Wednesday, February 28, 2007

How Many Blind Items Will Be Revealed In This Book? aka Bruce Willis Paid $15,000 for Two Hours Of Sex

Between myself and every other gossip blogger there are probably several that will be able to be revealed when this book is actually published. Jody Gibson was not as well known as Heidi Fleiss, but had just as big of a clientele. Her new tell-all book would have done really well 7 years ago. Now, many of the clients are not really so relevant or are dead. HOWEVER, Bruce Willis is trying to do some splainin' and so are a few politicians. To read all about Bruce's orgy you can click here. The only one who is not running is Steve Jones who is a DJ here in LA and used to be in the Sex Pistols. He seems to be proud that he was with some of Ms. Gibson's girls.


  1. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Steve Jones would be proud of himself. He's always been a total slapper.

  2. Anonymous10:06 AM

    When I read articles like that I think - wow, how can they write that, he has 3 daughters, what if they see that - but then I think - hey, if you have 3 daughters you shouldn't be doing things like that which they will later find out about. Sorry Bruce, ultimately it's your own damn fault.

  3. I'm just scared that if I ever become famous that someone is going to root out all of my comments from the internet!!!!

  4. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Apparently TLaSorda's set to file suit.
    If Willis was single at the time, then he could 'do' whomever he wanted... as if a wife or kids ever stopped a John anyway. A guy either uses hookers or he doesn't. What else he does in his life has no bearing.

  5. Anonymous3:20 PM

    I think it's kind of sad to be punished for something that happened nearly 10 years ago. She should have kept quiet rather than hurt someone and embarass their family for a few bucks. Makes her even more loserish really.

  6. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Everyone should consider the source before believing what this lowlife has to write. Here is a tidbit about this low life author, while in prison she would take a shower and put on diry underwear. She will try and tell you that the prison only gives you one pair but the truth is that they give you 7. Very dirty woman a man should think twice before he pays this one for sex. She is a pathalogical liar and everyone she names in her rag should sue her!!!
