Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Blind Item #3 - Fashion Week

This B list celebrity/designer was overheard telling her assistant at the conclusion of a show how everything they just saw was s**t, and that she had never seen anything worse and that the designer should kill themselves. Our celebrity then made directly for the designer and air kissed him while saying she had never seen anything better.


  1. Rachel Zoe?

    I was thinking Victoria Beckham, but assume she's an A-list celebrity.

  2. I fail to see how Zoe is still relevant. She's creepy weird, over the top fake. I read this as her too.

  3. Jess simpson but I think she's a C

  4. And, if you've ever watched her show, she is ALL ABOUT the air kiss.

  5. Every petty, insecure, self-important celebrity w/ delusions of being a designer at Fashion Week. Welcome to the Fashion Industry, daaaahlink!

  6. Agree with the Zoe guesses.

  7. That's how they all act. They are all fake, 2-faced, sex crazy people. This is anyone & everyone in the fashion world.

  8. i'm betting rachel zoe said that about her "friend" marc jacobs. stupid anorexic bitch. she wishes she had the talent marc has

  9. I heard Zoe was raving about Oscar De La Renta's show. Hope this isn't about that!!

  10. Back in the day I used to read Perez, and he always referred to her as Raisin Face. It still makes me laugh.

    1. Lol @Amber! I'm going to start thinking of her as that...I never understood how she looks SO old, considering her resources.

  11. @Ima - and she's ALWAYS looked old! Tanning & drugs/chain smoking, maybe?

  12. @Amber On her show, Zoe herself said that if she doesn't get enough sleep she looks like ET in the morning, complete with ruched eye bags. Ever since she said that, all I can see when I look at her is ET in a wig :)

  13. @Amber- IIRC it was Nicole Richie who called her raisin face first when they were on the outs and Perez took it and ran with it.

    My favorite nickname was always Cokate for Kate Moss.

  14. Ha! I had forgotten about Perez referring to her as Raisin Face! Thanks for that memory, Amber!

  15. Haha at Raisin Face.

  16. This screams Rachel Zoe! How bananas of her!

  17. Saying a person should kill themselves over a clothing collection is a vile thought, no? Methinks it's Rachel Zoe.

    I am shocked her show is coming back on Bravo.

  18. Why do people hire her as a stylist? Ugh.

  19. Rachel looks like ET PERIOD! She's wrinkly, old looking, fake, too skinny, and just a not-so-nice person so this totally fits! I feel bad for Roger and the little baby.

  20. I still love Michael K's nickname for her--El Chupacabre.

  21. Unfortunately, I would say that was totally normal at Fashion Week. That does sound like Rachel Zoe, the Olsens would probably be more discreet, and Jessica Simpson is nicer, Victoria would have more couth.

  22. Oh my god, you weren't kidding. Even Rachel Zoe's chest looks like E.T.'s chest. *shudder*

  23. Rachel Zoe is horrible. Jennifer Lawrence used to have great style, but ever since she hired Zoe, it's just been iffy

  24. Victoria Beckham does not trash anyone. The woman is a saint.

    Zoe is a horrid cunt.

  25. I agree it's Raisin Face Zoe. ET was kind of so ugly he was cute. I don't see anything cute about Zoe Especially her personality. And why would anyone hire a dried up old looking raisin face to dress them.

  26. It must burn her boney ass that she is on before Brad and his show is better than hers. Karma for Chupa!
