards

As if the thirst outfit wasn't enough for this one named singer, she was also trying to set something up with a female celebrity offspring of a permanent A+ lister where they could hang out or make it look they were flirting. The offspring wanted no part of it.

Blind Item #20 - Grammy Awards

In one category where the old foreign born former A+ lister won, there are rarely more than 10% of the eligible voters who vote on that category, which is why the old guys always win and there is never any new talent that wins. There is a country music category that is the same way too which is why you saw an old guy win that award again for the umpteenth time.

Blind Item #19 - Grammy Awards

This B list singer is supposedly just a new teenager now. She performed this weekend as part of the Grammy weekend and if she really is that young, then this is super creepy because she was definitely being passed around like a party favor and guys were taking photos of her and she was taking covered topless photos for other guys. It was just so blatant, that it is hard to believe she is just an early teen, and maybe that is a marketing thing?

Blind Item #18 - Grammy Awards

Dear Disgraced Producer's Former Wife,

Your actor boyfriend is cheating on you even when you are at the same party together.

Love & Bacon,


Blind Item #17 - Grammy Awards

Is this specifically about the Grammy Awards? No, but it is about music and part of the deal that the three named actress signed to return to a movie franchise is that she wants it to have a proper music soundtrack for the next installment and she wants to be in charge of it. I mean, she does have three gold singles to her credit, so she could do it.

Blind Item #16 - Grammy Awards

One of my spies said another spy I had at a party was really depressed because no one under the age of 45 knew who the spy was. She would introduce herself to up and coming stars and they had zero idea who she was.

Blind Item #15 - Grammy Awards

While her significant other was partying at a Grammy after party, this streaming real estate star was making it very clear she no longer considers them to be a couple. Making it very clear.

Blind Item #14 - Grammy Awards

Did the director know what the one named singer was going to say in her thank you speech? No, but the director had a very good idea which was why the director was ready to cut to the shot of the A+ list singer. IYKYK. 

Blind Item #13 - Grammy Awards

This former "rapper" turned A list actor was supposed to be part of the tribute to a musical genre last night. His partner was. Instead, he bailed, at the last minute, leaving producers scrambling and created more burned bridges.

Blind Item #12 - Grammy Awards

This foreign born alliterate singer has slept with multiple older men in her rise to the top. So, it wasn't a shocker to see her with her tongue in the ear of a music executive well more than twice her age. She needs some hits and he can get them for her.

Blind Items Revealed #5

February 1, 2023

If you want to be on the board at Disney, one of the best ways to make sure that doesn't happen is to be a billionaire and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on litigation against a small wedding planner business which will drive them into bankruptcy. Plus, everyone knows the litigation is likely to last longer than the actual marriage itself.

Nelson Peltz/Plan Design Events/Nicola Peltz & Brooklyn Beckham

Today's Blind Items - The Thief - Grammy Awards

This blind is not particularly hard, in fact it is super easy. I think that in light of events and records set last night, that perhaps we need to shine a light one more time on to the record holder, who is without a doubt, music's biggest thief in the last fifty years. There is a not a song that this singer has been given credit for, that she actually did any work on. None. Oh, you might have someone say the singer worked on a harmony or a line change or a word change, but that is just to give cover. Our singer's philosophy is that if she agrees to sing your song, then you are going to give her a songwriting credit. Because if she didn't agree to sing your song, then it would be unproduced and still sitting on your hard drive.

Her very very biggest songs are songs that are generally written by one person and then our singer came in an added herself and then wanted a 50% credit. If she wants to add herself to a list of songwriters that is 20 names deep, no one really cares. What about the times our singer straight up stole songs from writers and the writers didn't know they had their works stolen until the song showed up on an album or a single. Sometimes the writer gets a credit and sometimes they don't. Our singer is often taken to court when this happens and often wins because she has a massive purse and the broke songwriters suing her, do not. 

Is our singer alone in doing this? No. Is she the most blatant? Yes. has she admitted to stealing songs? Yes. Does she care? No. You know why? Because people don't care. They hand her out record number of awards. They do get back at her though. Those professional songwriters who stick up for each other. They will never ever vote for her to get one of the big two awards. That is the one thing they can do. Those two awards are the only ones not messed with by the Academy, so they know if they refuse en masse to vote for her, she will be denied the big awards.

Your Turn

 Have you been on a music cruise like Rock The Boat?

Blind Items Revealed #4

February 1, 2023

I guess when your husband has been charged with killing someone, there is still time to get that latest breast enhancement. 

Hilaria Baldwin/Alec Baldwin

Blind Items Revealed #3

February 1, 2023

Are they really pap photos for the reality star with the lucrative side gig, if you paid for the person to be at the beach with you and getting final approval of the shots submitted. So much thirst.

Kylie Jenner

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 27, 2023

This ousted morning anchor is cheating on his mistress/girlfriend.

T.J. Holmes/Amy Robach

Blind Item #11 - Grammy Awards

This alliterate former boy bander wasn't shy about his search for a threesome partner. It was super creepy though after awhile because he used the same line to each woman he approached. 

Blind Item #10 - Grammy Awards

The arch enemy of the Disney singer/actress mentioned in an earlier blind, seemed to find it very funny the singer/actress was suffering. Did she play a role in it?

Blind Items Revealed #1

January 27, 2023

For all the talk of "illegal" acts when it comes to securing the Oscar nomination for an actress, it was just gaming the system that was already in place. No nomination is going to be rescinded and extra names will not be added. No changes will be made to the process going forward.

Andrea Riseborough/To Leslie (and just as I told you, the nomination was not rescinded and no changes to the system were made)

Blind Item #9 - Grammy Awards

 This former Disney singer/actress was acting hammered when she got to an after party, but she insisted someone slipped something into a sparkling water which made her seem wasted.

Blind Item #8 - Grammy Awards

This A- list actress didn't want to answer questions about her injuries related to domestic violence, so pretended they didn't exist until after the evening ended.

Blind Item #7 - Grammy Awards

This one named DJ/racist went on a N word rant when a woman said she wasn't interested in him.

Blind Item #6 - Grammy Awards

 No, this is not about the new face of the permanent A list singer. People may have noticed it last night, but she has had that face for a few months. This is more about what people say are rehearsals that are awful for her upcoming show and that she is going to go broke trying to do this tour and thinks she will make a fortune from ticket sales. Not after they see the first show they won't.

Blind Item #5 - Grammy Awards

This foreign born alliterate singer did one performance during rehearsal that his label approved with a lot of reservations. They didn't approve what he ended up doing during the show. If he gets dropped by his label, he thinks it will be edgy. He will be broke and owe them a lot of money and should look to Boy George and his struggles to earn money (with a much bigger name and catalog). 

Blind Item #4 - Grammy Awards

This singer/songwriter has been nominated or 50+ Grammy Awards. He also was supposed to debut his new trans girlfriend last night but got scared. There was a LOT of buzz about it leading up to the show. It has been an open secret.

Blind Item #3 - Grammy Awards

This A+ list singer wasn't going to show up until she was assured she would win a big award. The producers are just rigging it anyway they can at this point to get people to watch.

Blind Item #2 - Grammy Awards

This foreign born A list singer was a big winner, but he almost called in sick and didn't want to be there and was a last second will he or won't he and will the 14 minute tribute from a different part of the show have to be extended to 23 minutes to make up for it. His performance showed he didn't want to be there too.

Blind Item #1 - Grammy Awards

 "You promised to not get drunk," is what the A list everything in her mind celebrity said to her husband.

Grammy Winners

 Record of the Year

“About Damn Time,” Lizzo

Album of the Year

“Harry’s House,” Harry Styles

Song of the Year

“Just Like That,” Bonnie Raitt, songwriter (Bonnie Raitt)

Best New Artist

Samara Joy

Best Pop Solo Performance

“Easy on Me,” Adele

Best Pop Duo/Group Performance

“Unholy,” Sam Smith and Kim Petras

Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album

“Higher,” Michael Bublé

Best Pop Vocal Album

“Harry’s House,” Harry Styles

Best Dance/Electronic Recording

“Break My Soul,” Beyoncé

Best Dance/Electronic Music Album

“Renaissance,” Beyoncé

Best Contemporary Instrumental Album

“Empire Central,” Snarky Puppy

Best Rock Performance

“Broken Horses,” Brandi Carlile

Best Metal Performance

“Degradation Rules,” Ozzy Osbourne featuring Tony Iommi

Best Rock Song

“Broken Horses,” Brandi Carlile, Phil Hanseroth and Tim Hanseroth, songwriters (Brandi Carlile)

Best Rock Album

“Patient Number 9,” Ozzy Osbourne

Best Alternative Music Performance

“Chaise Longue,” Wet Leg

Sunday, February 05, 2023

Blind Item #8

The foreign born A- list actress is an Oscar winner/nominee and is married for now. If she keeps sleeping with the abusive A list mostly movie actor who is working on his franchise right now, she won't be married for long.

Blind Item #7

Speaking of that brunch, this rapper named after a gun, almost died there and was lucky the event staff had Naloxone.

Blind Item #6

This very unique A- list model orally serviced a producer at an annual brunch party yesterday. 

Blind Item #5

There has been no word from this alliterate actress or the A list comic actor about whether their recent on screen kiss was fake/computer generated, as alleged. 

Blind Items Revealed #4

January 27, 2023

This foreign born very recent Oscar nominee is being called out by students in his high school for being a raging homophobic bully who would beat up gay classmates. 

Paul Mescal

Blind Items Revealed #3

January 27, 2023

This Teen Mom hid her entire pregnancy and hid the birth of a child all because she was the reason for the divorce and doesn't want to make it worse by letting the world know she got pregnant while the baby daddy was married.

Kailyn Lowry

Blind Items Revealed #2

January 27, 2023

The cleaning product actor has been taking meetings and has a brand new handler/trainer, so I'm sure he will land a role very soon.

Armie Hammer (and six days after this blind, we had the big interview to seal his return to Hollywood)

Blind Items Revealed #1 - Kindness

January 27, 2023

It is not often a television network is the entity doing a kindness. They usually only do things that pad the bottom line. This time though, they want to try and introduce multiple generations to one of the biggest stars of her day, and one of the funniest shows of all time. So, they are throwing her a birthday party as a thank you and don't expect to make any money doing so.

NBC/Carol Burnett

Blind Item #4

This retired NFL legend almost came out of the closet this past week. He just won't stray from the ridiculous story he has recited forever. He did add more to it though and it sounded like he met come come out, but he didn't.

Blind Item #3

I know everyone is jumping on the judge for not allowing another deposition of the father of the singer, but honestly, her lawyer should have stopped the first when it became clear what was going on. The way he handled it just made him look incompetent. 

Blind Item #2

Every celebrity this barely there celebrity/heir has dated has spent time in rehab. It was always after he dated them. This former cable actress was already headed that way, now it is a given.

Blind Item #1

Even the A list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner, knows a teenager is too young for him. He likes to be the dirty old man type, not a sex predator.