Wednesday, December 27, 2006

My brother swore to me that there was internet access where we were skiing. Of course as you have guessed by now, he was wrong. I hope everyone had a great holiday. It was my plan to post yesterday and today, but technology just let me down, and my brother. So, tomorrow I will make it up to you.


  1. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Hope the skiing was great and looking forward to more of your blog!

  2. Anonymous10:10 PM

    He did it for the kids.

  3. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Don't be hatin' on your brother
    ENT L!

    Miss Helen Crump

  4. Anonymous12:02 AM

    The internet has been a barren wasteland for days, so you didn't miss much, though I've certainly missed you. I've been reduced to looking for cheap and meaningless thrills with Perez Hilton and nobody likes that!


  5. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Dano- You think you had it tough...I had to resort to internet dating while Ent L was gone..eeekkkk

  6. Anonymous7:20 AM

    No problem ENT BUT I did miss your blog!! Hope your holiday was wonderful!! ~Stacey

  7. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Hope you're having a great time skiing! Can't wait for your next post.

  8. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Dano--I feel you, although I haven't sunk to perez yet.

  9. Hey, EL, if you were skiing at the same Idaho resort as the Governator, you simply MUST tell us the truth about how he broke his leg!

  10. Anonymous9:24 PM

    We missed you. Hope you had a great time in the snow with yr bro.

    And I bet you're doing something really fun for New Year's Eve... let us live vicariously through you, pretty please?
