Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Golden Globes Part 3

Late Arrivals

While the bigger celebrities are walking the red carpet, the rest of the rest are drinking and chatting and gossiping. A lot of gossip.

Things overheard pertaining to the minions

Why is Emily Blunt dating Michael Buble?
Emily Blunt looks gorgeous
I love her dress.
Has David Spade hit on you yet?
Jennifer Hudson had some of that diva wear off on her.
She should enjoy it now.
If she wins, I think her head might explode.
America Ferrera is so nice.
I thought she would look different.
What happened to Vanessa Williams?
Has anyone ever seen hair like that?
How come John Stamos does not smile anymore?Vanessa Minnillo (never pronounced correctly) is gorgeous.
Where is Nick?

Who do you think Paris Hilton will try and sleep with tonight?


  1. I think Emily Blunt is SO BEAUTIFUL!

  2. Anonymous2:29 PM

    why the fuck was Vanessa there at ALL?

    She's NOBODY.

  3. Anonymous2:02 PM

    I have to agree with the previous post-why was Paris Hilton there?
