Monday, March 26, 2007

Britney Britney Britney

While everyone else was having a normal weekend, let's take a look at Britney's weekend. Below is Friday night when she went to an advance dance class. Obviously that's big news as the swarm of photographers can attest to.

Saturday night, the soon to be ex was with his ex and a bunch of kids in Vegas for K-Fed's birthday. I guess Shar must have made him shower and put on clothes that fit because he looks good.
Meanwhile, back in LA, Britney went to the hair salon with her cousin which was also huge news. I don't really like this look for her.

Then of course you had Britney being rushed to the hospital like she was dying. Now, I did have a wisdom tooth that was bothering me a few weeks ago and I did the same thing Britney did. I waited until the dentist was open. I actually think she looks really good in this photo. And that dentist is going to get quite a show when she is leaning back with her mouth open. Anyway, I digress.


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I wish she would go away for a long time. I really don't want to read about people who have everything going for them but can't handle it and keep screwing it up time after time.
    I don't want to see a comeback from her, Whitney Houston or any other loser who blew it.
    Record companies need to cut them loose and invest the money into new artists. Britney produces junk anyway. I wonder if she screwed for tracks like Joss Stone and Xtina?

  2. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Thought she was yr boo....

  3. Anonymous11:10 AM

    The previous EL wouldn't even comment on dumb ass shit like this....who are you anyways? and what did you do with the real EL?

  4. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I think Ent's a bit bitter since he got played over the whole "rehab" thing. He thought he had a loyal, reliable source/contact in Brit-Brit's camp, but they lied to him, just like they did to everyone.

    You know it must have been a tad bit embarrassing for him, esp. since he was known to be "on the inside" with info about her. His credibility was questioned by everyone here, and that would definitely lead to some harsh feelings on his part towards the Britney camp.

    Of course, I'm just armchair psychoanalyzing here, so feel free to come up w/your own theories.

  5. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I agree with anon 9:35 am. Invest in ppl with real talent not empty headed puppets.. I miss when music was real..


  6. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Britney will go back to her old ways. wait and see. going down Anna Nicole way.

  7. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Britney will go back to her old ways. wait and see. going down Anna Nicole way.

  8. Anonymous5:16 PM

    "I wish she would go away for a long time. I really don't want to read about people who have everything going for them but can't handle it and keep screwing it up time after time."

    i feel the same way about people who post as "anonymous".
    get a back-bone people. and for god's sake, this site is for fun.

    love ya, ent!

  9. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Dou you think she needed pain medication? And do you think they gave it to her?
