Friday, March 23, 2007

Hey, It's Not Child Molestation When It's My Nephew

Hey. At least Michael isn't clutching at his nephew's hair. Hey Tito. Did you approve of these photos?


  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    The newphew sent my Gaydar off the charts. That whole scene is real creepy. Wonder who the photographer was?

  2. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Everyone particpating in this photo shoot should be thrown in jail.

  3. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Everyone particpating in this photo shoot should be thrown in jail.

  4. WTF? Just when I think Michael Jackson couldn't get any creepier.

  5. Anonymous9:29 AM

    That entire family is screwed up, I'm sorry, but that's how I see it. What the fizuk is that? and why does he appear to have a hard on? the nephew, you know Michael had one, with what little he's got to work with.......

  6. Anonymous9:53 AM


  7. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Please tell me this isn't real and that it's photoshopped.

  8. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Even if this is fake you know Jackson has already saved the photos this morning. He needs them for "research".

  9. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I saw this photo years ago. The article that went with it said Michael took a special interest in his nephews. Some weird stuff went down.
    Wouldn't you like to know what really went down as the Jackson family grew up? It would probably make the Mommie Dearest movie seem like an episode of Leave it to Beaver.

  10. Anonymous12:46 PM


    I really wish Ent would not take MediaTakeout's stories seriously.
    Those photos r old, from the BLACK AND WHITE video Taj was in.....remember Taj from 3T? I must be sad coz i do they were big in uk for a bit.
    They had to be topless for the morphing bit.
    Also on the original sleeve for 3T's album Taj is FULLY DRESSED standing next to Michael and his 2 brothers in it too.


    MediaTakeout makes up a lot of stuff Ent.

    MJ wore that same shyt outfit in 'remember the time' video wid naomi.

  11. Who's the female impersonator with the guy wearing a nappy? Oh wait, that's Michael Jackson. Whoops.

  12. Anonymous3:28 PM

    This picture makes my skin crawl, real or not. eewwwww

  13. Anonymous4:03 PM

    there does seem to be a little tent action with the nekkid guy.
    i'm nauseous. bleck.

  14. Definitely creepy, but odd how a half-naked niece/aunt pairing (as in so many Vanity Fair spreads) wouldn't raise an eyebrow.

  15. That is so disgusting and gross it makes my skin crawl. Men who prefer boys between the ages of 10-16 who act like girls. FILTHY

    That is one messed up family, and obviously MJ was sexually molested as a child. The whole 'i never got a childhood so I still act like a kid' is horseshit.

    Lots of people didn't get childhoods, they don't invite always 10 year old boys for sleepovers and sleep in the same bed.

    If he cared about KIDS so much, why was it always A BOY, because he's a predator who prefers boys & like most predators works his entire life around being able to get next to them.
