Tuesday, May 28, 2013

As I Lay Dying Singer Blames Steroids For Murder-For Hire Plot

The lead singer for As I Lay Dying is accused of trying to hire a man to kill his wife. His lawyers have stopped saying he didn't do it and now have switched to the idea that he did it because he has been abusing steroids and filled him with rage. Uh huh. His wife is so scared of him that she is in hiding despite the fact that he is in jail. It is interesting that the Christian metal singer not only tried to hire someone to kill his wife but is admitting to other illegal behavior but was out there probably telling the world that they should try and be perfect.


  1. So he doesn't have a name, he's just lead singer?

  2. Christian Metal? I blame steroids for making such a shitty band.

  3. christians aren't perfect, they're just forgiven. don't be hateful.

    1. @Cuz, did you just really say Christians are forgiven or did you mean forgiving? Because how many Hail Mary's does this dude have to do on the rosary beads to be "forgiven". Kinda curious.

    2. t.e. cruz
      cassandra kelly
      none of you knows what the fuck youre talking about

  4. But @TE Cruz, the point is that "Christian bands" ARE supposedly spreading the word and ostensibly being inspirational. So yes, when you set yourself up to BE an example, there's going to be some mockery when it turns out that you are, in fact, guilty of much MUCH worse than the average person.

  5. It's really too bad that someone held a gun to his head and forced him to do steroids.

  6. yes, i understand. a public figure is usually held to higher/different standards. i know every-day people that are much worse than he is. everyone has their issues. christianity, your walk with christ, can help with it but it can't make a person squeaky-clean-perfect. either way, sending him a prayer.

  7. @TECruz, I agree with you. Have never heard this guy's music, but I have no problem with him encouraging us to be our best selves, even though he clearly has major problems of his own.

    I wonder - completely without cynicism - if Muslim stars get the same treatment when they publicly violate the professed tenets of their faith.

    Or proudly Jewish stars, for that matter, such as Adam Sandler, Natalie Portman, Debra Messing or Mayim Bialik.

    1. Being a singer in a Christian Rock band is very different to being a Christian in a rock band. The Actors you named are all Jewish, but they don't star exclusively in movies preaching Jewish ethos, unlike Christian Rock songs do Christian beliefs.

    2. Exactly what Scott said. The artists mentioned do not target the ultra religious community directly with songs/movies professing how to live a moral life. They live their lives how they choose, but it steps into hypocrisy when someone is attempting to tell others how they should live. When they tell me how I should live, and then do not hold to their own standard, they are a hypocrit.

  8. The guy who smoked crack and beat someone to death in my city tried this excuse too. Funny how that time such a dumbass excuse never made it further than his immediate plea to Life Without Parole.

    "My choice to ingest illegal drugs caused this."

    Is this seriously an excuse that people contemplate b/c THIS guy using the drugs excuse THIS time has an iota of fame?

  9. Yeah, I don't think he's in danger of being "squeaky-clean-perfect." I think he's a dangerous man who belongs in jail for a long, long time.

    If he was truly walking with Christ, I think he would at some point remember that "Thou Shalt Not Kill" thing. From what I can recall from my childhood Bible studies, it was sort of a biggie.

    I'll be sending prayers to his wife.

  10. @Scott, point taken. You're saying that there's a big difference between people who hold a particular faith and those who spend their careers talking about said faith.

    Where does that leave someone like Tom Cruise? People despise him largely because they despise Scientology, but his films aren't really **about** Scientology. So he gets a pass?

  11. @Nutty, Tom Cruise so does not get a pass! Look at all the derision he gets here for espousing his $cientology beliefs. And for just being a delusional wacko in general. But the pseudo-religion just makes it that much more delicious.

  12. He is "appearing" to take responsibility for his actions by "confessing" to his drug use. Take it to church buddy, with your "apology". I've still managed to live all these years without physically harming anyone, killing anyone or plotting to kill anyone. Lock this trash away. He can pray in jail.

  13. Since he's already accepted Christ as his Saviour, he's already ahead of the curve. 2nd "career" as a prison minister commence!

    Steroids are such an odd drug choice to me. Your muscles get larger yet your skin gets worse and you can't reap the benefits of having a "hot bod" (for those who are into that look, personally I am not) because the steroids have rendered your wang as useless as a hammer made of feathers. You don't get high from 'roids, instead you get rage-y.

    Sign me up! Sign me up! (<-----sarcasm)

  14. You never hear the humanist rock bands pulling this shit.

  15. well, he isn't going to get many responses now on ChristianMingle.com

    1. timebob he is married you idiot

    2. Someone missed the joke Jeebus.

  16. Not that it's much of a surprise, by this guy CLEARLY does not do 'roids. I'm a gym-rat--my bf, his buddies, and perhaps even yours truly have done more than a few cycles. Dude does not have the body of someone that uses (and none of us have ever had issues with rage--of course, I'm also a huge pot head....the most violent thing I'm likely to do is rip open a bag of chips).

  17. Huh--previous post based on older pics of AILD singer. Recent pics indicate he could be cycling, he's beefed up quite a bit. My original assessment of his 'roid rage stands, however...all the guys I know that do heavy cycles are sweet as pie. :)

    1. majik because none of the steroid users you know get rages that means no steroid users get rages? nope doesnt work like that

  18. @sexy jesus go fuck jesus on a cross and fuck off. I was joking, and if you you think his wife is going to stay with him, you have been to one too many bible camps.

    Funny how the most devout are the most hateful. Jesus wasn't hateful he was peace and love. Take a clue.

  19. TE Cuz, if you are going around preaching that other people are going to hell because they aren't Christians, then take out a hit on your wife, you're going to get slammed. A bit hypocritical of you to tell us to back off when you, as a Christian, are commenting on a gossip site.

  20. Keep on trolling baby Jesus.

  21. Steroids (legal scrip) never made me want to kill anybody. Unless cheetohs count as people. Then, I'm in trouble. O_o

  22. Majik - that seems like a pretty recent picture to me considering he's in chains. Has he been arrested previously for taking out hits on other people?

    I'm sorry, but this guy looks pretty scrawny for a juicer - I think he's doing it wrong..

  23. Christian and metal do not go together!

  24. so being a christian gives you a free pass to be a horrible human being and commit any sin (ie, murder, cheat, rape, etc) because you will be forgiven. good thing our justice system doesn't work that way.

  25. No, it doesn't give you a free pass unless you change who you are starting at the heart. Jesus' words to the thieves being crucified beside him tell Christians that criminals can be forgiven if they are sincere. "Amazing Grace" was written by a slave trader whose gratitude for forgiveness after his shame and horror of terrible things he had done in his lifetime became one of Christianity's most beautiful hymns.
