Monday, May 13, 2024

Today's Blind Items - She's Back

This foreign born celebrity used to be A list. Then, she got greedy and tried to do twofers by sending her underage female recruits all over the world to wealthy businessman, while also using the girls to smuggle coke. Many of her recruits were also the ones who would show up at "modeling competitions" which were nothing more than auction markets for the wealthy. She is back now and has been supplying only female recruits this time and no drugs that I know of, but her recruits are transported to areas used as rest and recreation for troops fighting in wars and other conflicts. Often times she is actually paid by the specific governments themselves which should also give her more protection against arrest. There are recruits who are legal but there are just as many who are not but have been given fake papers or the arriving countries just forget to look at the age in the passports.

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