Thursday, March 15, 2007

CSI- Blind Item

In case you are ever wondering how a blind item comes to be, yesterday's is a good example of what is involved. Rarely is it someone coming up to you and saying I just saw so and so doing strange things to a horse. They are usually more circumspect than that.

At dinner on Tuesday night, AP got a text about the C list actor which said something to the effect of, "you remember that guy who hated ________ in ___________. He is sitting on a couch just about having sex with two girls." It went on to describe some more details and the fact that the writer thought he was old and gross, but it was not necessary for the blind item.

Now, I know the person AP got the text from and that person has been known to have 1 or 10 or 20 drinks in a night. So, in this case, the text is just a starting point. She may very well have her movies confused, especially if there are tons of movies with the same guy or he plays the same type of character.

So, I check to see if that individual was where he was alleged to be. This is not as easy as checking Getty and WireImage, etc. Celebrities only do red carpets if they want to, and if there are no inside photos and they chose not to do the red carpet, then you better hope someone else was at that party that you know. In this instance I actually did know someone who was at the party and he had seen the same thing.


  1. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Why am I thinking James Caan for this one .... no idea where he was the night in question but some of the word clues just make me think of him (about the horse ... he was on the rodeo circuit for nine years - go know!), he's definitely older ....

    Dunno. Just makes me think of him. And not in a good way, I might add...

  2. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Adam Sandler plays the same kind of character in his movies, he's C list.

  3. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Chris McDonald hated Adam Sandler in Happy Gilmore... and hes creepy

  4. Anonymous10:59 AM

    William Shatner?

  5. that new movie Adam Sandler is going to be in....I didn't recognize him at first with his long hair.

  6. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Which film premiered in LA on Tuesday night?

  7. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Brendalove, he looks like Bob Dylan, huh?

  8. Anonymous5:21 PM

    dorothy, I thought that too!
