Wednesday, February 28, 2007

John Travolta Says Lots Of Running, Vitamins, And Sauna Sessions Would Have Saved ANS

I try and stay away from the Scientologists. They scare me. They really, really do. So it is with great hesitation that I make fun of anything they say. However, I think John Travolta has a screw loose if he thinks that the Scientologist program Narconon would have saved ANS. It involves running people. Lots and lots of running. Imagine if you will ANS running mile after mile. After the running you head for the sauna. After five minutes ANS would have complained how hot it was and how her dog's hair was all frizzy. Now of course it may be moot because ANS allegedly died of pneumonia. Of course if she had tried lots and lots of running and taken a steam or two, that probably would have made that all better also.


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Someone should ask him why Scientology could not save his hair so he now has to wear a wig.

  2. Girlfriend could not have run half a block in high heels....she could barely stand as it was.....

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    "Someone should ask him why Scientology could not save his hair so he now has to wear a wig."
    ...or why can't Scientology help their autistic son - who apparently is kept hidden away in their attic.

  4. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Not that I believe that $cio crap could have helped, but if he thinks it would have, why didn't he reach out and offer BEFORE she died?

  5. I think its funny that someone who was so "out of it" like Anna Nicole wasn't a member of that cult, and some of the more "sane" people in Hollywood are members. What is the world coming to? I love how they all just come out of the wood work after she died and talk about how they could have saved her. Damn I think there are Fables about people like that.

  6. Anonymous12:16 PM

    A woman in the Scientology church tried to recruit my ex-fiancee when he began working at the same shady insurance company for high risk drivers in Hollywood as her (be careful its run by that church). She gave him all this literature on how you should take the "high moral road" and try to do good to all people, then they had an affair.
    When I found out I dumped his ass and now know that that cult wants booty as well as all your money.

  7. What nonsense.

    ANS was one of those people who had such an addictive personality, that if she had been left on a desert island with only a coconut tree, she'd have figured out a way to make coconut martinis.

  8. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Scientologists scare me.

  9. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Did JT learn nothing from TC's antics last year? Sure, it included only in small part TC's views re 'healthy lifestyle' but as a whole, his career took a big hit. TC's only good for the gossip pages; the general public doesn't want to see his work anymore.
    Zealots of all kinds scare the cr*p out of me.

  10. john Travolta has the biggest ego I have EVER seen. I remember on Oprah (oy) when he related a story about (and I'm paraphrasing) having his car have a flat in some neighborhood. Some guy came out of his house to basically fix his tire and all John could think of to repay him was to let the guy GET A PHOTO WITH HIM. What an ass.

    That being said he delivers these little anecdotes and drops of wisdom with the most pleasant air I have ever seen.

    It makes my head hurt, really. Him and Paris Bacteria...


  11. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Dear ENT LAWYER,

    What it does involve is getting your heart pumping and good blood circulation going, if it means miles and miles that's because that's how fit you are. ANS would no doubt get her heart pumping with a bit less...

    Narconon's success rate is running at some 80%. If ANA wanted to get off drugs she's very likely to have done so at Narconon.

    The scariest part of Scientology is that it works. So if you are someone who prefer that people stay "down and out" then you should be very afraid. Worldwide adoption is at an all time high and you have to work really hard to keep people down.

    The truth of it is that people have seen too many lies, seen nothing that really does what it claims and the idea of something working at the level Scientology does is scary.

    The question to ask is How honest do you dare to be with yourself? What others think is not really important if you don't like yourself, you'll just remain miserable.
