Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Blind Items Revealed #5

September 12, 2018

Out at dinner last night, this permanent A list actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and a member of the hair club for men, spoke only in Russian to all the staff. No English. None of the staff understood a word he was saying. It was out of control.

Nicolas Cage


  1. my friend ran into him in a reptile pet shop once (naturally).

    1. Of course they did! I’m dead 😂

  2. no, they stole the snake out of his hands and ran out the door, never to be seen again

  3. Are they sure he wasn't just really drunk or strung out on drugs, I'm only seeing that he knows just a few Russian words.

  4. His Russian is terrible so I can't see this conversation going beyond 'privet, dosvedanya, comrad, vodka.' I call BS on it being out of control in any way.

  5. Are we sure this isn't him just trying out his Russian in a Russian restaurant, like people try out their Spanish in a Mexican restaurant?

  6. I mean, is anyone going to mention that he could just be playing a character? Maybe his latest sh*t movie requires him to speak Russian and now he's practicing? I want to believe he's as nuts as he seems too but in this case I think he's just method acting.

  7. @GingerSnap you nailed it. He's probably just prepping for a role. Isn't this what actors do? Good ones, anyway.

  8. I had a friend who sat near him while dining and said he had terrible scars on his face. He was probably with a Russian whore and trying to show off. He was so cute when he was young.
