Thursday, March 15, 2007

It Is Not Exactly The Fight I Imagined aka Be Nice To Ryan Seacrest Day

All my months of planning came down to this. Ryan Seacrest of American Idol vs. Andrew G of Australian Idol. I just knew Andrew could take out Ryan and be the Idol host boxing champion. However, it was just not to be. With both hosts at the Playboy mansion two weeks ago, I knew that the fight needed to happen then. Andrew G just got engaged and so would probably not be allowed to fight anymore or for that matter go to the Playboy mansion for much longer either. James Mathison the other Australian Idol host and the glue of punisherz set up the fight and agreed to provoke Ryan into taking a swing at Andrew. Hopefully Andrew would be able to bob and weave and then knock Ryan flat on his ass. BUT, it was not to be. Ryan was quicker than everyone imagined and neatly sidestepped James when James tried to trip Ryan. Seacrest went in for the punch and as James took the photo you can clearly see that Andrew was more concerned with looking good than actually wanting to fight. I expect that from Ryan but definitely not from Andrew. Of course if my fiancee' looked like Noa Tishby, I would make sure to never give her a reason to leave also.

Thanks to my buddies James and Andrew from Australian Idol and yes, even to Ryan for agreeing to play along. It actually looks like Ryan has punched someone before and seems to enjoy fighting way more than you would have imagined. I guess I need to be nice to Ryan for awhile. I would be even nicer if he could send a few tickets to American Idol this way so I can give them away to those of you who would love to see his boxing skills in person. Thanks also to Hugh Hefner who allowed the fight in his house. I am told he even got a little stiffy, which his bathrobe didn't quite hide. Congratulations again to Andrew and Noa. James, you should always get tickets before reserving the hotel rooms and buying the airline tickets.


  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

    My first thought on seeing the photo was, "Why is Ryan Seacrest trying to punch out C.C. DeVille?"

  2. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Oh I just love our Aussie Idol boys!! More James than Andrew but they make a good duo together and bounce funny comments off each other. Andrew would be too worried about ruining his hair to get into a fight with Ryan LMAO

    Have you ever visited Australia EL? You really should if you haven't been over here. :)

  3. Is that your first exclusive photo ent?!!!

  4. That is solid gold. I knew G & Jimbo had a big weekend, but this is really good. I so wish I could've seen that.

  5. I got into a fight with Seacrest?
    Damn. Must have been a big night...
    I feel icky from swimming in the grotto.

    xx aa
